Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1703 A Spear

But as Lin Nan said, how can a pearl of rice bloom with brilliance?

Although Wan Lin Supreme is the Immortal Saint Supreme, and also the peerless Supreme at the peak level of Immortal Saint, he is really not enough in front of Lin Nan!

Although 'eternal and immortal, heaven and earth will last forever' is a peerless magical power in the Immortal Sage stage, when the person facing it is Lin Nan, this peerless magical power is no different from ordinary minor magic.

No matter whether it is himself or his magical power, Wan Lin Supreme cannot compare with Lin Nan, so the result is already destined.


There was an explosion after the collision, the space collapsed, the void melted, and countless space cracks appeared in an instant!

The peerless magical power activated by Wan Lin Supreme dissipated without warning when it touched Lin Nan's palm. The explosion sound after the collision was not caused by the collision between the great magical power activated by Wan Lin Supreme and Lin Nan's palm. caused later.

It was the result of the holy weapon sacrificed by Wan Lin Supreme, a top-quality holy weapon, which exploded in an instant after being rubbed by Lin Nan's palm.

In front of Lin Nan, Wan Lin Supreme was really too weak. He was so weak that just a casual palm from Lin Nan left Wan Lin Supreme helpless.


Wan Lin Zhizun was stunned and couldn't believe the gap between him and Lin Nan was so big!

He wanted to struggle, but found that no matter how hard he struggled, he could no longer avoid Lin Nan's hand grabbing at him.

It was only at this moment that Wan Lin Zhizun truly understood what kind of existence he had encountered.

This is the only peerless existence in ancient times that has never appeared in the second heaven!

More than a million years ago, the top leaders of the Moon League were suppressed and killed. In Xiaoyue and Wu Mu's opinion, it was because of the action of a higher-level being.

But Wan Lin Supreme knew clearly that there was no higher-level existence at all. It was just a hundred peerless supreme beings at the peak level of Immortal Saints. They set up a large formation and then combined their forces to smash the Moon Alliance Immortal Palace to pieces. That’s all.

There is indeed a third heaven in the world, but the strongest people in the third heaven, like the second heaven, are all beings at the level of immortal saints, but their numbers are much more than those in the second heaven, and their realms have not surpassed them. .

Otherwise, how could Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land be so sure that as long as it obtained the Moon Alliance's sect-suppressing magical power and sublimated it into a magical power that transcended the level of the Immortal Saint, it could sweep the second heaven and dominate the third heaven?

But the appearance of Lin Nan changed the mind of Wan Lin Zhizun. In this world... there are really monks who transcend the immortal saints.

It turns out...the Immortal Saint is not the Dao of Heaven, but there are monks who are more powerful than the Immortal Saint!


With a soft sound, Wan Lin Zhizun was grabbed by Lin Nan.


In this moment, Wan Lin Zhizun felt unprecedented fear and unprecedented anger.

The moment he was caught, he clearly sensed that he, who was born with destiny and had been in the second heaven for endless years, was really going to perish today!

A being like him is naturally not afraid of death.

But he accidentally kicked the iron plate and was about to die for no apparent reason. He was unwilling to do so!

Few people in this world can understand the anger and fear of Wan Lin Supreme. He now envies Wan Feng Supreme. After all, Wan Feng Supreme was killed directly along the line of cause and effect and was not tortured.

And he, looking at Lin Nan's posture and the words Lin Nan said before, obviously wanted to rub him into ashes alive!

"Father, stop killing animals. Just destroy them and throw them into the first heaven."

Ling'er spoke in a pitiful tone, but the bright smile on the little girl's face showed her true state of mind at the moment.

Over there, Xiaoyue and Wu Mu were stunned.

Except for Lin Nan, everyone else didn't know who Wan Lin Supreme was, so they were very calm, but the two senior brothers and sisters knew it clearly!

A peerless supreme being at the pinnacle level of the Immortal Saint was unexpectedly caught by Lin Nan as he stretched out his hand at will. Moreover, the peerless supreme being had no strength to struggle at all!

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other and saw the shock and fear in each other's eyes.

Lin Nan... is too powerful! horrible!

"That's all."

Lin Nan glanced at Ling'er beside him. Although he just said it, this time it didn't go as the little girl wished.

The outstretched hand was slightly exerted, and a stream of destructive aura overflowed.

Those wisps of breath, even if they flow out not far away and cut through more than a hundred feet of space before dissipating, each wisp seems to be able to cut through this world.

This time, Lin Nan really used some strength and was no longer as casual as before, which could not even be considered as driving away mosquitoes.

As for Wan Lin Zhizun, who was caught in Lin Nan's hand, he never made any expression or blinked his eyes after being caught by Lin Nan, because Lin Nan imprisoned his limbs!

So when Lin Nan exerted a little strength, he could see nothing but the endless panic in Wan Lin's eyes for a moment, and he was unable to make any roar.

Before being completely caught by Lin Nan, he roared like a beast, which was the last sound left by Wan Lin Supreme in this world.

When Lin Nan exerted a little force, Wan Lin Zhizhen instantly turned into a ball of mud. Whether it was his body or the various heavenly materials and earthly treasures on his body, they all turned into a ball of mud in the mortal world. , it is incomparable to the soil of this first layer of heaven.

After all, if the soil in the heaven falls to the ten places in the lower world, it will definitely be fairy soil, which can make a monk rise quickly.

But now the mud that Wan Lin Supreme has turned into is really just a ball of mud, no different from the mud in the lower world.

But... at the moment when Wan Lin Supreme turned into mud, because Lin Nan's power changed slightly, the mud changed instantly and turned into a spear in an instant!

A ball of mud was instantly transformed into a spear, and it was filled with overwhelming evil energy. It transcended the sacred weapon and became a peerless weapon of the ancestral weapon!

To be precise, this is a magic weapon, because a divine weapon will not be filled with such overwhelming evil aura.


As Lin Nan thought, a gap appeared in the sky.

This side of the gap is where Lin Nan and his party are, and on the other side of the gap is the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones, located in the second heaven and one of the nineteen holy sects in the Scarlet Star Territory!


Lin Nan waved his hand slightly, and the spear filled with overwhelming evil energy instantly passed through the gap in the sky and was inserted in front of the mountain gate of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones.

The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones in the second heaven suddenly trembled violently. Even with the protection of the mountain guard formation, all the disciples in the sect were dead. Only more than a million lucky ones survived, and the rest were all killed by spears. The wave created when it was inserted into the ground was so shocking that the spirit and soul were destroyed, and the body and soul disappeared!

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