Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1688 Come to declare a challenge

"What? You still want to fight with me? But let me explain in advance that my natal immortal treasure of Guanghan Palace has now become my natal semi-sacred weapon. Even if you two have unparalleled magical powers, you can't do anything to me. If this offends the Lord, you two may be slapped to death."

Yue Shi smiled. Although Xiaoyue and Xiaoyue were both half-step immortal saints, she knew that they did not have semi-sacred weapons or holy weapons in their hands, so she was not afraid of them at all.

Moreover, with Lin Nan's contribution to nature, even if he has gone to Fuchun City now, he will definitely be able to instantly kill Xiaoyue and the two who are far away in Jieyin City.

"What about him?"

Xiaoyue still frowned.

She naturally knows about Yue Shi, who is famous in the Eastern Continent and the Guanghan Palace Ancestor who has been famous for millions of years in the Central Continent. Even though she has not deliberately inquired about it and has never seen Yue Shi, in the end Still heard about it.

Moreover, her place of residence on Dongda Road, Xiaoyue City, is within the jurisdiction of Guanghan Palace.

So she also knew that Yue Shi's talent was no worse than hers, or even better than hers, because Yue Shi ascended from the lower world and was not knocked down from the upper world like her!

She had naturally heard about Yue Shi following Lin Nan, but even so, she still didn't have much attachment to Lin Nan. After all, she was once a well-deserved princess of a supreme holy sect, and her talents were amazing. No one can make her truly worship her willingly, even if that person is someone who has come down from a higher heaven than the second heaven!

"My Lord just destroyed the Beidou Palace and killed two half-step immortal saints who came down from the second heaven. I have just arrived at Fuchun City, and you should be playing in Fuchun City now. If you are anxious to see my Lord, We can rush directly to Fuchun City."

Yue Shi smiled.

She rarely smiles to people, but she has smiled a lot today, but she feels she can still smile a little longer.

Because she knew Xiaoyue's identity, and it was Lin Nan who belonged to her.

Moreover, she had learned from Lin Nan that the Moon Palace, the predecessor of her Guanghan Palace, was knocked down from the ninth level. The stronger one stayed in the second level to take root, and the other one had The team composed of genius disciples went directly to the ten places in the lower world.

The Moon Alliance where Xiaoyue is located was founded by the group of monks who stayed in the second heaven of the Moon Palace.

Therefore, she, Xiaoyue, and Xiaoyue's senior brother Wu Mu are considered to be brothers and sisters of the same faction. However, it is a bit troublesome to calculate the seniority. After all, too long has passed.

When she was in the lower realm, she only received the inheritance of the Moon Palace by chance. She used to be a god who blocked the killing god, and the Buddha blocked the evil star that killed the Buddha. In essence, she had nothing to do with the Moon Palace.

But as long as there are people walking together, and they are two half-step immortal saints who can kill the enemy, with Lin Nan here, they are not afraid of Xiaoyue and Wu Mu causing trouble.


Xiaoyue and Wu Mu were both frightened.

Destroy Beidou Palace!

Kill two half-step immortal saints who came down from the second heaven? !

This... is a bit unreasonable! Aren't you afraid of being attacked by a group of Immortal Saints from the Red Star Region in the second level?

Is it possible that, as Yue Shi said, even if all the supreme immortal saints from the second heaven come, there is nothing they can do to stop Lin Nan?

You must know that the second heaven is wider than the first heaven. The Xuanwu Star Territory is only a small area in the first heaven. However, the Red Star Territory’s status in the second heaven is different from that of the Xuanwu Star Territory in the first heaven. The status of heaven is the same.

In the vast sky, who knows how many immortal saints there are? Who knows if there are people like Lin Nan who have come down from higher heavens?

No matter how you look at it, Lin Nan is extremely arrogant by going to war in such a big way, and no matter how you look at it, it will not end well!

"My Lord is not a reckless person. If you two are afraid, you can go and ask for mercy from the Lord. If the Lord refuses, I will let you go free. After all, in the eyes of the Lord, a half-step immortal saint is not as good as an ordinary monk." We see the same thing.”

Yue Shi spoke again.

"Senior brother and I are going to Fuchun City now, what about you?"

Xiaoyue thought for a moment and felt that she had to go to Lin Nan and ask him to find out what he wanted to do. Otherwise, it would be extremely unwise to follow him to die inexplicably.

She was not afraid that Lin Nan would kill her and Wu Mu, because if Lin Nan wanted to kill her, he could have killed her as early as in the Eastern Continent.

"You two can go alone. We'll just stay in Jieyin City and wait for the Lord to come back. I heard from the Lord that there seems to be a big battle in the Black Abyss Ancient Battlefield."

Yue Shi said.


Xiaoyue and Wu Mu looked at each other. The Black Abyss Ancient Battlefield was said to be an ancient battlefield, but to them it was not very ancient. When they passed by, the evil domain that once existed had also begun to collapse. How could it be possible in a place like this? Will there be a big war? And it’s still the war that Lin Nan talks about!


Lin Nan was not in a good mood, and Liu Ruqing was not in a good mood either. The couple had just prepared to go to Wushan together when someone came.

This person is very arrogant.

He is a half-step immortal saint!

But there is a talisman on his head, which is a peerless talisman that can withstand the full blow of the Supreme Immortal Saint in the late stage!

"The little bastard from Wanshi Sect?"

Lin Nan's face was gloomy, and his tone was extremely unkind, losing his usual calmness.

"Your grandfather, I am the Immortal Saint of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones in the Upper Realm. You ant, keep your mouth clean, otherwise don't blame your grandfather for being ruthless and slapping you two bitches to death."

The half-step immortal saint was very arrogant and arrogant.

who is he?

A talented disciple of the Second Heavenly Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land!

Now he has a peerless talisman on his head. Even if he knows that Lin Nan killed two half-step immortal saints from the Celestial Clan, how can he be afraid of Lin Nan because of this?

"Damn it, I have the property of attracting garbage. No matter where I go, things like you will jump out and seek death in a short period of time!"

Lin Nan was really angry.

However, he was not in a hurry to take action. He wanted to see what kind of movement this grasshopper wanted to make.

Lin Nan didn't take the ant's insults and taunts seriously. He just let him taunt him. In short, he would slap him to death in the end.

"You are a very arrogant native. Do you think that after destroying the Beidou Palace and killing the two trash from the Celestial Clan, you are truly invincible? Grandpa is here to declare a challenge today. Three days later, Wanshi Sect will meet , my third elder wants to manifest into the world and kill you, this native, with his own hands."

The Half-Step Immortal Saint had his toes high and his nostrils turned upward. He didn't take Lin Nan seriously at all.

What a joke, with the peerless talisman on his head, even if a supreme being from the late stage of the Immortal Saint Realm could hit him with all his strength, he would not be able to kill him. He would be taken back to the second heaven and the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones by that talisman.

How could a mere ant native from the lower realms in Linnan be qualified to look him in the eyes?

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