Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1686 We are sensible!

"It's... it's smoking! It's really smoking!"

"My dear mother! What is going on? Why...why did God really make the evil wolf...burn and smoke?"

"Hey, ancestor! God has finally opened his eyes! He finally punished the evil wolf!"

"The sky has eyes! I... I want to go home and worship God, and thank him for punishing the evil wolf with that magic stick for us!"

"Yes, yes, let's go home and worship God!"

Seeing Xu Lang being hit by eighteen flaming lightnings one after another without moving at all to dodge, the monks onlookers burst into tears.

Especially those mortals cried heartbreakingly.

too difficult!

It was really difficult for them. After waiting for nearly two hundred years, and even several generations of mortals, they finally saw God opening his eyes to punish the evil wolf!

For a time, most of the mortals left. Since God had already punished the evil wolf, they had nothing to be unwilling to do. There was nothing interesting about the excitement. The most important thing at the moment was to go home and make offerings to God.

"I... damn it!"

Xu Lang was dumbfounded, but he didn't yell, let alone yell at the sky.

God has changed his duties!

The new Grand Master Qingtian obviously doesn't think highly of him. Of course he won't be stupid enough to point at God and yell at him. He doesn't want to be abandoned by God directly.

Who is Xu Lang?

The Crown Prince of the Holy Land of Light, a genius, the most handsome man in the Central Continent!

If he loses his status as a genius, even if he is still the crown prince of Yaoguang Holy Land, it will make Xu Lang feel that something is missing. After all, no one wants to become a waste, especially from a genius to a waste, which is tantamount to losing. everything.


Lin Momo was a little angry. The little girl Ling'er was so ignorant. Since she was using her father's name to command the spirit of heaven, this was really nonsense!

"elder sister."

Ling'er hurriedly ran over and grabbed Lin Momo's little hand, shaking it from side to side, acting cute and coquettish.

"It's no use. I will definitely tell my father...no, tell my mother. See if she doesn't spank you."

Lin Momo's face was serious and upright, and she firmly stated that there was no room for favoritism and bending the law here.

"Sister is the worst!"

Ling'er let go of Lin Momo's little hand and said angrily.


Lin Momo snorted and became more and more determined that she would never let Ling'er go easily this time.

If not, from now on Ling'er will act coquettishly and act cute, and she will be captured. Her majesty as a sister will be lost, won't it?

At this moment, the eight Immortal King Realm elders in Fuchun Tower were frightened, and the twenty-six guards of Xu Lang over there were also dumbfounded.

The monks and mortals onlookers believed that the eighteen flaming lightning bolts were just God's punishment for Xu Lang, but as powerful men in the Immortal King Realm, how could they believe that God would punish a genius like Xu Lang?

What is a natural talent?

As the name suggests, he is a peerless genius who is favored by God!

Since God will not punish Xu Lang, now it suddenly rains down thunder and punishment, and it is also fire and lightning that has never been seen or heard before. Think about what Ling'er said before.

As the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, I follow the law as I say, and the spirit of heaven obeys my orders!

This... is incredible!

What is heaven? What is the emperor?

The Lord of all spirits is the Emperor! The Lord of all emperors is Heaven!

What is the Emperor of Heaven?

Couldn't that be...the Lord of the Heavens? !

This news was so heavy that even though they were powerful people in the Immortal King Realm, they felt like they were starting to lose their breath.

O Lord of the heavens! What a presence that is!

Not to mention them, not to mention the Twelve Immortal Sects, not to mention the Xuanwu Star Territory, not to mention the first level of heaven, even the immortal saints and supreme beings in the second level of heaven will have to be beaten to pieces and become the ones who are beaten. What a dead dog!

"Everyone, there are some things that you just know and cannot explain, but don't be confused."

Lingxiao said lightly.

Although she and the six sisters had been watching and had not intervened since their confrontation with Xu Lang, they could clearly see the reactions of those powerful Immortal King Realm warriors.

The seven sisters didn't know Lin Nan's specific realm and true identity, but they knew that Lin Nan could command the spirit of the sky. They didn't say anything else, except that they had not seen it with their own eyes in Beidou City before, but they couldn't hear it after leaving the secret realm of mountains and rivers. Few people have said it.

So now that they saw Ling'er God yelling, the spirit of the sky sent down thunder to punish Xu Lang, and then looking at the changes in the expressions of those powerful people in the Immortal King Realm, the seven sisters also knew what they were thinking.

Although just using Lin Nan's name can command the spirits of the sky, this fact can make the entire Central Continent bow at the feet of Lin Nan, but since Lin Nan did not use this as an excuse, it means that Lin Nan is too lazy to use this identity to speak out. I just want to wander around the Central Continent. It’s best if no one causes trouble. Naturally, I’m not afraid of people causing trouble.

Therefore, Lingxiao had no choice but to dare these thirty-four Immortal King Realm experts.

"Don't worry, Fairy, I'll be careful!"

All the kings bowed together and said in unison.

This scene puzzled the monks who were watching, as well as some mortals who had not yet left.

But before they could discuss, thirty-four Immortal King Realm experts used their great powers to wipe out all the memories of the monks and mortals after Ling'er said those words. They only remembered that the evil wolf was punished by God. Ichiban.

Even those mortals who have long since departed cannot avoid the ending of having their memories erased.

"Okay, let's go to the residence arranged by Master Yi. I don't know why my father recruited Master Yi here, and I don't know when my father and mother will be able to walk to the residence. But Ling'er, you'd better stay calm. If there is any trouble on the way again, , I won’t spare you anymore.”

Lin Momo knew everything about what those powerful people in the Immortal King Realm were doing, but she didn't mind. However, she was extremely concerned about what Ling'er did.

"Okay, okay, Ling'er must obey my sister's words on the way and won't mess around anymore."

When Ling'er heard this, she immediately understood that Lin Momo would never tell Liu Ruqing what had just happened. She immediately beamed with joy, held her head high, and patted her chest in assurance.

"Hey, little girl, don't go!"

Xu Lang finally came to his senses and realized that he was not punished because God had changed his duties, but because of Ling'er's words, "I am the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven." This made Xu Lang very unhappy.

Who is Xu Lang?

The Crown Prince of the Holy Land of Shaking Light! What a genius! The number one dude in the Xuanwu Star Territory!

How could he allow others to be more prominent than him?

But when the little girl looked at him, Xu Lang was instantly frightened and hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Little girl, walk slowly, walk slowly, I won't see you off!"

"Idiot, what are you barking at?"

Ling'er asked with confusion on his face.

"You... I want you to get out!"

Xu Lang was stunned for a moment, then said angrily.

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