Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2013 The Ten Thousand-Zhang White Bone Mountain

In the following period, I often encountered some monsters or ferocious beasts whose cultivation levels were not very high. Most of them were trained by the two little sisters, Princess Fuhan and the Seven Girls Lingxiao. A few of them were not too weak in cultivation. Let Yue Shi, Han Yue, Qing Yue and Ye Yu practice their skills. If they reach a higher level in the Immortal Saint Realm, Lin Nan usually kills them directly.

The most restless people along the way were Shi Ling'er and Xu Lang. Ever since Xu Lang yelled at the little girl out of control that day, the little girl took revenge and punched and kicked Xu Lang at every turn. He had some energy and could still yell with the little girl, but as time passed, Xu Lang withered.

On this day, a group of people came to a deserted place, which was not a secret place in Tianmu. This deserted place was marked on the maps of Fuchun Holy Land, Yaoguang Holy Land and Tianhu Holy Land, and it was located in the outer area of ​​Tianmu.

But even so, it is still listed as an inaccessible Jedi place by the Nineteenth Holy Sect of the Scarlet Star Territory and the Evil Spirit Clan. Just because the Scarlet Star Territory monks who enter this Jedi Land almost never come out alive, and even if they do come out, they will change. He became crazy and no longer a normal person.

It can make a monk become crazy, and he is at least a genius in the Immortal Realm. This place is really weird, and it is truly a desperate place.

But now it is Lin Nan and his party who are here. Not to mention this mere Jedi, even if it is the entire sky, even if Lin Nan does not take action, the accompanying Hong Lin and Lan Qin can level this place with one slap.

"Senior, you have to think clearly. If safety cannot be completely ensured, I think it is better not to go in. We have nothing to do, but if the Queen or the two little princesses are injured or something, then the gain will outweigh the loss, and it will be too late to regret. Got it!"

For Xu Lang, who had thoroughly studied the description of the sky curtain in the Holy Land of Shaking Light before coming, as well as the various versions of the sky curtain map accumulated over the endless years, even if he knew that Lin Nan was completely invincible, but He was still a little scared and didn't want to enter this Jedi place.

After all, no matter how powerful a person is, there are still secret realms in this world that transcend the laws. For example, the Half-Step Immortal Saint is already invincible in the first heaven, but there are still many secret realms and Jedi places that can defeat the Half-Step Immortal Saint. The person is trapped, or even directly trapped and killed.

"Stay outside if you don't have the guts, and I didn't say you have to go in, or I'll kill you if you don't go in. If you don't go in, that's a good thing. It's one less person who is a drag and a talkative person. How perfect. ah!"

Ling'er glanced at Xu Lang and said leisurely.

"You...who said I'm afraid? Isn't it just a peerless place? With senior here, what do I have to be afraid of?"

After hearing what the little girl said and seeing how she didn't take him seriously at all, Xu Lang suddenly became angry.

During this period, I have been getting angry with Ling'er, not to mention taking advantage, even like in Fuchun City in the Xuanwu Star Territory of the first level, I had a back-and-forth fight with the little girl, and sometimes the little girl jumped in anger. Appeared again.

Now because of what happened to the Jedi in front of him, he was once again despised by the little girl, which instantly aroused his aggressive mood.

Xu Lang didn't just say what he said, but in fact what he said was a bit weak and inconsistent with the reality, because after he said this, he directly used his body skills to enter the Jedi.

"Really...went in?"

Ling'er couldn't help but widen her big watery eyes, feeling very incredible. From the little girl's point of view, Xu Lang was just pretending, and at most he would stop when he reached the edge of the barrier. She didn't expect that he actually walked directly through the barrier. The world has entered the Jedi world.

"This... Xu Lang has suffered a lot. If we don't find him back soon, I don't know how much torture he will suffer in the Jedi."

Ye Yu didn't know what to say and felt a little emotional.

Among the group of people, the one who really knows the situation inside the sky is undoubtedly Lin Nan, followed by Hong Lin and Lan Qin, and then there are Ye Yu, Princess Fu Han and Xu Lang who have seen the sect map. Liu Ruqing The others were not very clear. After all, they had never seen a map. They followed Lin Nan's decision all the way and went wherever Lin Nan said.

Therefore, Ye Yu knew clearly that if Xu Lang left and Lin Nan was here, he would definitely not die, but he didn't know how much suffering he would suffer.

"Don't worry about him. We will explore on our own after entering the Jedi. Let Xu Lang suffer some hardships there. When we meet again, he should be able to overcome the tribulation and become a monk in the Immortal King Realm."

Lin Nan was not worried about Xu Lang's safety, because the moment Xu Lang passed through the barrier, he had already left a Qi Yun on Xu Lang's body, which could ensure that Xu Lang's life would not be in danger.

After Lin Nan spoke, everyone passed through the barrier. Because it was some time before Xu Lang passed through the barrier, they did not see Xu Lang and knew that they might be thousands of miles away from Xu Lang. , when we can meet again, without Lin Nan saying anything, we can only look at Xu Lang's own fate.

This is a place of death, a real place of death. Bones are everywhere. Skeleton mountains can be seen everywhere, and there are even mountains of bones.

But this place is not deserted. There are actually flowers. Although they are very sparse, they are much denser than the flowers on the Gobi Desert in the northern boundary of the Red Star Territory. However, these flowers are different from those elsewhere. In addition to the bright red flowers on the other side, there are also flowers here. There are two other kinds of flowers, one is completely black and filled with evil aura, and the other is completely white, but not holy at all. It even exudes an aura that is extremely white but makes people feel creepy.

"The three kinds of flowers here, except for the other side flower, the two spiritual flowers are something I have never seen before. If you put them into the mortal world, just one flower can wipe out all life within a hundred thousand miles in an instant. No wonder whether it is an immortal No matter whether you are a monk in the Supreme Realm or a half-step Immortal Saint, you can't go back after entering this Jedi place. Even if the Supreme Immortal Saint comes out alive, you will become a crazy lunatic who can't remember anything!"

Looking at the vast expanse of land with bones and bones and skull mountains as far as the eye can see, even a being like Ye Yu feels creepy.

If Lin Nan hadn't radiated charm to protect everyone at the moment of passing through the barrier, except for Hong Lin and Lan Qin, Ye Yu felt that everyone else, including herself, would have been directly eroded into ashes. To the bones.

Even if she can resist for a while, she will never escape death. This is a completely ominous place, a veritable Jedi!

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