Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1685 I am the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven

"What? What? What are you barking at?"

Ling'er suddenly became energetic, pinched her waist with one hand, put the other hand by her ear, leaned forward slightly, and once again looked like she didn't hear clearly.

"Little girl, what are you barking at?"

Xu Lang shouted at the top of his lungs.

"What? What? What are you barking at?"

Ling'er said she didn't understand.

"Little girl, what kind of monster are you? You can only bark. I can't understand what you are barking at! Can you speak human language?"

Xu Lang said that he didn't understand what the little girl was saying, and he mocked her.

"What? What? What are you barking at?"

Ling'er still said she didn't understand.

"It's over, it's over. If you keep barking, you will be punished."

Xu Lang straightened up, shook his head and sighed, expressing his deep regret for Ling'er.

"What? What? What are you barking at?"

Ling'er still didn't understand.

"It's over, it's over. In broad daylight, there are actually dog ​​demons running rampant in the streets. No one dares to take action to protect heaven. Where have all the monks like us died? It's really that the world is declining and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be!"

Xu Lang beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"What? What? What are you barking at?"

Ling'er still said that he didn't understand.

"You, you, you, the three of you are all true immortals in the immortal realm. You actually allowed the dog demon to run rampant. As immortals, you did not eliminate the demons and defend the way. You supported justice and contributed to the immortality of our immortal way. I, my son, have nothing to do with you. It’s so disappointing!”

Xu Lang turned his eyes and pointed at the three True Immortal Realm monks one after another, beating his chest and feet, hating them for not fighting and being angry for not mourning!


The three True Immortal Realm monks looked confused, we were just watching the show!

The other monks also looked confused.

What do you mean by letting us little monks deal with this little girl that even the most powerful wolves dare not deal with?

Of course, they dared not speak out in anger. After all, the evil wolf did not dare to deal with the little girl, but he dared to kill them at will.

Even though this is Fuchun City, the use of force is not allowed!

However, seeing the little girl make the evil wolf so angry and leaving him unable to do anything, this made the monks and mortals watching feel very relieved.

It’s so refreshing!

It’s more relaxing than seeing Princess Fuhan beating up the wolf!

"What? What? What are you barking at?"

Ling'er still looked like she didn't understand.

"Little girl, I want to uphold justice, contribute to the immortality of my immortal path, contribute to the righteous path of my Xuanwu Star Territory, and rectify the name of Young Master Xu Lang of the Light Shaking Holy Land for me... and for me! "

Xu Lang said eloquently.

"Come on, fool."

Ling'er changed her attitude, her little face instantly turned serious, and she made a fist start.

"I am the only one in heaven and on earth who possesses great supernatural powers!"

Xu Lang shouted loudly and stood on top of the chariot. He held his waist with his right hand and pointed to the sky with his left hand. His expression was serious and solemn.

"Since ancient times, monks have all been useless, but I...I, my father, my mother, and my sister are the only ones who are geniuses."

Ling'er changed his fist posture and assumed a fist posture that was no less than that of Xu Lang's.

"Poof! Ah ha ha ha..."


The monks who were watching couldn't help but laugh. They really couldn't help it, and because they were too uncomfortable to hold it in, this smile was like laughing up to the sky.

They really thought it was too funny. The notorious wolf actually got into a quarrel with a little girl in broad daylight and in public. This was something that had never happened before!

"This... little princess, let's... go back?"

The eight Fuchunlou Immortal King Realm experts who were responsible for following the little sisters and others finally couldn't bear it anymore and no longer worried about being punished for spoiling Ling'er's interest.

If Ling'er and Xu Lang continue to watch this, I'm afraid this matter will spread throughout the entire Central Continent in a few days, and then... Master Yi will probably skin them!

After all, this is just a scandal.

However, one is the crown prince of the Shaking Light Holy Land, and the other is the daughter of that mysterious existence!

This will definitely become a topic of conversation for the powerful people in Mid-Continent in their spare time!

"Don't disturb this princess from suppressing fools. Otherwise, I will suppress you too."

Ling'er didn't look back, still maintaining his fist posture, with a serious look on his face, staring at Xu Lang on the chariot for a moment.

"As the Lord of the heavens, I shall suppress all those who disobey."

Xu Lang put down his hands and put them behind his back. He looked at Ling'er with an attitude of looking down at the world and said.

"I am the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, and I follow my words. The spirit of heaven obeys my command and beats that fool into smoke."

Ling'er also put away her fists, stood proudly, and followed her words as she spoke.

The monks onlookers laughed even more heartily. The more these two guys talked, the more out of tune they became. We are all monks, so what's the use of saying these unrealistic things?

Xu Lang's twenty-six peerless strong bodyguards at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm watched with gusto.

Although they know that their young master is a bit naive by nature, they rarely see him, but today, it can be said that they had a great time watching him all at once!

The eight Fuchunlou elders who followed the little sisters and others were almost crying. Why didn't this little girl know how to think about them?

"I am..."

Xu Lang still looked down on the people and spoke solemnly.

But this time, he was interrupted after he said two words. Just when he wanted to yell angrily, he realized something was wrong.


What interrupted Xu Lang's words was the sound of thunder from the sky.

The originally clear sky was now filled with thunderclouds. Moreover, it was not covered with clouds, but... clouds of fire!

"This is?"

Xu Lang was stunned and didn't understand why the sky suddenly changed.

As a master at the pinnacle level of the Golden Immortal Realm and a genius, it is impossible for him not to be able to sense the slightest change in the world, but he just didn't notice anything was wrong at all!





Suddenly, streaks of flame-like lightning struck down, as if they could burn everything and kill everything.

"I...my damn..."

Xu Lang, who was originally full of doubts, was instantly horrified and dumbfounded. He was dumbfounded, really dumbfounded.

The only time in my life and the first time I was truly dumbfounded!


"Bang bang..."

One after another, flames and lightning struck Xu Lang.

Xu Lang only felt that life was hopeless.

All this... came too suddenly!

All this... is incredible!

Who is Xu Lang?

The Crown Prince of the Holy Land of Shaking Light!

A rare talent from ancient times!

But...why was he inexplicably favored by God? Moreover... this method of care... is different from the past!

It was so irritating that Xu Lang felt that God must have changed the team. This may be the legendary... three things that make a new official take office!

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