Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2022 I’m not talking about you

The teleportation array is a top priority for the demigod monks in this Jedi. There are a total of thirteen Saint Ancestral monks in this Jedi, and there are seven of them staying near the teleportation array.

The arrival of the four Lin Nan people did not attract much attention. Those monks in the Saint Ancestor Realm were also meditating on weekdays and would only come out when they were attacked.

As for those monks who emerged from the Immortal Saint Realm and the Half-step Immortal Saint Level, after hearing that Lin Nan followed the four powerful semi-gods to the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, and happened to come here just after the sky curtain opened, because they could not see There was something unusual about a few people, so they didn't question them too much. After collecting enough fairy crystals according to the procedure, they asked Lin Nan and others to wait for the teleportation array.

Lin Nan was not worried about the safety of Liu Ruqing and others, and did not arrange any backup plans when he left. With Hong Lin and Lan Qin here, no one could hurt Liu Ruqing.

The experience of this teleportation array is not good. It is like riding a carriage on a bumpy road. It feels very bumpy. Even the two little sisters and Golden Fairyland monks like Xu Lang cannot avoid this bumpy feeling. What made the two little sisters very unhappy was that Lin Nan did not help them get rid of the bumpy feeling. Instead, he watched with interest, allowing the two little sisters to endure it for half an hour before arriving at their destination. Only then did this disgusting journey end.

"Father is very bad!"

As soon as word came out of the space tunnel, Ling'er pursed her lips and complained unhappily.

This time, Xu Lang, who often quarreled with the little girl, nodded in agreement with the little girl's words. Even Lin Momo nodded in agreement.

"You guys, don't stand there, come down quickly."

Just when the two little sisters and Xu Lang wanted to slow down, someone shouted under the teleportation array. It was obviously talking about them, because the fingers were clear and they seemed to be extremely impatient.

This is normal. This is a big city in a big world controlled by the demigods. Looking at the size and flow of people on the teleportation platform, as well as the general cultivation level of the monks coming and going, Lin Nanliu's overflowing cultivation level in the late Immortal Realm, even It is difficult to reach the middle and lower levels, and they can almost be said to be at the bottom of the group, let alone Xu Lang and the two little sisters in Talented Wonderland.

"Why are you yelling? Have you never seen a strong man hiding his cultivation? If you yell again, I will smash you to death with fairy crystals."

When Lin Nan flew to the teleportation stage, the monk who had just shouted shouted again from the stage, and he was still targeting the four people. This made Ling'er unhappy and said unceremoniously.


In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Nan and others.

The titles princess and prince cannot be used casually among the demigods. Even the lord of the divine dynasty, the quasi-emperor or even the heir of the great emperor, if they do not have enough talent, they can only be called prince, princess, prince and princess. These two titles can only be used by those who are of noble birth and have equally astonishing talents.

If a person who is not qualified to be called princess or prince calls himself princess or prince in public, he will definitely be severely punished. If his status is too low and his talent is not good, he will undoubtedly be executed.

"Isn't this little thing stupid? If it's true, they came from Jiutian Holy Land. Although the people who went to Jiutian Holy Land are all talented, none of them are qualified to be named princess or prince. Even if They are those who were sent to the second heaven of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths by their ancestors. Although their talents are excellent and cannot be matched by any of us, and their cultivation and background are not bad, they have not been rated as princes. This There’s definitely something wrong with the little thing’s brain!”

"Yes, I have cultivated to the Golden Immortal Realm at a young age. In my opinion, I must have taken too many elixirs, which caused side effects and made my brain difficult to use. That's why I dare to be so ignorant on such occasions. Look at them today How to solve this matter? This kind of thing has not happened in Wanxing City for a long time. When it suddenly appears, it really makes people feel a little uncomfortable!"

"The little girl is quite confident. The three people around her did not panic, but were very calm. If the little girl has cultivated to this level at this age and has not used fairy medicine to improve brutally, she will be able to obtain If you are granted the title of princess, even if your combat prowess is not up to par and you are only at the level of an ordinary peak monk in the Golden Immortal Realm, as long as your background is not too bad, you can still be granted the title of princess."

"Yes, some people just can't see the younger generation being better than us. Really, it seems that our contemporaries' geniuses have not let countless seniors lose their face. Today, this little girl will definitely not have any trouble. And The other female doll, I don’t know if she is her elder sister or younger sister, her aura is slightly stronger than hers, two geniuses, how could something happen to such talented children, but the half-step immortal saint who is aggressive towards them seems to be unlucky. Understand."

After a group of semi-god monks stopped to watch, there was a lot of discussion. Most of them did not think that Ling'er could make any waves. They felt that Ling'er would definitely be severely punished for daring to call herself a princess on such an occasion.

There are also some people who believe that Ling'er is a genius who has already reached the late stage of the Golden Immortal Realm at the age of seven or eight. Not to mention that his combat power is comparable to that of the geniuses of the past, but that he is an ordinary genius and can already achieve the feats of the past. All the talented people in the world are competing against each other. When the combat power is still unknown, I can't guarantee that I can be named a princess, but the princess will definitely have no problem.

As for Xu Lang, many people noticed him and saw that he had practiced Taoism for more than a thousand years and had reached the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm. His foundation was obviously good and he had good moral character. The prince had no hope, but the title of king was No big problem.

Three geniuses appeared here at the same time. It was nothing before anyone noticed it. Now that they were noticed, it immediately went viral, and countless messages were continuously sent out in all directions.

Fortunately, Lin Nan has covered up his energy and blood now. Otherwise, if there is someone in the late stage of the Immortal Realm who is under forty years old, he will definitely attract more attention than the two little sisters.

"You...what are you yelling about? I'm not talking about you. Don't make random accusations!"

Seeing Ling'er glaring at him and saying these words with dissatisfaction, and seeing countless monks gathering their gazes, the Half-Step Immortal Saint who had been urging Lin Nan and the others suddenly panicked.

In the outside world, the Half-Step Immortal Saint is still very valuable and has a high status. However, in this huge city, there is more than one emperor-level existence. There is even a Supreme Emperor. He is only a Half-step Immortal Saint. The monk really couldn't get angry.

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