Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2029 I really don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is

The woman in blue left. She was not willing to leave, nor was she comfortable, but she had to leave because Lin Nan's position was very clear and there was no possibility of loosening.

But she couldn't give Lin Nan a response. Although she was a supreme emperor, she couldn't decide whether the demigods would attack a big world or not, which was a major matter related to the ethnic group.

She asked Lin Nan to give her some time and not to kill the quasi-emperors and the great emperors during this period. She would go directly to the center of the big world to report Lin Nan's situation and requirements to the emperor of this big world. After the discussion between the Heavenly Emperor of this big world and several other Heavenly Emperors comes out, she will come over and notify Lin Nan as soon as possible.

Lin Nan didn't say much about this. He knew that the woman in blue wouldn't let him wait too long. Although monks who have become immortals have endless lifespan, they can wait millions of years for a less important matter. But what is happening now is not a trivial matter.

The Demigods set their sights on the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and a Heavenly Emperor from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths came directly to the world controlled by the Demigods. This means that it goes without saying that the reason why the Demigods were preparing to enter the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was, It's simply because the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are ownerless lands. Now that the master has arrived, and they are not afraid of their demigods, the woman in blue can achieve the status of the Supreme Emperor. Naturally, she can't understand what this means.

Lin Nan is not worried that the Heavenly Emperor of this big world will team up with other Heavenly Emperors of the demigods to attack him. Last time in the ancient world, he had already fought against the Gray-clothed Heavenly Emperor of spiritual cultivators and demons, and he knew very well that he How powerful is it, and the master of this big world is not as spiritual as high, so he naturally does not need to worry. Even if other emperors of the demigods come, he has the strength to escape unscathed.

"Father, that woman is gone, can we go out and continue shopping?"

When Ling'er and Lin Momo saw the woman in blue leaving, they stopped comparing the items they purchased and ran to Lin Nan.

"Let's go and see if the demigods have anything different from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths except for some small objects."

Lin Nan stood up with a smile, took the two sisters and Xu Lang, and left the restaurant.

After wandering around the city for a long time, nothing special happened. Most people saw that Lin Nan and his party were not ordinary people because of the blood and realm energy flowing out of the two little sisters, so they did not dare to provoke them, but they also let Lin Nan Nan had a rare moment of peace in the busy city, and no longer had to fight from time to time as before.

But this situation did not last long, because the two sisters heard that a ruins appeared three hundred thousand miles away. It was rumored that it was left by a quasi-emperor level existence when he was defeated. It contained many heavenly materials, earthly treasures and magical powers and secrets. .

This news has a strong appeal to the two little sisters. The reason is very simple. Although the two little sisters have entered secret realms and ruins many times, they have never entered the ruins left by the Quasi-Emperor. Now they are in this city of ten thousand stars. There are many strong people in the clouds, so this news will definitely be correct, so he became excited and pestered Lin Nan to take them to see it.

Lin Nan did not refuse, and took the two sisters and Xu Lang to the vicinity of the ruins three hundred thousand miles away in an instant.

The ruins are a group of palaces towering high in the sky, surrounded by a barrier. It is impossible for ordinary monks to enter. Even if a monk in the Dao Ancestor Realm wants to enter, it will probably cost a huge price.

"Hey, you young monks dare to come over and join in the fun, so you are not afraid of being affected by the battle and turning into ashes. You don't even know how you died?"

Just as the four people were watching the palace complex high in the sky, a harsh voice came into the ears of the four people. It was obviously talking about the four of them.

When the four of them looked at the person who was speaking, they discovered that it was a monk at the level of a half-step immortal saint. The two little sisters immediately lost interest. If they were provoked by a monk at the level of a half-step immortal saint, the two little sisters would definitely take good care of them. It took a while, but now their attention has been attracted by the palaces high in the sky, and they are too lazy to pay attention to a half-step immortal saint.

"You're just a half-step immortal saint, what are you talking about here? If you really think you have the ability, then go to the immortal palace first. What are you doing here, waiting for the pie to fall from the sky?"

Xu Lang teased the half-step immortal saint rudely.

Even if Lin Nan is not around, Xu Lang is not afraid of the Half-Step Immortal Saint. After all, when he was in the Red Star Territory, he was followed by a group of Half-Step Immortal Saint level monks. The Half-Step Immortal Saints from other holy places met him, except Ye Yu. With such a presence, everyone else has to be polite to him.

What's more, now that there is such a peerless being like Lin Nan by his side, this demi-god still wants to invade the alien race of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, which means he is not strong enough, otherwise he would want to go on a killing spree.

"Ouch, you guys really don't know the heights of heaven and earth. You dare to be so arrogant in front of me. Don't think that those two little guys who are full of blood and look like seven or eight years old can scare me. There have been many people like you throughout the ages. You're here, you don't even have a name at all, and you actually dare to pretend to be incredibly talented and more evil than all the princesses and princes. Do you think others are stupid, or do you think you have no brains?"

The monk who was halfway to the Immortal Saint level sneered. He still didn't take Lin Nan and others seriously, but looked down on Lin Nan and others even more.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... what this fellow Taoist said is really good. I just wanted to say that I feel that the Immortal Palace may be opened at any time. If I get into an argument with a group of shameless guys now, I may miss a big opportunity. , that’s why I ignored those four ungrateful things, this fellow Taoist is truly a role model for our generation!"

"If it's true, a similar thing seemed to have happened seven million years ago, but that group of people was not too blatant, they just pretended to be the princess. Now this group of people is different, although we haven't We can see what identities they pretend to deceive, but just by virtue of their daring to disguise their talents like this, we can be sure that these people are definitely not good people."

"Look at this, if it is a good thing, can it do such a thing? You must know that our demigods strictly examine the talents of monks. It is okay to pretend to be a realm, but you must not pretend to be a person's age. These four How dare we break the law, how about we take them into custody and hand them over when a strong man arrives?"

"Okay, it's settled, these four ungrateful things will be detained immediately. How will they die when the Tao Ancestor or the Emperor arrives!"

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