Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2017 Slave Market

The sudden appearance of two half-step immortal saints was undoubtedly very suspicious. What's more, the group of people in front of them also killed a patrol team. The patrol team had previously sent a message saying that they had encountered a group of people. An unusual human monk.

Although he didn't believe that anyone could break into the Holy Land, especially human maggots, and the strongest ones were only two and a half-step immortal saints, there must be something wrong when things go wrong and they should not be taken lightly.

The half-god and half-step immortal saint who was traveling with him also had the same idea. The two of them had a tacit understanding and were ready to take action. Once they were sure that Lin Nan and his party had a real problem, they would take action without hesitation.

"It's better not to take action, otherwise you will definitely be the one who ends up in the courtyard. As for our origins... we came from the main world to the second level of the Red Star Territory of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths with the four ancestors. Just in time to catch up with the opening of the sky curtain entrance to the northern boundary of the Red Star Territory, the four ancestors let us mix with the ranks of the Nineteenth Holy Sect, enter the sky curtain, and come to this holy land."

Ye Yu said.

Naturally, she could clearly see the situation of the two half-gods and half-step immortal saints. Not only she, but Yue Shi could also see clearly. If there was a fight, there would be no need for Lin Nan and others to take action. , she or Yue Shi could kill the two demi-gods in front of them with just one move.

As for what she said, it was Lin Nan who told her just now. Although he did not name the four powerful demigods who were killed by Lin Nan in Tiandu City, he was convinced that the two demigods in front of him were He must know that those four people went to the second heaven.

"I see, but... I wonder why the two comrades wanted to kill those patrolling clan members?"

After listening to Ye Yu's words, the two semi-god sages looked at each other and believed that Ye Yu and others were fine. However, they still couldn't understand why Ye Yu and Yue Shi were both half-step immortal saints. , there are Immortal Sovereign Realm beings in the team, there is no reason to get angry with a group of Immortal King Realm ordinary patrolling team.

"Oh, they insist on saying that we are human maggots and won't let us go together. They also use filthy words to us. They look like an eyesore and let that little girl kill them."

Ye Yu smiled, pointed at Ling'er, and said calmly.

The two semi-god venerables were speechless and had nothing to say. After looking at each other, they led Lin Nan and his party to the station.

After passing through a barrier, you entered a completely different world. This world was no longer littered with bones. It was not much different from the Red Star Territory, with green mountains and green waters, birds and animals, and grass growing and warblers flying.

After flying for more than ten miles, everyone entered a city. This city was extremely prosperous. Although it was not as lively as Fuchun City in the Scarlet Star Region, it was not much different.

Lin Nan and his party were placed in a very large area in the city. After the two half-step Immortal Saints left, the Immortal Saint Supreme arrived, mainly to test Lin Nan and his party. Ye Yu and Yue Shi were in Lin Nan. Under Nan's guidance, the immortal saints of the semi-god race did not see any problems.

"Father, can we go out and play?"

As soon as those demigod supremes left, Ling'er couldn't sit still.

When entering the city, the little girl was attracted by many strange and strange objects. If Lin Nan hadn't told her not to mess around with them, she would have wandered all over the place.

"Yes, but you have to stay with your father and don't mess around. This is not a human territory. It's not like in the human territory. As long as you have strength, you won't have big problems and won't be squeezed out. In this city, except for Apart from us, all of you are members of the demigod race. If you let them know that you are a human monk, you will only go on a killing spree, and you will no longer be able to observe their situation in detail."

Lin Nan said.

Ling'er nodded and didn't care much about it, and ran happily to Lin Momo. Lin Momo over there was also very happy. It could be seen that it was not just Ling'er who wanted to go out, but the two little sisters had the same idea.

"Honey, you take Fuhan, Hong Lin, and Lan Qin for a walk around the city to see if there is anything worth learning from. I will take the two little ones around to avoid them being restless and tossing if they are all together. There's going to be trouble."

Lin Nan looked at Liu Ruqing and said.

Liu Ruqing nodded and had no objection. Compared to the two sisters who focused on playing, Liu Ruqing focused on cultivation. After all, as Lin Nan's wife, if her level was too low, even if others knew about Lin Nan's strength, she would attract strange feelings. This made her very uncomfortable, so she didn't pay much attention to matters related to spiritual practice.

Lin Nan was walking along the bustling street with his two little sisters. From time to time, the two little sisters would stop at a roadside stall and chatter about the items on the stall, but they did not cause any trouble.

"Huh? Slave trading market?"

When they reached the end of the long street and stood at the intersection, the two sisters were attracted by a sign at the entrance.

Whether it was in the Xuanwu Star Territory of the first heaven or the Red Star Territory of the second heaven, the two little sisters had never seen a place where slaves were sold. Now that they looked at it, it seemed that the street was full of slaves. This made the little sisters The two sisters became curious. If they didn't go and take a look, they would definitely not be able to settle down.

"Father, let's go take a look?"

Lin Momo looked up at Lin Nan, while Ling'er nodded desperately.

"Even if you go to see it, you won't buy slaves, so what are you going to do?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile.

The two little sisters were stunned. They tilted their heads and thought for a long time, but they couldn't think of a good way to say it. They could only blink their big, clear eyes and said: "We haven't gone to see it yet. How did Father know that we wouldn't buy it?" ?What if we meet someone we both like more?"

Lin Nan didn't say anything after hearing this, and walked into the street with the two little sisters.

Compared with the previous street, this street seems much cooler, but after asking around, I know that this street is no less lively than the previous street, just because the high-class or rare slaves are there. Among the shops on both sides of the street, the street is not suitable for large-scale parking of slaves, which is why it looks so cold.

The two little sisters have little interest in the slaves sold on the street. They are all of little use to the two little sisters, or the two little sisters cannot sympathize with them.

When entering the shops on both sides of the street, the situation improved. What was sold was no longer just the sinners of the demigods who had not become immortals, but all kinds of creatures, almost all kinds of creatures.

Most of the things that can catch the eyes of the two little sisters are cute little spiritual pets. However, spiritual pets are not in the scope of slaves. They are just spiritual pets that mark the slaves for sale. They are not just for sale.

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