Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2025 How can you beat me!

Regardless of their level, the monks who were watching now all believed that the talents of Lin Momo and Ling'er, the little sisters, were definitely higher than Princess Feiyan's, but they were not just a little bit higher, they were simply leaps and bounds.

Just like ordinary geniuses can only look up to Princess Feiyan, the two little sisters who are now extremely talented and unprecedented, also have the capital to look down on Princess Feiyan. Now, the two little sisters are young and low-level. In another thousand years, , Princess Feiyan could only respect and respect the two little sisters when she met them.

But the situation is different now. Lin Momo is only in the golden fairyland. Although she seems to be no weaker than Princess Feiyan, Princess Feiyan has now used the demi-god's peerless magical power of "Determining the Universe with a Single Palm", and Lin Momo has no power at all. The odds of winning.

It's not that they don't think highly of Lin Momo, there is an existence like the little girl. This is a genius that has never appeared in ancient times and is destined to be the pride of the tribe in the future.

But the magical power of determining the universe with a single palm is a peerless magical power that can become a tribe. Naturally, it cannot be an ordinary magical power. Its mystery is definitely not something that ordinary people can understand. After all, since ancient times, only those who have reached the quasi-emperor level can practice this. Among those with magical powers, Princess Feiyan has been the only exception for countless years.

When the little girl used the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm, although they could see that the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm was an extremely mysterious and powerful magical power, they still didn't think that the little girl could withstand Princess Feiyan's single palm to determine the world. , it is really because the ethnic group has peerless magical powers, which has created some stereotypes for them, thinking that under the quasi-emperor, anyone who possesses a ethnic group's peerless magical powers must be invincible in the same situation, not to mention Princess Feiyan is more powerful than a little girl A higher level.

Although Lin Momo's Da Luo Tian Destroying Palm seemed to be extremely powerful at first glance, they had never seen it before. They only thought that Lin Momo had her own great opportunity and obtained a great power that had not been recorded in the history books. Divine power, but it still can't be compared with what is defined as one of the strongest magical powers in the race, the ability to control the world alone.


The big golden handprint, which was only more than ten feet in size, collided heavily with the huge magic hand that fell from the sky.

At this moment, above the teleportation platform with barrier guards, the void collapsed, and the space collapsed. This was very unbelievable. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, the strong men onlookers would never believe it. A fight between a Golden Immortal Realm monk and an Immortal King Realm monk could actually cause such a strong impact on the teleportation platform of Ten Thousand Stars City. This is really unbelievable and subverts common sense.

"This... Princess Feiyan used a magical power at random before, and the little girl flicked her fingers. Although we knew that both of them were very strong, it was not very intuitive to hit the target, but now it is intuitive, but …But this is too unbelievable and illogical!”

"Even if Princess Feiyan didn't use the single palm to determine the world, she is now qualified to be canonized as a princess. This use of the single palm to determine the world is simply... it goes against common sense. With this combat power, I They all feel that Princess Feiyan will definitely become a supreme emperor in the future and become the most important existence of our demigod clan under our ancestors!"

"You...seem to have forgotten that little girl. The Alone Palm of the World did not disintegrate the little girl's magical attack with overwhelming force. It seems...it seems that the golden big handprint was prompted by the little girl to dispel it. The trend, this... this is the most terrifying thing, you must know that that little girl is only seven or eight years old, and now she has cultivated to the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm, but she still has such heaven-defying combat power!"

"Hiss... Fellow Taoist, if you don't say anything, we were really shocked by the single-handed determination of the world and the fighting power displayed by Princess Feiyan. Now that I see it... it's really... it's just like the Tao As my friend said, where did this little girl come from? She actually has such heaven-defying magical powers, and she can actually suppress the peerless magical powers of our clan!"

"I don't know, I can't tell. I have never heard of this little girl, and her little companion of the same age should not be much weaker than her. A genius, a true genius, who has never appeared in the past. The heaven-defying geniuses actually appeared together in Ten Thousand Stars City today. This is really unbelievable and unbelievable!"

Seeing the thick black demon confronting the golden light high in the sky, all the monks onlookers changed their minds, feeling that their own ideas had been completely subverted.

After Princess Feiyan used her solitary palm to determine the universe, she already had more powerful combat power than any other princess or prince in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm. However, it was Lin Momo, a little girl, who stole the limelight. , and not far away there was a little girl who was eager to try, but was held down by the adults around her. This was really weird, making them feel inexplicably unreal, but all of this happened really!


Suddenly, a series of loud noises like thunder came from the area where two magical attacks were confronting each other.

Except for Lin Nan and his daughter, everyone was staring more intently, eager to know the result, wanting to know which magical attack dissipated and which magical attack won.

But apart from Lin Nan and his daughter, one person already knew the result, and that was Princess Feiyan.

"How is it possible! How could this happen! It shouldn't be, I am invincible in the same realm. How can a little girl of eight or nine years old, who is only at the peak level of the Golden Fairy Realm, possibly defeat me!"

Princess Feiyan's condition has not changed significantly, but her complexion is now pale. If someone has been paying attention to her from beginning to end, they must have seen that she has been seriously injured.

She was muttering to herself, she didn't believe she would lose to Lin Momo, but the substantial feeling just now told her that the demigod's peerless magical power she had used to determine the universe had been dispelled, and she had Completely defeated, there is no room for mediation.

Before the golden light and dark demonic energy in the sky dissipated much, a large handprint rushed out from the two groups of light and headed straight for Princess Feiyan on the ground.

There is no doubt that although this palm only retains more than 30% of the power of its peak state, Princess Feiyan is now seriously injured. If she is hit by this palm again, even if she does not die, she may still be seriously injured. .

After all, the Great Luo Destroying Heaven Palm is a magical power that is infinitely more mysterious than the Solitary Palm of Determining the Universe, and it contains a lot of great energy. As long as it is hit, there is a high probability that it will leave great damage.

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