Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2014 Caught back and dissected

Hong Lin and Lan Qin's expressions were solemn. From the beginning to the end, they did not increase their strength to directly investigate the sky or the situation here.

They knew that the reason why Lin Nan suppressed his realm was because he was bored and wanted to find something to do. The most important thing was to let Liu Ruqing and the two little ones improve their cultivation. If not for an invincible Emperor like Lin Nan, even if they were looking for fun, they would not be able to do anything. He will go directly to other big worlds to find evenly matched opponents for fun.

It is precisely because of this that, in order not to interfere with Lin Nan, and at the same time, in order to make this boring journey a little more interesting, the two of them always suppressed their strength and vision like Lin Nan, and only slightly used it when taking action. The fighting strength is revealed.

But now here, looking at this boundless land of bones that can’t be seen for 50,000 to 60,000 miles, as well as the flowers of the other side and two other kinds of flowers everywhere, it reminded them of the time in the prehistoric world more than a billion years ago. A scene that was staged.

"Lord, if you are right, this seems to be a common tactic used by the demigods when they invade other big worlds. There must be people from the demigods living in this Jedi."

After Hong Lin and Lan Qin looked at each other, they looked at Lin Nan together, and Hong Lin spoke.

"Huh? Demigods? It's interesting. I went to Tiandu City before and killed a few guys, people from the demigods. I never thought that they already have a base in this sky. This is quite interesting. "

Hearing Hong Lin's words, Lin Nan couldn't help but smile.

After a slight pause, Lin Nan looked at Ye Yu and asked, "By the way, Ye Yu, when did this Jedi place begin to appear?"

"Senior, in the records of our Heavenly Fox Holy Land, it began to appear 80 million years ago. At that time, there was a Supreme Immortal Saint in our Heavenly Fox Holy Land. After entering this Jedi place, he never came out again until the Sky Curtain. The power of laws within began to clear people, and the Immortal Saint Supreme was teleported out. When I saw him again, he was already crazy. Except that he still had the cultivation level of the Immortal Saint, he was no longer a lunatic in the world. What a difference."

Ye Yu responded.

"Senior, our Fuchun Holy Land also has records. It is indeed the first time records were recorded for this Jedi when the sky curtain opened 80 million years ago. Three half-step immortal saints from our Tianhu Holy Land fell here. The rest of the Holy Lands There are also more or less disciples who have died here, so this holy land caused quite a stir in the Red Star Territory back then. Therefore, it can be determined that it was the time 80 million years ago that the Nineteenth Holy Sect and the Evil Spirit Clan discovered this place for the first time. A desperate place."

Princess Fuhan on the side added something.

"It won't be long before we arrive. Let's walk around and see."

Lin Nan nodded slightly, then pointed everyone in a direction and started moving forward.

Eighty million years does not seem like a long time to Hong Lin and Lan Qin, because they have lived for more than a billion years. When they saw the base of the demigods in the ancient world, they were still little monks who had not yet become immortals. If it weren't for the great sages of the demon clan protecting them, the two of them would have perished there.

But for Lin Nan, 80 million years is indeed a long time. Not to mention 80 million years, eight years feels like a long time to him. After all, given his age, life is too short, and his concept of time is naturally different. Hong Lin and Lan Qin are different.


Xu Lang was a little confused now. Looking at the boundless sea of ​​blood, he was dumbfounded.

After passing through the barrier, he arrived on this sea of ​​blood. He clearly felt that if Lin Nan hadn't blessed him with aura when he passed through the barrier, he would never be alive now. , and cannot stand on the sea of ​​blood.

He was no longer able to fly. After he regained consciousness and tried some, he was sure that he was now above the sea of ​​blood, just like a mortal standing on the earth. The only difference was the speed at which a mortal ran on land. Very slowly, he was running at a speed of more than one hundred meters per second on the sea of ​​blood.

Compared with the speed in the outside world, this speed was not a bit slower, but Xu Lang was not depressed because he knew that it was a great blessing that he was still alive.

"I can't be so reckless for the sake of face in the future. Seniors and the others obviously won't come here anymore. If I encounter a ferocious beast or a monster, I have to deal with it myself. I don't know if the aura blessed by seniors on me is right?" It can also help me fight against ferocious beasts and monsters. If not, the probability of my death is simply immeasurable!"

After waiting for a long time and seeing no changes nearby, Xu Lang determined that there was a magic circle similar to Qimen Dunjia at the entrance of the barrier, and teleported Lin Nan and others to other places. Now he could only rely on himself.

At the same time, he also understood that Lin Nan could protect him from death with a touch of energy, which meant that the dangers in this Jedi place were not worth mentioning to Lin Nan, and the magic circle at the entrance of the barrier was also nothing to Lin Nan. Yong, the reason why I didn’t come to take him was because I wanted him to explore this Jedi place on his own.

After calming down, Xu Lang chose a direction, and then ran forward with all his strength, hoping to escape from the sea of ​​blood and land on land as soon as possible.

"My God... Although I have never seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood, today's sea of ​​blood, this land of bones, and those mountains of skeletons have really refreshed my horizons!"

After running for more than two hours and nearly 100,000 miles away, Xu Lang finally saw the mainland.

When he was watching from a distance, he felt that the vast expanse of white was just a visual effect caused by the distance. But when he got closer, he was stunned. As he said, the continent of bones in front of him was really It refreshed his horizons.

After being stunned for a while, Xu Lang chose to board the Bone Continent. When he landed on the continent, he found that he had the same speed as outside, and could already fly into the clouds and mist. As for the three flowers that could easily kill him , because the aura that Lin Nan blessed him with made him feel no discomfort.

But before he could get too happy, a group of people came out from not far away for no apparent reason, and all of them stared at him with unkind expressions.

"You humble human ant, a weakling like you, can actually survive in the Holy Land, move freely, and not go insane. It's really strange."

One of the women in the group was astonished.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This kid either has a treasure or has a special physique. If he has a treasure, snatch it away. If he has a special physique, take him back and dissect him, and let the ancestors study it carefully."

A man said impatiently, but from his tone, it sounded like he hoped that Xu Lang had a special physique so that they could capture him and dissect him.

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