Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2003 Disciple who often travels to the Holy Land

The peerless green lotus can be said to be the best among the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the world that can improve the qualifications of monks. However, Ye Yu is not in a hurry to refine it now. Lin Nan has no intention of taking a rest. The most important thing is that Lin Nan and others are here, so she doesn't need to worry about anyone coming to snatch this treasure.

Even Ye Yu couldn't think of anyone in the world who could seize the items from Lin Nan's hands. After all, Hong Lin and Lan Qin were just followers of Lin Nan, and they could actually take away what she had accumulated over millions of years in just a few words. The doubts were resolved. If she hadn't known that the two women were indeed Lin Nan's followers and were extremely loyal to Lin Nan, she would never have believed that such two absolute supreme beings could follow one person willingly.

As for the kind of man who could be truly followed by two supreme beings, Ye Yu felt that she might never know it in her lifetime.

They are not from the same world. Even if they are under the same sky, Ye Yu understands that Lin Nan and the others can escape from the restrictions of the sky at any time, but she cannot. Whether she can escape from the restrictions of the sky in this life is still unknown. She really didn't dare to imagine Lin Nan's height.

Lin Nan is in a good mood. His mood is never too bad. This is closely related to his strength. When a person has enough strength, although there will still be troubles coming, but in the face of absolute strength, All the troubles that come to your door are just a little fun brought to a peaceful and somewhat boring life.

Ling'er's tendency to fight and kill at every turn is mostly caused by the things Lin Nan often encounters and Lin Nan's handling methods. In fact, Lin Momo is also the same as Ling'er. The growth of the two little sisters The environment is the same, but compared to Ling'er, Lin Momo, the older sister, is better able to control her emotions and is more stable.

Ling'er still didn't calm down from her sadness, and was still holding Lin Nan's neck tightly in Lin Nan's arms, but soon the little girl became energetic.

"A group of monks appeared in front of them. They are frequent visitors to the Holy Land. Something happened when they came in, causing them to get separated. They are all Immortal Realm monks. The strongest ones are only those in the late Immortal Realm. You You can go practice with Momo, Fuhan, Lingxiao and the others."

Lin Nan said to Linger.

"Huh? Where? Where?"

After hearing Lin Nan's words, Ling'er suddenly became energetic, no longer burying her little face on Lin Nan's shoulder, and hurriedly turned her head and looked around.

Although she didn't see the monks who frequented the Holy Land as Lin Nan said, the little girl didn't doubt it. She didn't think Lin Nan was lying to her. Although Liu Ruqing teased her before, the little girl felt that everything was Lan Qin's idea. Otherwise, her mother would not have teased her like that, but now it was her father who told her. The little girl believed that Lan Qin could not get her father to tease her too.

"Lan Qin, did you see it?"

Thinking of Lan Qin, the little girl immediately looked nearby.

"I saw it. As the Lord said, they are indeed some Immortal Realm monks who often travel to the Holy Land. The strongest ones are only late-stage Immortal Realm monks. Princess Momo, Fuhan and Lingxiao will take action together. If so, we can fight them, and there is still a chance of winning."

Lan Qin responded.

Those monks who often traveled to the Holy Land were scattered due to unknown factors, nearly 50,000 miles away from where they were. When Hong Lin and Lan Qin followed Lin Nan, like Lin Nan, they generally did not scatter their six senses too far. Their power has not been suppressed. Unlike when they were in the prehistoric world, they always maintained the normal vision of the quasi-emperor, and could see clearly the situation within a radius of billions of miles at a glance.

After following Lin Nan, both Hong Lin and Lan Qin, as well as the Snow God and the Water God, all maintained their vision at fifty thousand miles like Lin Nan, occasionally releasing the suppression and seeing farther.

It is precisely because of this that Hong Lin and Lan Qin can also see what Lin Nan saw.

"That's good."

After hearing Lan Qin's words, Ling'er became more and more sure that her father had not lied to her. After all, Lan Qin was not as restless as she was. He wanted to do something to do from time to time. He had already teased her once before. No matter what, I won't tease her again.

The little girl is a little unreasonable many times. She often blames her sister Lin Momo because of her young age. However, the little girl is still very self-aware. For example, she has never played any emotional cards with outsiders, and the emotional cards are not good either. Just use it in front of people close to you.


On a high mountain, this is the top of a giant mountain. It is extremely open. If a mortal came here, he would definitely think that it was a plain. But now there is a group of monks here who are confused and afraid.

They are the Immortal Realm monks who often travel to the Holy Land. There are more than forty people in total, and there are four late-stage Immortal Realm monks. For them, if they walk in the main continent of the Red Star Territory, they can run amok. After all, they are Immortal Realm disciples who often travel to the Holy Land, and they are also genius disciples. They will be treated with courtesy wherever they go, and those sects that are not among the Nineteen Holy Sects will treat them as guests.

But now they are in a panic, and their fear cannot be concealed. The reason is very simple. This is in the sky, not in the main continent of the Red Star Territory, and they are separated from the strong men of the sect.

When heading to the northern boundary of Tianmu, the elders in the sect had already told them that once they were separated from the large army in Tianmu, it would be 90% of the worst, because there were not only native-born and raised people in Tianmu. There are also powerful monsters and fierce beasts like them, monks who come from other star fields, and even monks who come down from higher heavens.

They are very strong. In front of many monsters and beasts, as well as other star realm monks, their strength is not weak. It can even be said to be very powerful. Those monks, monsters and beasts can only look up to them, but they can easily kill them. There are quite a few of them, which is why they didn't dare to move around at will after arriving here, and stayed peacefully on the top of Juyue without going out.

Their Taoist hearts are not fragile, and they also have the courage to seek opportunities in great dangers, but there may be great terrors hidden everywhere in this sky that can easily kill them. Faced with this unknown terror, No matter how resolute their Taoist heart is, they will not act easily.

They have lived for a long time, at least a hundred thousand years. To be able to cultivate to this level, everyone has suffered a lot due to recklessness.

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