Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2018 Can’t afford to offend

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The two little sisters are not very happy about this regulation of the merchant. After all, although most of the demigod sinners here are monks who have become immortals, they are of little use to the two little sisters, not to mention they are still guilty. , his character is very worrying.

In fact, the two little sisters are not so rigid in their definition of good and bad. They know that even criminals are not necessarily of bad character. However, the monks who are sold at a price here are all demigod monks, and Lin Nan's attitude is also very tough, and he will definitely not be merciful to this ethnic group that wants to invade Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Although he is staying in the city of the demigods now, when he understands enough, he will definitely take action directly. At least when he leaves this Jedi land, he will kill all the demigod monks here.

So the two little sisters don't want to spend money unnecessarily, even if they don't care about that little fairy crystal, but no matter what, they spend money on things they don't like for no reason. Although the two little sisters are extravagant, they are not so unappreciative. degree of money.

After all, it was because even if they bought the demigod slaves, the spiritual pets of those demigod slaves would still be theirs and would not become the two little sisters, which was why the two little sisters were so uninterested.

"If the two little fairies want spiritual pets, they can go to the street next door, which is a place that specializes in selling spiritual pets. However, if you want to buy spiritual pets and slaves, you can do it here, but you have to go to the inner cave. Selection, the market in the inner cave not only has treasures that are not inferior to those who cherish spiritual pets on the spiritual pet street, but also many slaves from other ethnic groups. The slaves from other ethnic groups have never committed any crimes, so there is no need to worry about us. Just like slaves of the gods."

Seeing that the two little sisters were in low spirits, the middle-aged man was lying comfortably on a chair in the lobby enjoying tea. He put down his teacup and came over and said to the two little sisters politely.

Although he is only a powerful person at the early stage of the Immortal Realm, his ability to read people is not weak. It can be seen that the two little sisters are not interested in the sinner slaves of the demigods, but are only interested in the spiritual pets of those sinner slaves.

The reason why he came to tell the story in person was not because of this, but because Lin Nan's cultivation level was obviously higher than his, and the two little sisters only exuded the energy and blood of seven or eight years old, and they were already monks at the peak level of the Golden Fairy Realm. , this kind of talent has never been seen or heard of before.

These two reasons made him dare not make the two sisters unhappy, for fear that he would be defined as a sinner by some powerful force for no reason, and he would be sold as a slave with a price tag, which would leave him no room to cry.

"That's it, then let's go to the inner cave. By the way, father, do you have enough fairy crystals with you? If we are like us in the tiny place of Red Star Territory, and are blocked by the maggots among the human ants, we will also be blocked by If you blackmail me, you won’t know whether to fight or suffer the consequences. After all, this is not the territory of the human race, but the city of our demigods, and we still need to pay attention to harmony internally."

Ling'er's eyes shone, and he was about to run towards the entrance of the cave, but he stopped after taking a small step, suppressed his smile, and said with a straight face and an old-fashioned look.

"This... the little fairy is joking. Just like what the little fairy said, our demigod clan is extremely harmonious. Even these sinners who are sold at a price have not done anything harmful to their fellow tribesmen. They are just... I did some things that were not in compliance with the regulations during the foreign war, and I was punished by being a slave for many years. Our demigod tribe is the most harmonious among all ethnic groups. How can we look down on our fellow tribesmen and extort them from others!"

The middle-aged man who was in the early stage of the Immortal Realm suddenly became smart after hearing Ling'er's words.

Among the demigods, especially in shops, it is true that extortion rarely occurs, but in any case, it is not absolutely non-existent. In addition, it is impossible to prevent the cannibalism of the same race. After all, they are all Monks, if you go out to practice for the opportunity, you will definitely fight. This is something that all ethnic groups cannot prevent. If there is a group that does not fight or fight in the world of immortality, then this group will be quickly exterminated by other ethnic groups.

But the two little sisters are obviously not ordinary people. Lin Nan, who seems to be in the same realm as himself, since he is the father of the two little sisters, must not be as simple as the Immortal Realm. This can't help but make the middle-aged man's heart beat violently. , when talking to the two little sisters, it was like a standard reporting method to the boss during an inspection, for fear of making the two little sisters unhappy and causing him to be inexplicably convicted.

"That's it, that's good. Let's go first. This is a reward for you."

Ling'er nodded, blocked Lin Nan's right hand with one hand, took out a magic weapon with the other and threw it to the middle-aged man casually.

"This is... a high-quality commodity immortal treasure?!"

After Linger threw the magic weapon, the middle-aged man was dumbfounded.

He originally thought that even if the little girl was gifted, she would not be able to have anything good except for the treasure that was suitable for her, so it was impossible to reward him with anything good.

But after he got it and saw clearly that it was a high-grade immortal treasure, the middle-aged man felt stupid. He was speechless for a while, and even his mind went blank.

Even the Supreme Immortal Saint would not be able to reward him with a high-grade immortal treasure after he explained it responsibly. After all, the Supreme Immortal Saint would not have many low-level objects on his body, but a small person like Linger Girl, it’s not strange to have a high-grade immortal treasure on your body, but it would be shocking to directly give a high-grade, high-grade fairy treasure to someone.

"Which big family or sect is it? This... we need to spread the news to our colleagues in Dongtian Market quickly. Otherwise, if someone makes trouble, no one will be able to escape the involvement of the father and daughter!"

When he came back to his senses, the middle-aged man immediately thought clearly about the stakes. He quickly took out the communication magic weapon and contacted his colleagues who were in charge of order and selling items in the inner cave.

After doing this, he was still not at ease, so he sent a message to a person to find out the information. That person was not an ordinary existence, but a half-step immortal saint, who happened to be his uncle.

He told the story of Lin Nan and his daughter, and mainly mentioned that Ling'er once said that they had been active in a place called the Red Star Territory where the human race lived.

Not long after, the middle-aged man's uncle replied to the message. Looking at the line of text in the communication magic weapon, the middle-aged man was in a daze, and he was glad that he had not neglected the father and daughter just now.

That line read: "Can't afford to offend, the realm of those adults does not match their appearance."

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