Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2002 Don’t rush this moment

Through seeking advice from Hong Lin and Lan Qin, Ye Yu's doubts about cultivation have been solved. Although she is still at the level of a half-step immortal saint, she knows that her strength has increased a lot. If she enters with In a fight with the self before Tianmu, now she is sure of victory, and can even suppress the self before entering Tianmu.

Now that Lin Nan has rewarded him with the peerless green lotus, Ye Yu understands that his path to Taoism is even brighter.

The casual cultivator in history could directly break through the barrier of the Immortal Saint Realm within 500,000 years with the help of someone's guidance, and then ascend to a higher heaven. And she herself was born in the Saint Sect, and now With the guidance of Hong Lin and Lan Qin, all the doubts he had in the past in cultivation disappeared. Now he is already a half-step Immortal Saint, and his future achievements are destined to be higher than that of the casual cultivator in history.

"Don't be in a hurry to refine it. The Lord gave you the peerless lotus flower not just for you to refining it in one go, but in the hope that you can use this rare and wonderful flower in the world to not only complete the foundation that has not been laid solidly in the past. If you stay stable, you can also take this opportunity to reinvent yourself and improve your base talent again, so that you can go further in the future."

Hong Lin said.

"Okay, after I return to the sect, I will make serious preparations and use the sect's most mysterious refining power to seek to gradually refine this peerless green lotus!"

Ye Yu nodded solemnly, then solemnly put away the peerless lotus flower, and bowed to Lin Nan respectfully.

"Instead of letting you refine it by yourself, is your sect's refining method worthy of the word magical power? You just have to wait with peace of mind. When the Lord and the Queen want to take a rest, we will bless you and let you use this flower as it is. When refining with lotus flowers, try not to waste any of it."

Lan Qin said somewhat dumbfounded.

Ye Yu has the qualifications to enter the Dao Ancestor Realm. This is the unanimous view of Hong Lin and Lan Qin. This is why the two of them are willing to answer Ye Yu's questions.

But having the qualifications to enter the Dao Ancestor Realm is one thing, but whether they can enter is another matter. Just like the seven Lingxiao girls, they already had the qualifications to enter the Dao Ancestor Realm, but Lin Nan asked them to do so in Yue After entering the alchemy furnace in the Yin Field to practice breakthroughs and entering the Immortal King Realm, it does not give them the ability to enter the quasi-emperor level. It just ensures that the Seven Girls of Lingxiao will definitely enter the Dao Ancestor Realm.

There is a big difference between having a chance and being certain. For example, when doing something, it means that it is possible to do it, which means that various problems will arise, making it impossible to achieve the goal, and it means that it can be done for sure. Even if problems arise, we can solve them all and achieve our goals.

And if Ye Yu, with the help of Hong Lin and Lan Qin, can completely refine this peerless lotus, he will also have the foundation to enter the Dao Ancestor Realm, and he will no longer just have hope.

"This is...good! Thank you two sisters!"

Ye Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. After coming back to his senses, he saluted Hong Lin and Lan Qin in thanks.

"Senior, you wanted to give the secret realm to Venerable Ye Yu before. Now that you have obtained the treasure, you gave it directly to Venerable Ye Yu without even looking at this junior. You... By the way, aren't you afraid that the Queen will be jealous? ?”

Over there, Xu Lang couldn't sit still. He also knew the legend about Peerless Qinglian.

Like Ye Yu, he didn't take the legend seriously before, but now after seeing the real peerless Qinglian, he had to take it seriously.

Before, Lin Nan said that he would give the secret realm to Ye Yu. He was not jealous because the secret realm was not attractive to him. But it was different with a peerless treasure like the Peerless Qinglian. Now he was really jealous and wished he could just buy it from Ye Yu. Yu grabbed it from his hand, but fortunately because he was self-aware, he didn't do such a thing.

"The peerless green lotus can bring you few benefits. I'll see if there are any good things that are destined for you later. I will give them to you when the time comes. Don't rush now."

Lin Nan, who was holding Linger, looked at Xu Lang.


Xu Lang suddenly became happy after receiving Lin Nan's promise.

As for the peerless green lotus, he had no interest at all. After all, Lin Nan had said that the peerless green lotus could bring him few benefits. Even if he knew the benefits Lin Nan said were not many, in his opinion It was definitely a heaven-defying benefit, and he was no longer jealous.

Because he knew that Lin Nan didn't consider him when he sent the Peerless Qinglian.

However, Xu Lang quickly thought of a question and couldn't help but ask: "Well... senior, why don't you give it to the Queen and the little princess first?"

"Peerless Qinglian, a natural treasure that enhances the talent of the root bones and increases the talent, has no effect on them, because their talent of the root bones and talents are already almost full, and using the peerless Qinglian on them will only It will be more wasteful than using it on you, and the benefits it can bring to them are almost negligible."

Lin Nan said.

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that... the Peerless Green Lotus is a bit wasteful when used on me, but it will be more beneficial when used on Venerable Ye Yu? Does that mean... that my basic talents and talents simply surpass Ye Yu? Venerable three million streets?”

Xu Lang was stunned for a moment, then quickly started to squeal.

Ye Yu is a famous person in the Scarlet Star Realm. When she was in the Immortal Realm, she was directly at the top of the list of geniuses. Although she has never taken action after entering the half-step Immortal Saint level, at least on the surface, no one has seen her take action. Under this situation, the monks all over the world directly ranked her in the top ten of the Venerable List, and did not dare to specify the ranking, only saying that she was in the top ten.

It’s okay if the monks in the world don’t have any objections. No one from the Nineteen Saint Sect and the Evil Spirit Clan has any objections. Those fierce men who are also at the level of half-step immortal saints don’t say anything. It’s like Ye Yu, who is at the half-step immortal level. After reaching the level of Bu Xian Sheng, she has never made a move, but she is directly ranked in the top ten of the Venerable List. The ranking is not determined. Whoever thinks she is in the top ten will be ranked. This kind of treatment is the only one in ancient times.

In this way, his basic talents and talents were much higher than those of Venerable Ye Yu. Xu Lang, who was already extremely arrogant, naturally couldn't help but sneered.

"You are still worse than Ye Yu. Fu Han is on the same level as Ye Yu before. It's just that Hong Lin and Lan Qin solved Ye Yu's confusion just now. She is already better than Fu Han in terms of talent. Somewhat, and when she refines the Peerless Green Lotus, her talent and talent will be improved again. Fuhan must lay a solid foundation at every step, so as not to miss the gap with Ye Yu later."

Lin Nan shook his head.

"Uh...this is embarrassing!"

Xu Lang was a little stunned, but he could accept it, but he felt very embarrassed.

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