Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1997 Senior Lin is too powerful

Within the canopy, Lin Nan led the three holy sects of Fuchun Holy Land, Yaoguang Holy Land and Tianhu Holy Land, together with a total of nearly 30,000 monks, to an open Pyongyang, with endless mountains hundreds of miles away. mountains.

The terrifying existence that stepped out of the sky before, but Lin Nan intercepted the sound transmission between the evil spirits and the powerful men in those holy places, and then used his spiritual thoughts to explore their sea of ​​consciousness, and learned that After knowing what the head of that terrifying existence looked like 800 million years ago, I deliberately created one, and it was indeed just a show.

But that head is not an illusion. If you really want to say it, it can be said that Lin Nan used his great supernatural power to reappear the head 800 million years ago. There is no doubt about Lin Nan's strength. No one in the chaos may be able to defeat him.

He can be said to be the most powerful existence in this chaos. He already has the strength to open up the top world. Reappearing a head that belonged to a Saint Ancestor Realm 800 million years ago for a moment is as simple as a mortal breathing air. .

As for the Spirit of Heaven, it was Lin Nan who ordered it to send down heavenly punishment. After all, the head was just a temporary reappearance of Lin Nan. Even if such a monster from the Saint Ancestor Realm really came out, Lin Nan was nearby. The reason is that the spirit of heaven will never dare to send down the punishment from heaven.

This scene is very good. Just killing people is really boring. Now that such a scene has been performed, the evil spirit clan and the five holy sects think he is dead. So when they meet again, Lin Nan could already foresee how the strong men of the six major forces would look like they had seen a ghost.

Lin Nan had no sense of expectation for this, and Snow God, Water God and others did not care. Liu Ruqing couldn't help but shook her head helplessly, but Lin Momo and Ling'er, the little sisters, were in high spirits. Whispering, he imagined how the monks from the six major forces would look like they had seen a ghost after seeing them again.

"This senior is really...too powerful. When I saw that terrifying head, I thought I was going to die. I didn't expect that it was just a technique of senior. Just now, it had The Supreme said, that terrifying head appeared once 800 million years ago. Countless powerful people died that time, including the Immortal Saint Supreme and the Peerless Supreme. Many of them died, but the senior has completely recreated that head just now. , if the senior had not informed us in time through his spiritual message that it was just his reappearance and would not attack us, I would have been scared to death by myself!"

"Yes, it's really terrifying. Looking back now, I still feel a lingering fear, as if my soul is about to leave my body. This is really unbelievable! And the senior can actually do it without using the Sky Curtain Order. Let us enter the sky again and appear here collectively. If I had not experienced it personally today, I would never have believed this fact, because it is too unbelievable and unbelievable!"

"What you are talking about is not the point. The point is that the sky actually sent down the punishment, but it did not hurt us at all. On the contrary, it punished all the over ten thousand monks left by the evil spirit clan and the five holy sects. Killed to death, this is definitely not the temperament of Cangtian. I think senior must be able to command Cangtian. Our crown prince, Mr. Xu Lang, said that senior’s two precious daughters were in the first heaven. He once mobilized the spirit of heaven and almost killed our prince!"

"Hiss... Having said that, and thinking about it again, it's really... that's really what happened! In fact... senior is really too scary!"

The Immortal Master Realm disciples in Yaoguang Holy Land and Tianhu Holy Land all felt like they had had a dream before, but the facts told them that this was not a dream.

Everything that happened before made them feel incredible. Before seeing it with their own eyes, even if their best friends told them, they would definitely think that their friends were joking and would not really take it seriously. But now The difference is that they have been involved in these things from the beginning.

Whether it was the two little sisters who easily killed the evil spirit clan, the two mid-level immortal masters, or the incredible things Lin Nan showed later, it was extremely shocking to them, every thing It's enough to subvert their worldview.

Before that, they had always believed that the most powerful being in the world was the Immortal Saint Supreme, and the most invincible being was the Peerless Supreme. But today, as the genius disciples of the Immortal Saint Realm who have stood out from the two major holy lands in the past 200,000 years, they have Knowing that there are existences in the sky that can easily kill the Immortal Saint Supreme, but there is actually a guy more terrifying than those existences beside them, who can even mobilize the spirit of the sky. This is indeed a real subversion. their worldview.

Compared with the disciples of Yaoguang Holy Land and Tianhu Holy Land, the more than a thousand Immortal Realm genius disciples of Fuchun Holy Land are much calmer. After all, they have already seen Lin Nan take action and already know the world. The most powerful being is not the Peerless Supreme, and they also know that among the followers around Lin Nan, there are many beings who can easily kill the Immortal Saint Supreme, so even if they experienced another ups and downs just now, they are not too surprised. , on the contrary, I feel that it is all taken for granted.

"To the north, there is a secret realm over there. There is a place suitable for the cultivation of immortal monks. There is also a place suitable for the cultivation of half-step immortal saints and immortal saints. It is a paradise in the true sense. I will stay there when the time comes. People will protect you."

Lin Nan glanced around. The south was the direction they came in. Although there were good places in the south, it could not accommodate nearly 30,000 people practicing together.

Moreover, less than ten thousand miles to the south is the South Barrier of the Sky, and there is nothing worth exploring. However, 130,000 miles to the north, there is a secret realm. As he said, it can indeed be regarded as a paradise.

As for why he didn't take these people to explore the sky together, it was naturally because of trouble. When these monks came to his side under the leadership of the elders of their respective sects, he had to take care of them, but they didn't treat them as his real descendants to teach. If With such a leisurely mind, Lin Nan had already begun to recruit disciples when he was in the Ten Lands of the Lower Realm.

It didn't take much time to fly north with the monks from the three holy places, because the suppression of the monks in this sky was actually much weaker than the first and second heavens, although it was not as strong as the tenth place in the lower realm. level, but it is indeed not a tiny bit lighter than Jiutian's limit.

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