Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2027 The pillar of the ethnic group

"What? Feiyan has a much stronger combat power than any previous princess or prince in the early stages of the Immortal King Realm?"

In the majestic fairy palace, after hearing the report from his subordinates, a middle-aged man stood up with a bang, and the tea cup in his hand turned into powder.

He was not angry, he was surprised, and after the surprise, he was overjoyed.

"Hahaha... She deserves to be my precious daughter, and she deserves to be favored by the spirit of heaven. She is only in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, and she has truly shown her potential. If any ancestors can give me some advice, I will fly in the future. Yan's achievements are truly immeasurable. If there is another big world without an owner, it is not impossible for Fei Yan to become the new emperor of my demigod clan and the supreme ancestor!"

The middle-aged man was already pacing back and forth, his excitement was beyond words, as if he was talking to others, but more like talking to himself.

He is a mid-stage quasi-emperor, and there is still room for improvement, but he knows that he will never be able to reach the Great Emperor realm, let alone the Heavenly Emperor realm that stands on the top of the Five True Mountains.

But now he sees hope in Princess Feiyan. He will not be able to achieve the status of the Great Emperor in this life, let alone expect the status of the Heavenly Emperor. However, the potential shown by his precious daughter now shows that the status of the Great Emperor is within his grasp. The status of the Heavenly Emperor only depends on whether the time is right.

There was no reason for him not to be excited about such a huge happy event, and he couldn't suppress his excitement at all.

"Huh? Is there anything else you want to report?"

After a long time, the middle-aged man calmed down his excitement a little. He wanted to ask the subordinate about the details, but he noticed that the subordinate seemed to be hesitant to speak since he saw him pacing back and forth excitedly. He couldn't help but have a bad feeling in his tangled expression. His joy subsided for a moment, and he wanted to see what could happen that could make the Dao Ancestor Realm being in front of him, who was sent by him to secretly protect Princess Feiyan, be so tangled.

"Master, according to the princess's demonstrated combat power, she should have been the most powerful genius of our demigod race in ancient times, but today's situation is really weird..."

The Dao Ancestor Realm monk thought for a moment, and then recounted the details of what happened on the teleportation platform one by one.

"What? Someone actually defeated Feiyan without much effort? In addition to the little girl who fought against Feiyan, there is another little girl who also has the strength to defeat Feiyan? And they are all little guys at the peak level of Golden Fairy Realm ?Are you sure... you read that correctly?!"

After listening to his subordinate's report, the middle-aged man was stunned.

From the report of the Dao Ancestor Realm monk, he could confirm that in the history books of the demigods, there was absolutely no record that was more defiant than Princess Feiyan.

But now Princess Feiyan is going against the will of heaven. She is so desperate that two little girls suddenly appeared halfway. They are both seven or eight years old, and they are both monks at the peak level of the Golden Fairy Realm. This was enough to defy the heavens, but they both still had the ability to defeat Princess Feiyan across realms, which really made him feel a little heavy.

"It's understandable that a child like Fei Yan, who defies the will of heaven, comes out. After all, this child Fei Yan is cared for by the spirit of heaven, and he is the true darling of God. But... two people who are even more rebellious than Fei Yan suddenly appeared. My dear, this is... weird! Is the sky going to change?"

The middle-aged man muttered to himself, but couldn't figure out what would happen.


The Dao Ancestor Realm monk shouted softly.

"Huh? It's okay. No matter what, this girl Feiyan has brought face to our family. The Great Emperor's status is in the bag. This is a destined thing. As long as Feiyan doesn't have any accidents, everything will be fine. As for the other things These two little guys are the descendants of our demigod clan and are destined to be the pillars of the clan in the future. The stronger these children are, the better. After all, they are the hope of the clan."

The middle-aged man came back to his senses, stood up, and after saying these words, he ordered his attendants to prepare for the banquet, send out invitations, and at the same time asked the Dao Ancestor Realm monk to take Princess Feiyan home.


Xu Lang has gained a lot of experience now. He has never seen such a prosperous and lively city. The monks on the street are all immortals. Even if there are occasional immortals, they are all children of aristocratic families, accompanied by a group of people. Half-step Immortal Saint and even Supreme Immortal Saint, this really shocked Xu Lang.

You must know that in the Scarlet Star Territory, the only one who can have a group of half-step immortal saints as followers is him, the crown prince of the Holy Land of Shaking Light. As for the supreme immortal saint who follows him, they are not his followers, but elders, so After seeing the little monks here who were followed by a group of Immortal Saint Supremes, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch a few times.

"Senior, this city is so amazing, especially these monks. My cultivation level at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm is actually at the bottom here, not even a little master. If you weren't here, I don’t dare to move, for fear that I might bump into some bad-tempered guy and slap me to death right here!”

Xu Lang said to Lin Nan.

"This is because you are close to the teleportation area. If you go further inside, you will see more monks who are stronger than you and fewer monks who are weaker than you. Some streets and even everyone have weapons that can easily kill you. With its strength, this is a truly giant city in the big world. There are also such cities in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and there are many of them. The total number is much more than the giant city in this big world."

Lin Nan said.

Xu Lang subconsciously shrank his neck when he heard this, not because he was afraid of the monks in Ten Thousand Stars City, but because he was frightened by what Lin Nan said about the situation in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

He has said more than once that one day, sooner or later, he will trample all the monks in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths under his feet and make everyone surrender to him.

After meeting Lin Nan's family, he convinced himself that Lin Nan's family didn't count and could be classified as people from other big worlds. As for Hong Lin and others, it was natural that they didn't count. After all, the four women of Snow God all He is a sage from the demon clan, not a strong man from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

But now when he heard Lin Nan say that there were many giant cities like Ten Thousand Stars City in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and the number of similar giant cities in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was completely greater than that in this big world, he was immediately dumbfounded. After all, he was not only He once shouted that he would trample all the monks under his feet and make them surrender to him.

What if one day he went to a higher heaven, and what if he happened to meet the boss who had noticed his nonsense, wouldn't his ascension be in vain, and he would be turned into a scumbag?

Just thinking about that possibility, Xu Lang couldn't help but shudder. It was too scary. This world was indeed extremely dangerous, and he could only scream in the Red Star Territory!

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