Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2023 Don’t blame me for being ruthless

After hearing the words of the Half-Step Immortal Saint, all the monks let out sighs. They were not fools, and they would not believe the words of the Half-Step Immortal Saint. Besides, if there was really no problem, why were they in such a hurry to explain?

The half-step immortal saint felt like he was about to cry. He had only glanced at it before and did not take a closer look. He simply thought that the two little sisters and Xu Lang had controlled their own energy and blood and used this method to attract attention. After all, Monks often do this, so he is very disgusted with this situation, so he specifically shouts and urges Lin Nan and the four of them.

But now countless monks have turned their attention, and among them there are more than ten thousand beings with higher realms than him. They are definitely unmistakable. In other words, the ages of the two little sisters and Xu Lang are indeed equal in energy and blood. This means It made him feel very uncomfortable. If a messenger came later and thought that the two sisters could be made princesses or even princesses, he would definitely be punished.

Although he has some background, he is not considered a figure in the city at all. He might be knocked down directly and never recover in this life!

"Hey, after all, you are a half-step Immortal Saint. Look how scared you are. Let me, the princess, weigh the weight of those two little things to see what level they have reached by relying on the fairy medicine. , or rely on your own cultivation."

A voice came out, directly attracting the attention of everyone.

That was a woman who had just walked out of a teleportation array. Judging from the blood flowing out, she was only over 900 years old, but she was already in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm.

"This little girl is at least as good as me."

Xu Lang looked the woman up and down, and immediately concluded that there was no difference between him and the woman. Even if there was a difference in realm, they were similar in terms of combat power.

"She has better cultivation methods and magical powers than you. Although her talent is not as good as yours, if we really fight, you will suffer in terms of magical powers. If you fight for a long time, you will lose."

Lin Nan said to Xu Lang.

This is not because Xu Lang is self-righteous, but because Xu Lang has a set of talents for measuring the combat power of himself and the opponent. Although it is not completely accurate, he can still estimate the match. However, this time Xu Lang's estimate is not the same. Very accurate.

If he was practicing the same level of techniques and magical powers, even if the woman was in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, Xu Lang wouldn't need to put in much effort to defeat her.

But the fact is that the woman's skills and magical powers are not even a bit more mysterious than those practiced by Xu Lang. This is difficult to make up for in a short time. Even if Lin Nan teaches Xu Lang his magical powers now, Xu Lang cannot use them immediately. Go into actual combat.

"Momo, go and deal with her."

Seeing the woman who claimed to be the princess coming straight towards them, Lin Nan stretched out a hand to hold down Ling'er's little head to prevent Ling'er from getting too playful. Later, he started to yell and talk about the fact that they were human monks. Come out, that would not be good.

"Huh? You want to fight with this county leader?"

Seeing Lin Momo coming out of the queue to greet her, the woman stopped and looked at Lin Momo.

She actually wanted to fight Ling'er because she felt that Ling'er was too flamboyant. Even if he was a genius, it was not good to be so violent at such a young age. As the princess, she had the obligation to train her. A moment of Ling'er.

She didn't feel anything about Lin Momo. She could just tell that Lin Momo was also a Golden Immortal Realm monk and was seven or eight years old. However, she couldn't tell that Lin Momo was slightly better than Ling'er. At the same time, she also felt that Lin Momo was a little better than Ling'er. Mo was quite calm and there was no need to teach him a lesson.

"My sister is very playful, and my father doesn't want to be watched here, so I have to take action quickly to get out of here."

Lin Momo wanted to say something more polite, but after seeing the princess looking at her without paying much attention, she no longer wanted to show mercy to her.

The two little sisters are both Lin Nan's daughters. They have lived in the same environment since they were young. Ling'er is wary, and Lin Momo is naturally unavoidable. Lin Momo is even more warlike than Ling'er, just because she is more warlike on weekdays. It's quiet and doesn't give people a direct impression.

"Oh? Really? Although the wind is not strong, you still have to be careful not to flash your tongue."

As soon as the princess heard Lin Momo's words, her expression suddenly turned grim.

She has experienced a lot. After all, she has lived for more than nine hundred years, and she is still a talented person with a wide range of experience. She has already seen that Lin Momo is as restless as Linger, and it is necessary to educate her. .


Lin Momo had no intention of quarreling with the princess, so she stretched out a small hand to signal the princess to take action first.


The princess was so angry. Just now she thought Ling'er was too domineering and should be educated, but now she realized that Lin Momo was the kind who could make people angry to death.

As a princess, if she takes the lead in attacking a kid whose level is lower than hers, even if she wins easily, her future reputation will not be good!

"Hiss...that little girl is really interesting. If that restless little girl comes on stage, she will most likely start a quarrel with Princess Feiyan. However, this little girl is so calm, but she obviously manipulates Princess Feiyan in every way. Lord, you have such a delicate mind at such a young age, you are worthy of being a genius who can reach the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm at the age of seven or eight!"

"This... no matter how talented he is, his talent is not so incredible that he can completely ignore Princess Feiyan. What's more, there is a huge realm between Princess Feiyan and that little girl. If they really fight, it will really be a one-sided situation. , but this little girl is indeed interesting. After her seemingly casual move, even if Princess Feiyan wins today, there will be no benefit, but her reputation may be affected. "

"Princess Feiyan is usually very aloof and arrogant, but now she feels deflated before she even takes action, which is quite relieved."

"Ahem...be careful if the news reaches Princess Feiyan's ears. Although you are a Supreme Immortal Saint, you still cannot withstand Princess Feiyan's deliberate attempts to make things difficult for you!"

The monks onlookers commented one after another. This was the most special time the two sisters had ever experienced. Among the monks onlookers, there were almost no monks in the same realm as them. They were all beings that were much higher than theirs. There were even a few. The famous Taoist ancestral state exists not far away and is quietly observed.

Although they were optimistic about Lin Momo's talent, they did not think that Lin Momo could beat Princess Feiyan. After all, there was a gap in realm, and it was still a big gap. It was definitely impossible to reverse it.

"Okay, you are asking for embarrassment, so don't blame this princess for being ruthless!"

Over there, Princess Feiyan listened to the discussions of the monks onlookers, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. She directly used her magical power, and a green palm print flew straight towards Lin Momo.

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