Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1689 Not a wise move

Lin Nan smiled and then took action.

Just by pointing a finger, a white light shot out, and the holy talisman on the head of the half-step immortal saint lost its effectiveness and turned directly into fly ash.

The half-step Immortal Saint was also directly knocked down. He became a monk in the early stage of the True Immortal Realm, and he will never be able to recover. Let alone the Immortal Saint, even if he is the same as the Emperor of Heaven, he still has to withstand enough Only with the karma of this half-step immortal saint can the state of this half-step immortal saint be restored.

Lin Nan was easy to talk to, but he only limited himself to his wife and his two daughters. The rest of them were dispensable in his eyes. They disturbed his and Liu Ruqing's good mood and dared to curse. Now Having already explained his purpose of coming, how could Lin Nan still let that half-step immortal saint continue to be rampant?

He was just a half-step immortal saint. In Lin Nan's eyes, he was no different from an ant. He could kill him with a snap of his fingers.

The reason why I just knocked down the realm is to let this extremely arrogant monk understand that he can not only kill the half-step immortal saint, but also deprive the half-step immortal saint of everything, so that this monk can never return to the second heaven. Living in this world, he suffered a lot of torture, and finally collapsed, his Taoist mind was distracted and he died.

As the only Emperor of Heaven in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Lin Nan is always the most proficient in anything, and the same goes for torturing people.

"You...you...how is that possible!"

The half-step immortal saint who was still arrogant a moment ago and felt that Lin Nan had nothing to do with him smashed the talisman with one finger, knocked down his realm, and clearly let him know that he would never be able to make any progress in eternity. The eternal inability to return to the second heaven caused him to collapse.

He instantly collapsed on the ground, his mind going blank.

From a high-ranking half-step immortal saint, he was reduced to a monk in the early stage of the true immortal realm in the blink of an eye. Not to mention him, even anyone else would not be able to withstand the blow.

True Immortal Realm monks are invincible among the ten places, but they can only be regarded as the bottom monks above Nine Heavens. You can meet higher level monks just walking on the road.

Even if he was a half-step immortal saint and could be invincible in the true fairyland, he was only invincible in the true fairyland. A random golden fairyland monk or a talented true fairyland monk would be able to do so. Beat him until he can no longer take care of himself.

This gap was so strong that his Taoist heart was instantly broken.

"no no!"

At the moment when Dao's heart was broken, it was too late for him to stop it. Even if he roared heart-breakingly, he could not change the situation.

With his Taoist heart completely broken, he became a mortal.

There is no end of death, but it makes him feel more tortured than the end of death. Now he feels as if he has been abandoned by the world, as if he has been spurned by God, and feels endless loneliness, loneliness and helplessness.

Of course he is more unwilling to give in, but no matter how unwilling he is, he can't say a word now.

He didn't rush towards Lin Nan, just because he was crazy now.

The realm is knocked down, the Taoist heart is broken, and the cultivation level is completely scattered. Anyone who suffers these three blows in a short period of time will go crazy.

Without the Taoist mind, the monk's perseverance and unyielding strength will no longer exist.

Without cultivation, the monk's sea of ​​consciousness no longer exists. Without a strong sea of ​​consciousness to support the blow caused by the psychological gap, there is no reason not to go crazy.


Lin Nan snapped his fingers again, beating the former half-step immortal saint into a ball of blood mist, and then annihilated all the blood mist.

Becoming a madman is already the most severe punishment for a person. It is meaningless to watch what happens next. Lin Nan doesn't have the intention to watch, so he might as well kill with one finger and end it all at once. Anyway, the anger in his heart They have already vented.

Someone came, not Lin Momo, Linger and others, but Xiaoyue and Wu Mu.

"You want to use your own body to start a war with the forces of the second heaven?"

Xiaoyue got straight to the point, without any hesitation or courtesy.

Wu Mu felt heavy because he couldn't see through Lin Nan's realm. For him, who was gifted and could see through any level of the Immortal Saint after half a step into the Immortal Saint realm, this was a starting point for him. Something that has never happened before.

But Lin Nan has now become the first in line.

This forced him to believe that Lin Nan was indeed from a higher heaven.

But as a Taoist companion of Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing was only in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, which puzzled him extremely.

There is not much difference between monks and Taoists. Even if they are not at the same level, they are at least in the same realm. No matter how exaggerated it is, there will only be a difference in one realm.

But now Lin Nan is obviously stronger than the Immortal Saint Supreme, but Liu Ruqing is only a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. In Wu Mu's view, this is tantamount to the Half-Step Immortal Saint finding a mortal to become a Taoist companion. This kind of thing is not at all It can't happen.

"What? Do you have any objections?"

Lin Nan glanced at Xiaoyue. He didn't think highly of Xiaoyue, but he didn't despise her either.

If he is not optimistic, it is because his level is too high. No matter how much Xiaoyue practices, there is no way she can catch up with him.

She didn't look down upon her because Xiaoyue had worked so hard to resurrect Wu Mu, and Lin Nan had never disliked infatuated men and women.

Just because Lin Nan knew that if anything happened to Liu Ruqing, he would be desperate and give up everything.

"You have to understand that if there is a higher-level being like you in the first heaven, there will be another or even countless higher-level beings. I'm afraid there will only be more in the second heaven, and there will even be people higher than you. It is not a wise move for you to show off such a strong presence and not take the strength of any party seriously."

Xiaoyue said with a frown.

As she said, it was really hard for her to understand why a being like Lin Nan would do such a reckless thing.

"What Xiaoyue said is true. There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. If you are too unscrupulous, you will eventually be kicked on the iron plate. This was the case with the Yue League in the past. If it is true, the Moon League will be kicked by the existence of a higher heaven. The person who collapsed may be an existence on the same heaven level as fellow Taoist, or even an existence on a higher heaven level, so please think twice, fellow Taoist."

Wu Mu said, he agreed with Xiaoyue's statement and had to agree. After all, Xiaoyue's words were extremely reasonable. It was not wise to not take any force seriously.

"I'm about to go to Wanshi Sect. If you want to follow, you can follow. If you don't want to follow, just go your own way. Don't worry, I won't kill you. After all, you have kept your promise and come to me. If you leave now, it will be a different path. We are conspiring against each other, so I have no reason to attack you."

Lin Nan didn't explain much. Even Liu Ruqing and his two daughters didn't know how strong he was, and how could he keep talking in front of others.

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