Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2024: Determining the world alone

The green palm print shattered the void at an extremely fast speed. In this big world, any attack that could break the void would be considered an invasion, because this big world suppressed the monks much more severely than the Red Star Territory.

After all, the Red Star Territory is just a star territory in the second heaven of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. This big world has the same rules as the whole big world. There is only one blue sky spirit, just like the great world of the wild world where the demon clan lives.

This is not Princess Feiyan's strongest magical attack, but in Princess Feiyan's view, Lin Momo's cultivation level is not as good as hers, and her cultivation methods and magical powers are definitely not as good as hers. Otherwise, she has no reason not to have heard of it. Lin Momo and Linger.

Faced with a little thing who was inferior to her in every aspect, Princess Feiyan would not directly use her strongest magical power. Firstly, she did not bother to do so and thought it was completely unnecessary. Secondly, she knew that if she directly used her strongest magical power, After the news spreads, she will definitely be criticized and laughed at endlessly by monks all over the world.

Most of the demigods, princes and princesses, as well as princes and princesses, don’t pay much attention to things like face, and only focus on strength. Princess Feiyan is one of the few princesses who pays attention to strength and cares about face, so she doesn’t want to do it because of it. A little thing appears out of nowhere and loses face one after another.

"Huh? This attack is not as good as Xu Lang's normal full-strength attack. It looks down on me too much."

Looking at the green palm print that broke through the void, Lin Momo frowned slightly. The little girl was not angry, but felt a little helpless. It was taboo to underestimate the opponent when facing the enemy. Princess Feiyan had a prominent status and respected status. , the education she received is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people, yet she still makes such low-level mistakes, which really makes the little girl not know what to say.

The little girl who was originally preparing to use her eight successful powers, but now seeing Princess Feiyan dismissing her so nonchalantly, she also changed her strategy. While being vigilant, she raised a small hand and flicked her fingers, and a wisp of white light swept across her. And out.


In an instant, the green palm prints and the white light collided together, and the result was instantly known.

The green palm print disappeared, and the white light disappeared. The two attacks canceled each other out at that moment, leaving only the void that had not recovered in a short period of time, proving to everyone that there were indeed two attacks colliding there just now. .

"How can this be!"

Princess Feiyan, who was arrogant and somewhat displeased, was stunned when she saw the result. Her mind was full of doubts and she couldn't figure out why this happened.

"Hiss... this is unbelievable! Princess Feiyan should take action first, so the little girl could attack later. With just a flick of her finger, Yun Danfeng lightly urged Princess Feiyan to attack. The genuine magical attack has been neutralized, and this situation... has never happened before!"

"It's true...it's true! Where did this little monster come from? It's so unreasonable. You must know that Princess Feiyan is a genius, even those who are crowned princes and princesses. , if we were to fight against Princess Feiyan at the same realm and level, we would only be able to gain the upper hand and suppress Princess Feiyan!"

"This is not just as simple as defying heaven, this is the true pride and talent of heaven. Who has done this in the past? No, never, today is the first time!"

The monks who were watching were also stunned, and soon became excited. They had witnessed history. Such a situation had never been recorded in the history books. This was the first time they had seen someone with a lower level than Tianzong. At this time, he can also neutralize the magical attacks that Tianzong has seriously launched at will.

Today's scene is destined to go down in history, not just the history of this city of ten thousand stars, but the history of the entire demigod race. This is an epoch-making chapter. For endless years, even their ancestors can hardly remember their lives anymore. After tens of thousands of years, a peerless figure who had never appeared before actually appeared, which made them unable to help but be excited.

"Impossible! Look how I suppress you today!"

Princess Feiyan was already confused, but when she heard the discussions of the strong men onlookers, she suddenly felt even more unhappy. She wanted to slap the little girl to the ground.

She no longer relaxed or looked down on the little girl, but instantly calmed down and seriously displayed her strongest magical power.

I can decide the world with my single palm!

This is a peerless magical power of the demigods, which can only be practiced at the quasi-emperor level. Princess Feiyan learned it directly from the Spirit of Heaven by chance, so she can continue to practice this magical power.

This was obtained after she was made a princess. Otherwise, she would definitely have been made a princess. After all, throughout the ages, the number of young demigods who could receive the teachings taught by the Spirit of Heaven was less than a thousand.


A big hand that covered the sky and the sun was condensed in the sky, filled with thick death aura, and the power was so majestic that it not only shattered the void, but also caused the space to tremble.

"Determining the world alone! Princess Feiyan is angry. She just doesn't know if she can defeat that little girl with the peerless magical power of this tribe. If she can't defeat that little girl with this magical power, then the title of princess I’m afraid I’ll look wronged to that little girl.”

"Indeed, but...it seems like something has been missed! By the way...the other little girl, although the energy flowing out of her body is slightly weaker than this little girl, if this little girl can defeat Princess Feiyan , the other little girl can definitely do it too!"

"That young man in black is the father of the two little sisters, right? It's... it's really unbelievable. He actually taught such a pair of daughters, and the young man in white is not simple either. He is really missing from the daily life. When he appears, It shocked everyone everywhere!"

Seeing Princess Feiyan displaying the supreme magical power of fixing the universe with a single palm, the monks onlookers became excited again. After just a few words of discussion, the topic was diverted again.

This has never happened in the past. Whenever Princess Feiyan uses her solitary palm to determine the universe, no matter how high the level of the onlookers is, they will all turn their attention to Princess Feiyan. Today, for the first time, a different situation occurred. , most people's attention was on the little girl Lin Momo, and some people were paying attention to Ling'er, whose little head was held down by Lin Nan with one hand.

"It's enough to defeat Xu Lang, and without using the Immortal Treasure, Xu Lang will definitely be seriously injured, but to me, it doesn't seem to be a threat."

Lin Momo looked at the huge magic hand that fell from the sky. She didn't panic. Instead, she commented calmly, then raised her little hand and slapped it.

Da Luo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

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