Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2001 Peerless Green Lotus

After getting Liu Ruqing's permission, Ling'er kept urging Lin Nan to walk faster. Otherwise, she was afraid that she would be grounded if she moved forward early. The little girl would have been unable to help but fly forward quickly alone. , too lazy to rush through the mountains using magical powers that shrink the ground to an inch.

There are still many ferocious beasts and monsters on the road, but Ling'er no longer wants to take action when she sees the ferocious beasts and monsters as she did when she left the secret realm. After all, she has obtained the permission from her mother to have them in front of her. Among the group of ferocious beasts with high cultivation level in front of them, he was the first to kill seven to eight hundred monster beasts.

Lin Nan was a little speechless, and Hongling, Ye Yu and Yue Shi were dumbfounded over there. They also knew the situation 40,000 miles ahead, and they also knew that Ling'er had no ability to kill those ferocious beasts.

Although they are far apart now, looking at Ling'er's impatient look, they have already foreseen what Ling'er will be like when he gets there. By then, they are afraid that 'mother is the best, and she will become a bad mother again.' .

Under Ling'er's repeated urging, Lin Nan simply obeyed Ling'er's suggestion, led everyone up into the air, and then flew forward at a slow speed.

But just after flying 30,000 miles, and only about 10,000 miles away from where Lan Qin said the ferocious beasts gathered, Ling'er also saw nearly a thousand ferocious beasts entrenched on a giant mountain, and couldn't help but get even more excited. He stood up and began to urge Lin Nan to speed up again.

But soon, as the distance got closer and closer, Ling'er's big, watery eyes gradually opened wide, and her small mouth gradually opened involuntarily, and the speed gradually slowed down.

"Ah ha ha ha... little princess, didn't you say you wanted to kill seven or eight hundred ferocious beasts and not allow Princess Momo to snatch them from you? You have been urging seniors to speed up. Why have you slowed down now?"

It was less than seven thousand miles away from the giant mountain, and Xu Lang could clearly see the ferocious beasts entrenched on the giant mountain. He immediately understood why Ling'er slowed down and showed such an attitude, and couldn't help but laugh. asked.

"Mother... good or bad!"

Ling'er stopped completely and looked at Liu Ruqing, feeling aggrieved and with tears in her eyes.

The little girl felt that she was extremely wronged. She had never teased her mother before, but this time she was teasing herself. The little girl knew that this must be caused by Lan Qin. Otherwise, when she was still 40,000 miles away from Juyue, her mother Like her, she couldn't clearly see the situation on Juyue.

But now she just feels extremely aggrieved. She doesn't want to complain to Lan Qin or ask for any explanation. She just feels that her mother has changed. In the past, she was the only one who teased her. Now her mother has begun to tease her. This gap It makes the little girl feel bad. There should never be such a gap. She is really wronged.

"Ling'er, don't worry, my sister will definitely not compete with you!"

Lin Momo looked at Ling'er. She noticed something was wrong earlier than Ling'er, but Ling'er was so excited that she flew ahead and didn't pay much attention to her. When she saw her weird expression, she probably thought she was because of this. Not being able to take the lead for the first time, or even being unable to take action together, I felt depressed and didn't think about whether there was something wrong with those ferocious beasts.

"Sister is also very bad. All those ferocious beasts are half-step Immortal Saint level guys. I'm afraid there are also immortals at the Immortal Saint level. If sister wants to rob, just grab it. Ling'er won't go anyway. not interesting!"

Ling'er looked at Lin Momo. She finally understood why her sister suddenly looked weird. It turned out that her sister had developed the problem before her.

The little girl is a little resentful, and her sister clearly sees the problem. Even if she is worried that her mother will be unhappy and cannot speak out directly, she can still use her spiritual voice to communicate.

As for whether you believe it or not, that's another matter. It's better than being silent after discovering the problem as the sister, right? !

"A sister should be a good role model for her sister. If she says she won't fight with her, she won't fight with her."

Lin Momo said with a bright smile.


Ling'er finally couldn't help it any longer, and the crystal tears fell from her eyes, sliding down her pink face.

"How old is it for you to cry over anything? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by Lan Qin and the others from now on?"

Lin Nan came over, picked up Ling'er, and wiped away the little girl's tears.

"It's different. This time it's mother who's playing tricks on Ling'er, and Ling'er feels wronged!"

The little girl buried her face on Lin Nan's shoulder and choked with sobs.

"Okay, okay, let your father knock down those ferocious beasts and let you kill them. Now I'm crying. How can you confidently say that you are your father's daughter in the future?"

Liu Ruqing was helpless. She knew that the little girl would be very wronged, but she didn't expect that she would be so sad. This was unexpected.

"Ling'er ignores his mother, so Ling'er shouldn't kill the ferocious beast."

The little girl buried her little head tighter.

"Then you won't kill any living beings from now on?"

Lin Nan asked.

"No, it's just that I don't want to kill those ferocious beasts in front of me."

Linger responded.

In fact, the little girl wanted to kill them in her heart, but it would be even more shameless to let her father knock down those ferocious beasts and then kill them by herself.

The little girl felt that it was better to hold back for the sake of her own face and the ability to take action freely in the future.

"All right."

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing looked at each other. The couple naturally understood Ling'er's little thoughts, but they couldn't say anything else to avoid the little girl feeling even more aggrieved, which would cause trouble if she couldn't coax her. So they had no choice but to nod.

Lin Nan raised his hand, and nearly a thousand ferocious beasts on the giant mountain seven thousand miles away were instantly wiped out.

There were three ferocious beasts at the level of Immortals and Saints, roaring and flying up from the mountains, but they still did not escape the fate of being instantly wiped out.

A blue lotus flower flew over and hovered about ten feet in front of Lin Nan. Lin Nan thought about it and gave the lotus flower to Ye Yu.

"Thank you, senior!"

After taking the lotus, Ye Yu was so excited that he could hardly speak.

This lotus is called Peerless Green Lotus, and it has only appeared once in the entire Red Star Territory, and it is only a legend. Whether it has actually appeared, she cannot tell.

But now that I have seen the real peerless Qinglian, the legend has naturally been confirmed.

After the birth of the peerless green lotus in history, it was refined by a casual cultivator. From then on, that casual cultivator made rapid progress. He achieved the status of Immortal Saint in only 300,000 years, and did not join any holy land. Under the constant pursuit, he became stronger and stronger.

In the end, the casual cultivator who obtained the Peerless Green Lotus was said to be Broken Void, directly breaking through the Immortal Saint Barrier and becoming a higher level existence. Broken Void soared to a higher heaven.

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