Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1698 That’s not nonsense

Yes, Liu Ruqing was jealous, and she admitted it.

Not only was he jealous of Lin Nan, but he was also jealous of the two little sisters.

She was pregnant for ten months and worked hard to give birth to two little sisters. In the end, she gave birth to two little ones who had no conscience and competed with her for her husband's favor?

Also, although these two little things were angry when she was slighted by some dude's words, they were definitely not so exaggerated.

Now when I heard that someone wanted to marry Lin Nan, he bared his teeth and claws and wanted to kill the other person fiercely.

Have you...have you ever considered her feelings?

It really disappoints her, makes her sad, and feels too unfair!

"Mother, let us go. We have to kill that little thing. If we don't kill her, today... no, it's the hatred in my heart that will last forever!"

"Yes, yes, yes, my sister is right. You dare to take advantage of your father. If you don't ravage her all over today and kill her, you will never be able to forgive the hatred in your heart forever!"

The two little sisters fluttered their hands and feet in the air, struggling hard, but they couldn't break free from Liu Ruqing's hands. After all, Liu Ruqing was already a level higher than the two little sisters, and the two little sisters couldn't use magic or magic on Liu Ruqing, so I could only keep shouting.

The two little sisters were really angry. At the banquet at the Lord's Mansion in Jieyin City, they just saw that Fairy Qingyu had other thoughts about Lin Nan. The two little sisters asked Han Yue to give a warning so that Fairy Qingyu would not stop. Don't dare to think nonsense again.

Nowadays, someone dares to blatantly pursue their father's idea. Even if they want to marry their father, the two sisters firmly disagree and are determined to kill each other.

What's more, the little guy opposite is so idiotic that he wants to marry his father. He really doesn't know how to write the word "death"!

"You two, please calm down. You are not yet eight years old. How can you have the nerve to call Fuhan little kid?"

Liu Ruqing used her magical power to turn the void under her feet into substance, and then held down the two little ones who were struggling.

"Your father is mine. If I don't like it anymore, I will throw you both away and see if your father wants you or me!"

Liu Ruqing was really angry. When she said this, her eyes were a little wet, and she almost couldn't help crying.

She felt it was so unfair to give birth to two little things who were not close to her at all. Apart from the three words unfair, she no longer knew how to describe her current mood!


The two little sisters were stunned when they heard this, and they both calmed down. They looked up at Liu Ruqing, then at Lin Nan, and asked in unison: "Father, do you want us or your mother?"

"That's not nonsense. I only have one wife. Of course I want a wife. If my daughter is gone, she will be gone. As long as my wife is still there, I can still have a daughter or a son. If my wife is gone, I will be gone. Your father, I am like Then someone who doesn’t know how to settle accounts?”

Lin Nan said firmly without even thinking about it.

Of course, he saw that Liu Ruqing's eyes were wet, and he recalled everything since the birth of the two little girls. He had really ignored her most of the time, and for a while he felt guilty.

Today's Liu Ruqing is definitely extremely sensitive. If he said he wanted a daughter, he would definitely make Liu Ruqing cry or even drive her away.

Liu Ruqing wouldn't be in a good mood if she said she wanted a wife and daughter.

So he simply said that as long as his wife gets better, the two little guys are very big-hearted and evil-minded, so they won't really believe what he said, and they won't have any grudges in their hearts.

However, upon hearing Lin Nan's words, Liu Ruqing burst into tears.

She was not crying because she was angry, but because she was moved. She just said angry words. When the two sisters asked Lin Nan, she had already regretted it. She was afraid that she would hear Lin Nan say that he wanted her daughter instead of her. After all, she had After having two little things, Lin Nan was no longer as concerned about her as before. If Lin Nan really said that he wanted his daughter or not her, she wouldn't know whether to leave or not.

At the same time, she didn't want to hear Lin Nan say that he wanted a wife and daughter. Although she wouldn't really have the heart to abandon her daughter, no matter what, in her husband's heart, she always hoped that she was the most important person.

When she heard Lin Nan say that she only had one wife, if she lost her, she would really be gone. Her daughter could still have another wife with her, so when she wanted a wife, she suddenly felt a little emotional, feeling that Lin Nan didn't take her daughter into his heart, but soon I was so moved.

She felt that she was still too emotional. She was so moved by Lin Nan's words without any nutrition. She completely lost the coldness before Lin Nan chased her.

She felt that she was too unsatisfactory and wanted to be aloof, but... she was so moved that she couldn't be aloof. She just wanted to cry, otherwise she would panic!

"Mom, be good, don't cry. If you cry, you won't be beautiful anymore. Be careful that your father will fall in love with you!"

"Yes, yes, mother, please stop crying. It really doesn't look good if you cry. If father is in love with someone else, we really won't have anywhere to cry!"

When Liu Ruqing really shed tears, the two heartless little things finally noticed. They quickly jumped into the air, wiped Liu Ruqing's tears carefully, and comforted Liu Ruqing softly.

"These two little things!"

Lin Nan's face turned dark. He really needed to teach these two little things a lesson. How could he be so coaxing?

Also, your mighty, domineering, and extremely devoted father, is he the kind of person who likes the new and hates the old, and is attracted to other people?

Along the way, women more beautiful than your mother have disappeared. When did your father take another look at them?

These two little things are really outrageous!

"Stop saying that. Your father's face is dark. Be careful that I don't throw you away, but your father throws you away instead."

Noticing the change in Lin Nan's expression, Liu Ruqing finally suppressed her tears and pressed the two sisters down again in a state of laughter and laughter.

"Father is reluctant to abandon me and Ling'er."

Lin Momo said very arrogantly and confidently.

"Yes, yes, my father is reluctant to abandon my sister and me."

Linger also quickly echoed.

"You! You make me so angry!"

Liu Ruqing, who had just calmed down, became angry again. The words of these two little things are so hateful. Do you really think that your mother is a fool? I don’t know that your father is reluctant to abandon you?

But when she thought of Lin Nan's past, Liu Ruqing felt a little helpless. These two little things were indeed Lin Nan's biological daughters! It is simply carved from the same mold!

At this moment, the rest of the people were dumbfounded. Even the seven Lingxiao girls, whose expressions remained unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai, were already a little dumbfounded.

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