Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2004 How dare you despise us!

"Really, after the Fuchun Holy Land, Yaoguang Holy Land and Tianhu Holy Land, the team that came to the canopy was wiped out by the terrifying existence that came out of the canopy, we were not happy for a long time before the disaster befell us. It’s true that after a great disaster there must be great luck, and after great luck there must be great disaster. This law of cause and effect is so fucking fucked up!”

"Junior brother, please don't be so cynical here. There must be great luck after a catastrophe. What you said can be interpreted as whether we will be extremely prosperous and have great opportunities come to us. But compared to Fuchun Holy Land and Yaoguang Holy Land, and Tianhu Holy Land, our disaster is really not a big disaster. If this sentence is really effective, it must be effective in those three Holy Lands first. I don’t want to see that here. The strong men from the three families, after all, this is within the sky, if we really meet the strong men from those three families, we will definitely be wiped out directly!"

"That's right, let alone the surviving strong men from the three Holy Lands, even if we meet the strong men from the Bei Clan and Dayan Holy Land who have a good relationship with us, we will probably be killed. After all, this is Tianmu, even if we are killed We, the master, have no way of knowing, and even if we know, we can't say anything. From the moment we enter the sky, we are destined to step into the gate of hell with half a foot, which can reduce the strength of other holy places. No matter who sees it, he can eat it. The other holy land monks below may be killed directly!"

"It's really too difficult. If I had known from the beginning that there would be a problem at the entrance to the canopy and we would be separated from His Holiness and His Majesty, I would not have come!"

"Actually, it's not bad. We who often visit the Holy Land are not the last ones to come in. Those Holy Land monks who come in behind us must be even more dispersed."

There is no harm without comparison. This sentence is very appropriate in many cases, but in some cases the meaning will change. Thinking of those Holy Sect teams that entered the sky behind the Holy Land they often visited, these forty The moods of many disciples who often travel to the Holy Land have improved inexplicably, and their fear has dissipated a lot, and their moods have gradually calmed down.

In fact, they had been here for less than a quarter of an hour. Because of confusion and fear, they did not observe the situation around them carefully. Now that their mood gradually calmed down, they began to observe carefully.

They found that there were no monsters or ferocious beasts that could directly threaten them within thousands of miles nearby. This was good news for them. Even if they could not reunite with the sect team, they could still pick medicinal materials nearby and search for them. With treasures of heaven and earth, if there is still a safe location six thousand miles away, their harvest will definitely not be small, and they can quietly wait for the power of laws within the canopy to teleport them back when the canopy closes. The northern boundary of the Red Star Territory.

"Huh? Someone! That's..."

"It's actually... it's them! How... how is this possible? Haven't they... been killed by that terrifying existence? How could they still be alive!"

"Who just said that great luck must follow a great disaster? You are such a crow's mouth. You actually... actually told these fuckers to come back to life!"

Before these monks who often traveled to the Holy Land could be happy for a long time, they saw Lin Nan and his group who were less than six thousand miles away from them. Only then did they come to their senses. The monks who often traveled to the Holy Land and started to feel happy were immediately confused again. .

Although Lin Nan and his party were not as numerous as them, it was obvious that either there were only a few people killed, or they encountered the same problem as them when they entered the sky and were separated from the large army.

But Lin Nan and his group still made them feel creepy. Not to mention Lin Nan and others, not to mention the two powerful little sisters in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm who easily killed two evil spirit clans, only one of them was familiar to them. The incomparable Venerable Ye Yu from Tianhu Holy Land had already made them unable to resist at all.

Any Half-Step Immortal Saint among the Nineteen Saint Sects would be able to make them cool off. Now there is a Half-Step Immortal Saint. Ye Yu is so fierce that he is also a Half-step Immortal Saint. The strong men of the sage did not dare to provoke the fierce man. Apart from being shocked and frightened, they seemed to not know what else they could do.

To them now, Ye Yu is a life-threatening impermanence. They are just ordinary mortals and have no qualifications to bargain with Ye Yu.

There are very few people who don't know Ye Yu's temperament. He is famous for being unruly and not to be provoked. Those who provoke Ye Yu, even the Supreme Immortal Saint among the Holy Sect, have to apologize to Ye Yu in the end. This is something they never dared to think about. After Ye Yu made it, it made the world feel normal. If it were not like this, it would make people question whether the Supreme Being was plotted by others and was maliciously spread rumors to provoke Ye Yu. relationship between.

Ye Yu has a very high status and weight in the Red Star Territory. Not many monks in the Immortal King Realm know about it, but there are no monks in the Immortal Sovereign Realm who don’t know about Ye Yu.

"Hey, monks who often travel to the Holy Land, why do you all have such dead faces? When you helped the Evil Spirit Clan deal with us, weren't you still very magical?"

Ling'er had already left Lin Nan's arms after seeing the more than 40 monks who often traveled to the Holy Land. He was afraid that his sister Lin Momo would kill more and he would kill too few. When the distance was close, he would see those who often visited the Holy Land. The monk who traveled to the Holy Land was still in a dazed state, so Ling'er couldn't help but say this.

"You...you little thing deserve to die. You actually dare to despise us and make fun of us like this. You really don't know how to live or die, and how high the heaven and earth are!"

"Don't get too complacent too soon. The strong men of our sect are in the secret realm of Juyue. If you do anything random, be careful and there will be no return. You won't have the chance to regret it then!"

"Yes, we, the supreme and venerable ones who often visit the Holy Land, are in the secret realm inside Juyue. I advise you to be more sensible, otherwise don't lick your face and say that we often visit the Holy Land and bully others!"

It has to be said that the monks who often travel to the Holy Land are still very active in their thoughts.

However, this kind of trick did not affect Lin Nan and his party. After all, even the powerful people who often travel to the Holy Land are here. Whether they are the Immortal Saint Supreme or the Half-step Immortal Saint, they are all important to Lin Nan and his party. Similarly, even if Lin Nan doesn't take action, Hong Lin and Lan Qin can easily solve Changyou Holy Land, without any challenge at all.

The more than 40 monks who often visited the Holy Land quickly discovered the problem and realized that Lin Nan and his party were not frightened by them, and they couldn't help but panic.

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