Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1704 If you can’t kill me

The fourteen immortal masters who had just left the Ten Thousand Stones Sect in the first heaven and were sent to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones in the second heaven by Wan Lin Supreme are now very excited. Even the master of the Ten Thousand Stones Sect can hardly conceal his excitement now. color.

The second heaven is the upper realm that they dream about day and night and want to step into!

Cultivating here is far more beneficial than cultivating in the first heaven. With their qualifications, it would take hundreds of millions of years to almost reach the half-step immortal saint status.

Nai He is not a direct disciple of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones. Unless he is really stunning, in the eyes of those in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones, lower realm monks like them are only qualified to be slaves and loyal watchdogs in the First Heaven of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones. !

But now, because of the sudden appearance of a guy who shouldn't be in the first heaven, what was originally a disaster for the Wanshi Sect in the first heaven has now become an opportunity for them.

If they stay here for a longer period of time, their cultivation will be greatly improved. For them, practicing for one day in the second heaven is more beneficial than worrying about millions of years in the first heaven.

After all, they had almost reached the end of the first heaven and had no room to move forward. Now in the second heaven, they were like a fish jumping from the fish tank into the river and swimming freely.

"If I can stay for more than a hundred years, I will definitely become a half-step immortal saint!"

The leader of Wanshi Sect's eyes were red, and his body could not help but tremble.

He has been waiting for this day, this opportunity, this opportunity for a long, long time!

Now, he has finally arrived at the second heaven and the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones!

He doesn't want to return to the first heaven. Even if he is nearly invincible in the first heaven, which monk is willing to be a watchdog in the eyes of others?

Even if he could be an ordinary inner disciple in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones for the time being, he would not want to return to the First Heaven to be the sect leader.

Therefore, he had an extremely bold idea to become a disciple!

You must worship a half-step immortal saint as your teacher!

In this way, when Wan Lin Supreme resolves that variable, he will not be sent back to the first heaven.

The master of the Wanshi Sect was very self-aware and did not think about becoming a disciple of the Immortal Saint. He knew that he was nothing in the eyes of those Immortal Saints, so he only set his sights on the Half-Step Immortal Saint.

"Sect Master, we... don't want to go back to the first heaven again!"

A supreme elder who was in the late stage of the Immortal Realm was extremely excited, no less than the master of the Wanshi Sect.

Not just him, but the other twelve people are also like this, and they all have the same mentality.

They who can achieve the Immortal Realm status in the first heaven, even if they cannot become half-step Immortal Saints in the second heaven, but in the endless years after becoming the Immortal Realm powerful ones, if they are in the second heaven, No matter what, it’s time to reach the peak level of the Immortal Realm!

Now they personally feel the difference of the second heaven, and understand that compared with the second heaven, the first heaven is like the gap between the ten places in the lower world and the first heaven, so they can't settle down.

For endless years, they have had almost no desires and desires. Their biggest hope is to improve their cultivation again. Now that they see hope and a higher level beckoning to them, they naturally don't want to miss it!

"Go and become a disciple! You must become a disciple of a half-step immortal saint before the Supreme Lord in black comes back... If that doesn't work, there's nothing wrong with becoming a disciple of a monk of the same realm!"

The leader of the Wanshi Sect said, almost every word was spoken at the end, and his determination was beyond words.

"Everything is the fruit of Tao!"

The other thirteen Immortal Realm powerful men nodded their heads one after another, their tone and expression also very decisive.

If you worship a monk in the same realm, even if your level is lower than yours, what will happen? At most, his face is not very bright.

But this is nothing compared to their own cultivation!

Everything is cultivation, everything is the fruit of Tao!


Suddenly, a gap appeared in the sky. The leader of Wanshi Sect and others looked up and saw the scene on the other side of the gap in the sky. They were instantly stunned.

what's the situation?

Didn’t the Black-clothed Supreme go to kill those guys? Why... now that those guys have broken through the sky, are the remnants of the two-month alliance safe and sound?

The young man who was also dressed in black was obviously the rumored Lin Nan. He seemed to be the co-owner of heaven and earth, standing in the void of the first heaven, and actually gave them the feeling of overlooking them in the second heaven.

Too weird! It’s so weird! They were completely unable to understand why this scene happened!

However, when Lin Nan waved his hand and threw a spear, and when the spear filled with overwhelming evil energy passed through the gap in the sky and stuck straight in front of the mountain gate of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones, they were immediately frightened.

The fourteen immortal masters of the Wanshi Sect are very close to the mountain gate of the Wanshi Holy Land, and there are countless disciples of the Wanshi Sect around them.

The servants below the Immortal King, the outer disciples at the Immortal King stage, the inner disciples at the Immortal Lord stage, the tens of thousands of inner disciples around the mountain gate, and the hundreds of thousands of outer disciples were all killed and injured in an instant!

"This this……"

When the leader of Wanshi Sect came back to his senses, his mind continued to go blank, and he could no longer even speak.

The monks who were very close to the mountain gate, except for those who were at the peak level of the Immortal Realm, all had their spirits and souls destroyed in an instant, and their bodies and souls disappeared due to the fluctuation caused by the falling of the spear!

Looking around, there were only about a hundred disciples of the Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land alive who were at the peak level of the Immortal Realm like him, and they were looking around blankly like him.

This scene... has never appeared in the second heaven!

"Ho! Who dares to attack my Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land!"

"Who is it! Who is it! You only dare to kill my beloved disciple! Get the fuck out of me, I will torture and kill you, you evil beast!"

"Roar... Looking for death! Looking for death! Our Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones... actually... actually killed more than 70 million disciples!"

"Damn it! Damn it! What's the point of being able to attack in secret? If you have the ability, I'm going to slap you to death and teach you how to behave like a bastard who hides his head and protects his tail!"

Roars came from the depths of the Immortal Palace, and streams of light rushed towards the mountain gate.

More than seven thousand streams of light!

Among them, there are more than 7,000 half-step immortal saints and more than 30 true supreme immortal saints!

If this fighting force suddenly appeared elsewhere in the second heaven, it would definitely frighten all parties.

However, when they arrived at the gate of their mountain and saw the ten thousand-foot spear inserted in front of the gate, the gap in the sky above the sky, and the situation behind the gap in the sky, they were all stunned.

This...this shouldn't be the case!

Especially that spear, how...how could it have the aura of a veteran of Wanlin? It's like... it's like it's made from the body of Wanlin Elder!

"Even if you send people to the first heaven, it's best to kill me. If you can't kill me, just wait for me to ascend to the second heaven and kill you all."

While the powerful men of Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land were stunned, an indifferent voice reached their ears through the gap in the sky!

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