Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1998 It turns out that a famous teacher makes a good disciple

The secret territory is a cave of its own. Although the area is small, there is no deserted land. Almost every inch of the land is a treasure.

Even the beautiful woman in the Sky Fox Holy Land and the two peerless supreme beings in the Shaking Light Holy Land, the three of them have existed for endless years, standing on the top of the world, and are well-informed beings. They are all given by this secret realm. I was shocked, this is really a top-notch treasure.

Although there are also secret realms in their sects, and there are more than one, and most of them are much larger than this secret realm, there is one thing that cannot be compared with this secret realm, and that is the quality. The quality of this secret realm is really It's great, there is almost no wasteland, the application rate is extremely high, and its value is immeasurable. If it can be brought back to the sect, it will definitely produce countless strong men for the sect. You must know that even the peerless supreme master can practice here. Such a peerless secret realm has never appeared in the Red Star Territory!

"Ye Yu, when you leave, I will give you this secret realm, do you want it?"

Lin Nan looked at Ye Yu, who had been standing next to the beautiful woman from beginning to end and almost said nothing.

This is a smart person, even smarter than Qingyou. Although Qingyou is smart, he is not as good as Ye Yu in terms of great wisdom. Lin Nan has no doubts about this person who once confronted him outside the Yueyin field. , extremely arrogant, but in the end she was able to hold back her anger and leave calmly. Not long ago, she was able to persuade a beautiful woman to join the team, so she has a good impression.


Except for Snow God and other four demon clan sages, as well as Yue Shi and other monks who had been following Lin Nan for some time, everyone present involuntarily took a breath of cold air, including Ye Yu and the beautiful woman.

For countless years, the Holy Sect located in the Scarlet Star Territory has received countless benefits from the Sky Curtain, but there is one kind of benefit that can only be enjoyed in the Sky Curtain. There is absolutely no way to take it with you when you leave the Sky Curtain, and that is the Sky Curtain. The secret realm is said to be Cave Heaven.

Now Lin Nan actually said that he would give this secret realm to Ye Yu when he left. This really surprised them and they couldn't believe it.

But thinking about what happened before, they felt that this was not impossible. After all, Lin Nan was not them, but a person who was so powerful that even the spirits of the sky had to listen to his orders. Such a person, If there is no way to take away the secret realm or the cave from the sky, then probably no one in this world can take away the secret realm from the sky.

At the same time, they couldn't help but envy Tianhu Holy Land, but they were envious and not jealous. After all, they had all taken refuge in Lin Nan's power. It seemed that Fuchun Holy Land had received a lot of benefits, and now Lin Nan Promising Ye Yu a secret realm in advance showed that Lin Nan didn't value these things. If they wanted it, as long as they met the right person, they could get permission from Lin Nan for instructions.

The strong men of the Yaoguang Holy Land are not fools, nor are they people who like to respect the horns of others. They can still understand these principles, so they do not feel that Lin Nan favors one over the other.

"Ye Yu has never done anything for senior, so I am really embarrassed to accept such a valuable reward. However, since senior is willing to reward Ye Yu, Ye Yu does not dare to disobey senior. But I really feel that such a precious treasure like this cave is I don't dare to accept it. If the senior doesn't dislike it, after the senior arranges everything, the junior is willing to follow the senior to explore in this sky and do what he can for the senior. When the senior rewards me with merit, I will I can accept it with peace of mind.”

Ye Yu came back to his senses, thought for a moment, bowed to Lin Nan, and said these words.

Except for the beautiful woman, the monks in Tianhu Holy Land were all surprised. The monks in Yaoguang Holy Land were all a little stunned. Ye Nanxun, his wife and his disciples in Fuchun Holy Land were also a little dumbfounded. They didn't understand why Ye Yu left the good things alone. I don’t want it in the secret realm, but I would say such a thing.

But they quickly came to their senses, and none of them knew what to say. Looking at the ancestors of the Sky Fox Holy Land who had not shown any surprise from the beginning to the end, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: It is true that famous teachers give birth to great disciples. He was able to remain calm in the face of such a huge opportunity and found a path that was destined to bring more benefits.

There is no doubt that the monks in Tianhu Holy Land and Yaoguang Holy Land know that Lin Nan previously said that he would let them practice here in peace and leave strong men to protect them. This means that Lin Nan will take his family out to explore the sky. Under such circumstances, strong men like Lin Nan will definitely be able to enter those dangerous places that they cannot enter, and I don't know how many treasures of heaven and earth they will get.

And Lin Nan can even give away this cave to others at will, not to mention other heavenly materials and earthly treasures. I am afraid that the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that are extremely precious in their eyes will be worthless garbage in Lin Nan's eyes. If Being able to follow Lin Nan to explore around in the sky, not to mention gaining all kinds of knowledge, just the treasures of heaven and earth that Lin Nan didn't like were enough for them to pick up endlessly.

After the monks in Tianhu Holy Land figured this out, they couldn't help but laugh, but the monks in Shaking Light Holy Land over there were all a little big-headed.

Especially the two ancestors of Yaoguang Holy Land. They can't wait to hear Lin Nan say that since Ye Yu doesn't want this secret realm, then he will give it to them Yaoguang Holy Land, and then they will do what Ye Yu said. Climb along the pole and get a place to follow Lin Nan to explore in the sky.

But it is a pity that Lin Nan only nodded in agreement to Ye Yu, and did not say that he would transfer the secret realm to Yaoguang Holy Land. At this moment, the stunning female Peerless Supreme in Yaoguang Holy Land and the child-like Peerless Supreme suddenly came together. I couldn't hold my breath anymore. I wanted to take the initiative to say that I wanted to follow Lin Nan to explore the sky, but I didn't know how to say it.

After all, they didn't know Lin Nan well, and they were wary of Lin Nan's strength. They were afraid that if they said the wrong thing, Lin Nan would be displeased, which would be more of a loss than a gain!

"Senior, after you have arranged everything, will you take Fuhan out?"

Xu Lang spoke. He was eager to hear what the two ancestors had to say, but after seeing the embarrassed expressions of the two ancestors, he remembered that in the entire Shaking Light Holy Land, he was the only one who knew Lin Nan better. Although the ancestor was strong, after seeing many of Lin Nan's methods, he absolutely did not dare to be as casual as he was when drinking in front of Lin Nan, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Of course I have to take her with me. Your queens treat this girl better than my two little ones. If I don't take Fuhan with me, will you queens be happy?"

Lin Nan looked at Xu Lang and responded with a smile.

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