Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1697 Chapter One Thousand Seven Hundred Spirits Three It’s so unfair!

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When Lin Nan finished speaking, everyone was moved and frightened.

Only the Immortal Master of the Ten Thousand Stones Sect, some of the Immortal King Realm elders of the Ten Thousand Stones Sect, and the few disciples of the Ten Thousand Stones Sect who had been torn out of the secret realm of mountains and rivers, had not knelt down to beg Lin Nan for mercy.

There is no shortage of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, but there is also no shortage of people who are proud.

Although the Immortal Realm expert was stunned and frightened by the series of actions of Lin Nan and his daughter, he never thought of begging for mercy from Lin Nan.

To be able to achieve the Immortal Realm status in the first heaven, even if it is only in the early stage of the Immortal Realm, his talents are not trivial. You must know that the entire Central Continent may not be able to produce a Immortal Realm great master for tens of millions of years. There have been exceptions over thousands of years. Beidou Palace produced a statue eight million years ago, and Yue Shi achieved the status of Immortal Master in the Central Continent three million years ago.

The Immortal Realm great masters are not something you can just imagine. For example, the Immortal Realm masters in the Eastern Continent are the only two Immortal Realm masters from Fuguang City and Qingming Sect.

Although Han Yue and Yue Shi achieved immortal status in the Eastern Continent, the two girls were taught by Yue Shi and practiced the Moon Palace method and magical powers, so they had little to do with the Eastern Continent.

Beichen of Beichen Palace came from Beidou Palace in Mid-Continent. Beichi also cultivated the magical power of the Holy Sect in the Upper Realm and had little to do with the Eastern Continent.

The two old monks in Tianzang Temple were just lackeys arranged by Tianxuan to rob the resources of the Eastern Continent and had nothing to do with the Eastern Continent itself.

From this probability, we can see how difficult it is to come up with a powerful Immortal Realm. Unless someone is extremely talented and has great perseverance, it is definitely impossible to achieve it.

It is not difficult to defeat a powerful Immortal Realm, as long as you are stronger than him, but it is almost impossible to get a powerful Immortal Realm to kneel down and beg for mercy, at least in the first heaven.

The more than 100 Immortal King Realm elders and more than 30 genius disciples from Wanshi Sect who were still standing were all frightened. After all, so many Immortal King Realm powerhouses had knelt down to beg for mercy, and Lin Nan's methods were so unnatural. They are completely unable to resist.

If the Immortal Realm powerhouse hadn't been standing there, they would have been kneeling on the ground.

That powerful person in the Immortal Realm has undoubtedly become their last spiritual support. Even if they die, they can die with more glory instead of begging for mercy and then being killed by the opponent.

"No need, no need!"

Before Lin Nan responded, Ling'er became anxious and shouted quickly.

What a joke, those dozens of Immortal King Realm powerhouses from Guanghan Palace have been thrown into Yue Shi’s natal Immortal Treasure, Guanghan Palace, and have never played a role. Now there are nearly a thousand Immortal King Realm powerhouses, fifty or sixty Are the monks from the Wan Zhen Immortal Realm to the Golden Immortal Realm collected and put in a warehouse to eat ashes?

Besides, the little girl hasn't taken action yet. Just now, her sister Lin Momo killed an Immortal Realm master, which made the little girl see it with passion. She has not killed an Immortal Realm master yet!

"Damn it! This little girl...is looking for death!"

"How dare you cut off our way of survival and kill her! Kill her! Let that little thing know what a king is and cannot be insulted!"

"Yes! The king must not be humiliated! Just a little girl who is still in her infancy dares to be so arrogant in front of us. If we don't kill her, how will the world view us in the future?"

"All fellow Taoists, take action together and we will definitely kill that little girl. It's so damn annoying that you dare to cut off our way of survival!"

Ling'er's words immediately made those Immortal King Realm experts who knelt down and begged for mercy angry.

They are powerful people in the Immortal King Realm!

The king must not be humiliated!

When have you ever knelt down and begged for mercy?

Today, they have given up all their dignity, yet they are still disturbed by that little girl. If they don't kill her, how can they still have the dignity to live in this world?

However, they forgot that they were not even prisoners now. When the prisoners resisted, they could still make the other party's heart tremble for a while. However, their resistance could not make any waves in Lin Nan.

"Dry tongue."

Lin Nan snorted coldly and pressed down with a palm.

Even if Ling'er didn't yell in a hurry, he would not accept these monks. They are just a bunch of ants, which have not brought him any substantial benefits. Now they dare to bark at his precious daughter, and they will not be wiped out with a slap. Can’t celebrate the New Year?


There was a loud noise, and the entire square sank three thousand feet. Without exception, all the monks were turned into ashes, and no one survived.

Even the remaining Immortal Master from the Wanshi Sect was turned into ashes along with the monks.


Princess Fuhan was in a daze. The insights she had gained at this moment were truly extraordinary. If she hadn't rushed here in a hurry, she would never have been able to witness such a scene in her life.

a slap!

Just a slap!

A slap that was simple and without any magical properties actually turned a powerful Immortal Realm expert, nearly a thousand Immortal King Realm experts, and 500,000 to 600,000 monks into dust.

This... was incredible, she had never dared to think about it before!


Xu Lang shrank his neck, frightened and frightened for a while.

He was now glad that he had not made a big deal with Ling'er and others before. If the quarrel got to the point of breaking out, wouldn't he also have to be slapped into dust by Lin Nan?

There are actually such powerful people in this world!

Xu Lang's twenty-six guards at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm were also stunned for a while. They were already very strong in the Central Continent. As long as they did not meet the powerful Immortal King Realm, they would be completely unscrupulous.

But now, after witnessing Lin Nan's two attacks, each time they were extremely fierce, without any hesitation, they directly killed their opponents. This power deeply shocked their hearts!

"Fuhan, why are you here? Do you still want to marry me?"

Lin Nan looked at the stunned Princess Fuhan and made a little joke.


Princess Fuhan's pretty face turned red, but before she spoke, her words were interrupted.

"What? How dare you steal your father from me? I'm going to kill you!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, and seeing Princess Fuhan's pretty face turning red instantly, the little sisters Lin Momo and Ling'er roared in perfect agreement, and then took out the top-grade immortal treasures, pretending to rush over first. He ravaged Princess Fuhan, and then killed Princess Fuhan.

Are you kidding me?

Our father is ours, but if others dare to take advantage of him, is that not asking for death?

We are determined not to tolerate it, and we are determined not to be soft-hearted. We must kill the ungrateful guy, otherwise it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in our heart!


Liu Ruqing helplessly stretched out her hands to pick up the two little ones. Looking at the two little sisters with their paws flapping in fear, she was in a very bad mood.

After all, I am the mother of the two little sisters, why don't I get this kind of treatment?

So unfair!

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