Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1702 I must die today!


Wan Lin Zhizun glanced at Ling'er, his expression changed slightly, but his heart was already in turmoil.

Then he noticed Lin Momo, who was standing quietly beside Liu Ruqing on the other side, reaching out to grab one of Liu Ruqing's hands with her little hand. Wan Lin Zhizun's heartstrings trembled violently.

Looking again, Liu Ruqing is actually the same as the two little things!

Because of the restrictions imposed by Lin Nan, even though Wan Lin Supreme checked the inside and outside of mother and daughter, he could see their realms and directly estimate their combat power. After all, he was a peerless person at the peak level of the Immortal Saint. Supreme, the realm of mother and daughter is still too low.

But, just like that, Wan Lin Zhizun was stunned.

My heart kept roaring: ‘Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can this be! ’

Today's Wanlin Supreme is confused.

These two little things are just monks in the early stage of the Golden Fairy Realm. They actually have the combat power to kill the monks in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm and slightly suppress the monks in the late stage of the Immortal King Realm!

Liu Ruqing is just a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, but actually... actually has the combat power to kill the monks in the late stage of the Immortal King Realm, and even some of the peak-level Immortal King Realm monks who are slightly less qualified!

This...this is absolutely impossible!

I think that he, the Supreme Lord of Ten Thousand Lins, was born in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones and was favored by God. No matter in terms of talent or background, almost no one can match him, and his talents are almost unparalleled.

Even so, when he was in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, he could only compete with the early stage monks of the Immortal King Realm.

When you are in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, you can barely suppress the monks in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, compete with the monks in the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm, and save your life.

But now the mother and daughter are actually...acting so defiantly!

Such people should not exist in this world!

Such monks shouldn't exist!

It didn’t happen before, it shouldn’t happen now, and it won’t happen in the future!

After the shock in Wan Lin Zhizun's heart, he calmed down a little, and then his murderous intention became stronger than ever.

Mother and daughter must die today!

No one can be more amazing and talented than Wan Lin Supreme, and he will never allow anyone to threaten the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones, even if the other party is just a monk in the Golden Fairy Realm, Wan Lin Supreme does not dare to take a gamble.

It only took him 20 million years to achieve the status of Immortal Saint!

Who knew that these three mother and daughter, with such perverted combat prowess and such heaven-defying qualifications, would achieve the status of Immortal Saint at a terrifying speed!

Moreover, the oldest Liu Ruqing is not yet forty years old, and the two little girls are only seven or eight years old. They have already entered the Golden Immortal Realm. If they continue to advance at this rate, they may have to become immortals within a hundred years. Holy fruit position!

It’s so damn scary!

This is the first time in countless years that someone has given him such a strong sense of threat. It has never happened before, and it will never happen again in the future!

"Oh? Little one, do you want to kill my wife and daughter?"

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows slightly and spoke indifferently.

With Lin Nan's realm and power, if he wanted to know something, he could read all the memories of Wan Lin Supreme without Wan Lin Supreme being aware of it. Now, although he doesn't bother to do that, he is too lazy to do that. Although he did, he could clearly feel the fluctuations in Wanlin Zhizun's mind.

"Huh? You..."

Wan Lin Zhizun suddenly woke up and realized one thing. Although the mother and daughter were against heaven, their realm was still low.

But... that guy who is also wearing black clothes and whose realm he can't see through is... his realm is not low at all!

Needless to say, Wan Lin Supreme also knew that the other party wanted to obliterate Wan Feng Supreme's existence, but now he doesn't want to take revenge. It's really terrifying!

When he learned that the Wanfeng Supreme was killed by cause and effect, he thought he was a peerless Supreme at the peak level of the Immortal Saint, holding an ancient forbidden treasure.

But now that he had seen the incredible strength and strength of mother and daughter, and looked at Lin Nan, he understood everything.

Bullshit ancient forbidden treasure! That guy is the Supreme One of Ten Thousand Peaks who can kill with his own fighting power!

Wan Lin Zhizun regrets it very much now. He even wants to slap himself a few times. He really wants to die when he has nothing to do. He can just rob whatever he wants and let the sect leader or other elders go down to the world. What kind of death does he come here to give!

"You are not stupid at all." Lin Nan smiled, paused for a moment, and continued: "However, in my case, no matter how smart you are, as long as you have thoughts that are detrimental to my wife and daughter, even if you are the king of heaven, I , I also have to knead you into a ball of mud."

After the words fell, Lin Nan said nothing more or waited for anything. He stretched out his hand and directly looked towards Wanlin Supreme.

This time, Lin Nan did not use the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm, nor did he use any other magical powers. Moreover, he did not make a big hand out of the void, but directly stretched and enlarged his hand.

Just like what he said, even if I am the King of Heaven, if he has any thoughts that are detrimental to the mother and daughter, he will have to crush the other party into a ball of mud.

He really wants to crush Wanlin Supreme into a ball of mud!


Wan Lin Zhizun was so frightened and angry that he roared loudly. At the same time, he also knew that he could not hide away. Just like before, he gathered the void and grabbed Xiaoyue and Wu Mu with his big hands. Now he faced Lin Nan's big hand, just like before. The two senior brothers and sisters are like the two brothers who are opposite to the big hands of void he condensed.

However, no one will come to stop Lin Nan for him!

Therefore, he could only choose to take action and devote all his cultivation to try to resist or repel Lin Nan's big hand.

Eternal and immortal, heaven and earth exist forever!

This is a peerless magical power, the sect-suppressing magical power of the Second Heavenly Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land!

It is this peerless magical power that, if combined with the Moon Alliance's "the sun and the moon shine together, and the light in the world is always there" magical power, can be sublimated into a magical power that transcends the holy level.

"The pearl of a grain of rice also emits brilliance?"

Lin Nan said lightly.

His seemingly random palm, if it really activates the force, does not need to use all the force, but only uses 30% to 40% force, it is enough to smash any layer of the sky to pieces.

If he activates 70% to 80% of his strength, he can directly smash the nine heavens and ten earths into pieces!

Who has the right to resist a holy-level magical power displayed by Wan Lin Supreme? What hope is there to withstand it?

"Obstacle! Die to me!"

Wan Lin Supreme used all his strength to activate the power of the Immortal Saint, roaring high into the sky.

He no longer had any fear at all, because he had calmed down the moment he used his magical power. Over the endless years, he had never been afraid of anyone or anything. The fear that he had just inexplicably made him very nervous. Angry, because this is an insult to him, an unprecedented insult!

Therefore, no matter how powerful Lin Nan is, Wan Lin Supreme no longer cares.

His only thought and will now... to kill Lin Nan!

Erase the humiliation Lin Nan brought to him just now!

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