Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1690 You are going too far

Xiaoyue and Wu Mu were both a little confused. They didn't expect Lin Nan to be so disobedient. He was so aloof!

"In that case...I'll let you go!"

Wu Mu was silent for a while and then spoke.

For Wu Mu, the reason why he agreed to go to Wanshi Sect with Lin Nan was just because of the pill Lin Nan gave him. It was a huge kindness to him, and there was no reason not to repay it.

Although the Moon League was directly killed by mysterious beings at the top, the major holy sects in the Scarlet Star Region also took action. The final fall of the Moon League can be said to be the result of the joint efforts of all the holy sects in the Scarlet Star Region.

So even if he doesn't go to Wanshi Sect with Lin Nan today, he and Xiaoyue will have to face the major holy sects in the Scarlet Star Territory in the future.

When he and Xiaoyue said those words to Lin Nan before, they just wanted Lin Nan not to be too reckless and thought that they should take a long-term approach. After all, although the Scarlet Star Territory is only a corner of the second heaven, it is still extremely powerful. A high-ranking person who steps out of the Immortal Sect can bloodbath the entire first-level natives.

Now that Lin Nan has made up his mind, he can no longer worry about anything. Whether it is the favor he owes Lin Nan or avenging the Moon Alliance, he should go to Wanshi Sect with Lin Nan to see the Second Heaven. What's going on in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones?

"Since senior brother has decided to go with you, I naturally have no possibility of retreating. I just hope that you will not be too stubborn and unwilling to retreat even if the Immortal Saint is here."

Xiaoyue pondered for a moment before speaking.

Although Wu Mu had already conveyed her thoughts on Lin Nan's cultivation through spiritual messages, she was still not sure. After all, she had never seen a being stronger than the Immortal Saint in her life.

Although a high-ranking member of the Moon League was killed by a mysterious being millions of years ago, she had not seen it with her own eyes at that time, so she was still skeptical. She just believed that there were people above the second heaven. A higher heaven, a more powerful existence.

As for Lin Nan, she prefers that Lin Nan possesses a treasure that can make Wu Mu's innate magical power blind.

Lin Nan's true strength, Xiaoyue thinks, should be that of a Immortal Saint Supreme. Maybe the level is not low, it should be in the middle or late stage, but it will definitely not be too heaven-defying.

You must know that the Immortal Saint who came down from the second heaven can only stay for half an hour even if he holds a treasure. Lin Nan, an existence from a higher heaven, even if he holds a peerless treasure, his realm will not be too heaven-defying. Otherwise, it would be impossible to stay in the first heaven for so long.

"Then I want to see what you are capable of."

Lin Nan smiled, but he didn't mind that the brothers and sisters underestimated his strength. After all, he had been underestimated by others from the beginning to the end. Even Yue Shi and others only regarded him as the Supreme Immortal Saint. There is also an invincible existence among saints, but I never thought that the realm of the Immortal Saint is too different from his.

"Husband, are we going to hit the road now?"

Liu Ruqing was a little unhappy.

Of course, it's not that I'm unhappy because I can't be with Lin Nan Yunyu, but I feel that I've been running around a lot during this period. I just arrived at Fuchun City, and before I even had time to take a walk, I had to change places again. She couldn't be happy.


Lin Nan nodded.

He naturally saw what Liu Ruqing was thinking, but no matter what, if someone dared to come and challenge him, there was no reason for him to really wait three days before accepting the challenge.

Who is Lin Nan?

The only Emperor of Heaven in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

He was good enough by himself without causing trouble for others, yet someone actually came to provoke him out of nowhere and even challenged him to a fight, without seeming to take him seriously.

If he doesn't go there in advance and directly destroy the opponent's foundation in this first heaven, wouldn't it mean that he is weak and can be bullied, and he will have to be bullied by a bunch of people who don't know life and death in the future?

Master Yi came back and walked into the palace complex with his little sisters and others. He had also handed over the seven Moon Yin Grasses to the Seven Girls of Lingxiao.

When he heard that Lin Nan was going to Wanshi Sect soon, Master Yi was a little dumbfounded. He had just arrived, why was he leaving?

Moreover, didn’t Wanshilou just receive an eviction order? Why do you have to go to other people's master Wanshi Sect?

Master Yi was puzzled by this. After all, Xiaoyue and Wu Mu, who arrived earlier than him, did not see Lin Nan kill the half-step immortal saint. How could he know that it was because someone from Wanshi Sect came? Provocation made Lin Nan decide to go directly to Wanshi Sect.

"Father, are you going to kill again?"

When Ling'er heard that Lin Nan was suddenly going to Wanshi Sect, and his expression was a little unfriendly, not like he was taking them to play somewhere on weekdays, the little girl immediately understood that he was going to kill someone, and asked excitedly .


Liu Ruqing was very angry. Apart from killing and killing, this girl Linger had nothing else on her mind. Sooner or later she would go astray if she continued like this.

It was also because of Ling'er that Liu Ruqing punched Lin Nan in anger. If it weren't for this father, how could her daughter become so cruel?

Over there, Wu Mu found Ling'er interesting. She was a little girl who was more delicate than a porcelain doll. She was pretty and charming, but she was interested in fighting and killing. The contrast was too great.

Xiaoyue was not in a good mood. She felt a headache when she saw Ling'er who looked like a little devil and Lin Momo who was standing quietly beside her like a little adult.

She knows exactly how capable these two little girls are, but they are not a fuel-efficient lamp!


Outside the gate, Princess Fuhan and Xu Lang met.

"Fu Han, why are you here? What do you want to do? I don't favor any woman, so don't be jealous!"

Xu Lang was furious when he saw Princess Fuhan, fearing that Princess Fuhan was after him.

He had just changed into a robe and taken the elixir to erase the traces of smoke and smoke caused by the fire, thunder and lightning. Now his body was still a little weak. If he was beaten up by Princess Fuhan again, it was foreseeable that he would really I have to stay in bed for a year and a half.

"Xu Lang, you are looking for death!"

Princess Fuhan, who originally had no intention of talking to Xu Lang and just glanced at him, became angry after hearing Xu Lang's words.

She came here to find Lin Nan. Even if she couldn't defeat Lin Nan and marry Lin Nan back to the house, she would have no chance to marry Lin Nan. But no matter what, if she could find a chance to follow Lin Nan around for a while, Then her vision will definitely increase sharply, and her future cultivation path will go more smoothly.

However, Xu Lang, a guy who didn't know how much he weighed, was extremely narcissistic, and was born to deserve a beating, dared to speak rudely and disrespectfully to her. He was just looking for a beating!

"You...Fuhan, you have gone too far, can't you leave some free space for me?"

Xu Lang was stunned for a moment, and then became angry.

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