Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2028 I came from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths

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There is no obvious difference between the appearance of the demigods and the human race, and the daily necessities are basically the same. However, in the Ten Thousand Stars City, which is a first-tier giant city in the entire world, there will naturally be no daily necessities for ordinary people. Although I have not walked into They looked at the shops, but just the items placed on the stalls by roadside vendors already made the two sisters dizzy. They looked at this and that, especially Ling'er who couldn't help but be startled.

Fortunately, the two little sisters grew up delicately and lovely. The energy and blood flowing out made people know at a glance that they were the little ones from the Golden Fairyland. Not only were they exquisite and lovely, they were also two amazing talents, so no one was bothered by them. I feel like these two little sisters, if it were anyone else who had been surprised on the street, someone with a bad temper would have taught them a lesson.

After all, the giant cities of cultivating immortals are different from the towns in the ordinary world. The towns in the ordinary world are noisy and lively and appear popular. The real giant cities in the world of cultivating immortals are completely opposite. Even if there are dozens of times more pedestrians than in ordinary towns, They are all extremely quiet, and they always communicate in normal tones when talking, and do not make loud noises. After all, they are all real immortals with good ears, and their endless years of practice have allowed them to be able to do it most of the time. Sad or unhappy.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay."

A voice came from behind.

No name was called, but Lin Nan knew that he was being called, so he stopped and turned to look at where the sound came from.

Only one person appeared out of thin air. She was a beautiful woman in a blue dress, exuding an aura that made people surrender.

She is a being in the realm of the Great Emperor, and she is the Supreme Great Emperor. She is fully capable of reaching the Supreme Being of the Heavenly Emperor!

"Pay homage to the Great Emperor!"

When the woman appeared, pedestrians and vendors on the street immediately sensed the arrival of a tribal emperor, and immediately knelt down and saluted.

"Bold, the Emperor is coming, how dare you..."

Someone in the distance noticed that Lin Nan did not kneel down, and Lin Nan seemed to be protecting the young man in white and the two little girls beside him. As a result, the three of them did not kneel down and salute the emperor. They couldn't help but get angry and scolded them.

But just in the middle of the sentence, someone told him through a spiritual message that the emperor came to look for the young man in black, and he called him a "fellow Taoist". The young man in black was most likely to be in the same realm as the emperor. .

For a moment, the monk who scolded Lin Nan was dumbfounded. After being stunned for a while, he quickly pressed his forehead to the ground with a bang, not daring to raise his head again, let alone say anything.

"What's up?"

Lin Nan asked calmly, looking at the woman in blue.

"This place is not very convenient. Please ask fellow Taoist to move over and talk in detail."

The woman in blue said with a smile.

Lin Nan nodded.

The woman in blue disappeared in an instant. Lin Nan, the two sisters and Xu Lang disappeared in the same instant as the woman in blue.

On a pavilion, the woman in blue sat opposite, Xu Lang stood behind Lin Nan, and the two sisters went to the couch not far away, took out the items they just bought on the street, and compared who spent the wrong money. More.

"I won't say anything unnecessary. My fellow Taoist is not my demigod monk, but a strong man from somewhere else, right?"

The woman in blue was silent for a long time before she looked up at Lin Nan and asked this question as soon as she opened her mouth.


Lin Nan nodded.

"To be able to teach such a pair of daughters, I think Taoist friends are not an existence that I can understand. It's just that I came to see you Taoist friends because I, the Emperor of Heaven, told you that you can visit here at will. , but please be a little more merciful when taking action, and don’t attack monks at Quasi-Emperor and Great-Emperor levels harshly.”

The woman in blue said.

She seemed calm, but in fact she was very confused inside. Although she knew that Lin Nan was not a member of the demigod clan, she could not see that Lin Nan was a heavenly emperor.

If the Emperor of Heaven in this big world hadn't sent a message to her, she would probably still regard Lin Nan as a monk in the Tao Ancestor Realm or the Quasi-Emperor Realm. As for why she could have such a pair of heaven-defying daughters, Quan should be regarded as little sisters. The two met by chance, and their relationship with Lin Nan was not very great.

After all, there are too few Heavenly Emperors in this world, and she has never heard of any Heavenly Emperor having any heirs throughout the ages.

But the Emperor of Heaven in this big world personally sent a message to her. Naturally, she did not dare not believe it, and she had to believe it. She would not overly show off in front of Lin Nan and make fun of her own life. After all, she could not be sure whether Lin Nan, an outsider, would Give face to your own Heavenly Emperor.

"I come from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths."

Lin Nan said calmly.


The woman in blue was stunned.

Even though she was a supreme emperor, she could no longer remain calm when she heard Lin Nan's words.

She is extremely familiar with the situation of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. She knows that although Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are strange and top-notch worlds, they are not comparable to the world she is in. There are too many weirdness and miracles, but She knew very well that the Emperor of Heaven had not yet appeared in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Now Lin Nan suddenly said that he came from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The woman in blue didn't think Lin Nan was joking, and there was no need for Lin Nan to joke with her.

"My purpose is very simple. Whoever touches the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will have to sacrifice everything, including their lives."

Lin Nan still said calmly.

"Tao... What does the Lord mean, is that we, the demigods, should give up the idea of ​​invading the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths?"

The woman in blue carefully confirmed that her name for Lin Nan had also changed.

Lin Nan nodded.

"Then...the demon clan from the ancient world?"

The woman in blue confirmed again.

"The monsters in the prehistoric world came out of our Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Now that they are back, as long as their spiritual cultivation is not mixed indiscriminately, and those monster monks can compete with the human monks in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, I will let them return to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Ten lands, living together with the human race, returning to the situation in ancient times."

Lin Nan said.

"This... what about the demons?"

The woman in blue was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she had asked a bad question. The demon clan in the prehistoric world did indeed run away from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. It had been so long that she had forgotten it.

It's just that the demons are not fundamentally related to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so she has to confirm Lin Nan's views on the demons, and then go back and report to her Heavenly Emperor, and then observe whether the subsequent demons will be targeted by Lin Nan. If What Lin Nan said is inconsistent with what will happen in the future. By then, their demigods can continue to attack the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"No need to test. I warned the demons before, but they didn't take it seriously. I killed a group of Saint Ancestor monks who were leading the attack. When the demons started to move out, if the demons dared to try to get involved in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths again, I would Go and smash their big world.”

Lin Nan said calmly.


The woman in blue was stunned again, Lin Nan's tone made her feel extremely horrified.

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