Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2032 Where are they?

In the next half hour, in addition to Emperor Tiantong, four more quasi-emperor level beings came. A total of five quasi-emperor level beings were fully capable of opening the Immortal Palace, but no one took the initiative. But they gather together and don’t know what they are talking about.

"Senior, it must be that bitch Hongwei who is causing trouble. She must be targeting us. I suggest that senior kill them with one slap."

Seeing the existences of the five main vein levels gathered together, and Princess Hongwei was also there, and looking at where the four of them were from time to time, Xu Lang finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Yes, Ling'er thinks so too. Father should just kill them all with one slap. After entering the Immortal Palace, there will be fewer guys grabbing good things from Ling'er and my sister."

Linger also shouted.

"Ling'er, my father promised the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars City not to kill quasi-emperor level cultivators for the time being. Did you and Xu Lang not hear that at the time, or did you deliberately encourage your father to break his promise?"

Lin Momo pulled Linger to her side and said seriously.

"It's because they don't know how to live or die. They are plotting against us. We should kill them. Who asked them to die on their own!"

Linger said aggrievedly.

"Then let's wait until they take action. It's not like my father can't deal with them. Even if their Emperor of Heaven comes, they can only kneel in front of their father. Why are you and Xu Lang so anxious?"

Lin Momo still said seriously.

"This...is right!"

Shui Lingling's big eyes blinked, and Ling'er found that she had nothing to say.

"Senior, are you really waiting?"

Xu Lang knew that what Lin Momo said was right, but looking at Princess Hongwei in the distance, who looked like stars holding the moon, looking here with disdain from time to time, this made him very unhappy. The dignified Crown Prince of the Holy Land, he had never suffered Is this such a frustrating thing?

"No wait, let them play slowly outside. I will open the fairy palace and see if they will follow us or stay here."

Lin Nan spoke calmly.

As the words fell, his thoughts moved slightly, and without any warning, the barrier covering the palaces high in the sky disappeared.

"Look, look, the barrier is gone, the Heavenly Palace is open, we can go in!"

"Quick, quick, quick, this is the relic left by a quasi-emperor. There are countless opportunities in it. Although there are many dangers, the so-called wealth and honor are found in danger. If anyone can get in earlier, it will be equivalent to seizing the opportunity. Completely It is possible to get a life-changing opportunity and make strides forward on the path of cultivation from now on!"

"Damn, damn, you fucking dare to sneak up on me. We haven't even entered the Immortal Palace yet. Did your brain get squeezed by the door?"

"The so-called wealth is gained through danger. If you damn can't bear this, then get out of here quickly, lest you be killed directly after entering the Immortal Palace, and even the body cannot be transported back to the sect."

"You fucking..."

Seeing that the barrier disappeared and they were able to enter the Immortal Palace, countless monks instantly rose into the air. They were all extremely excited and wanted to seize the opportunity and take the lead.

In all directions, the monks who had been hiding in the dark no longer hid, and flew towards the heavenly palace one after another. Hundreds of thousands of monks, who were not at a low level, were like locusts passing through. The only difference was that locusts would not kill each other. The monks, who were not even low in level, started fighting even before they reached the gate of the Immortal Palace.

"What's going on? None of the five of us took action, so why did the barrier suddenly disappear?"

"I...don't know!"

"It's really strange. Even if another Quasi-Emperor takes action, we should be able to detect it. It can't be so inexplicable!"

Tiantong Emperor and other five quasi-emperor level beings couldn't help but froze when they saw the fairy palace barrier disappearing. They couldn't understand why the barrier disappeared. After all, they hadn't taken action yet, and they didn't notice anyone. Take action, and the barrier doesn't seem to disappear on its own.

Emperor Tiantong looked at where Lin Nan and the four of them were, and saw that Lin Nan was still standing there calmly. While he was suspicious, he felt that it was not the result of Lin Nan's action. After all, even if Lin Nan was the same person as him, There is no reason for the existence of levels to prevent him from noticing any abnormalities when opening the Heavenly Palace.

"How is this going?!"

Princess Hongwei was also stunned. If something went wrong, there must be a monster, which made her feel that it was not a good sign.

"Sir, let's wait until the emperor comes. This is indeed very strange. If there is a big danger in the ruins and something happens to the princess inside, it won't be worth it!"

Emperor Tiantong looked at Princess Hongwei and pondered for a long time. He still couldn't think of any reason. He could only tell the truth about what he was worried about. It was up to Princess Hongwei to decide.

"As long as those four unknown things haven't entered, I can..."

Princess Hongwei didn't take Emperor Tiantong's words too seriously. She had never really been afraid of anything since she started practicing Taoism. Now her main purpose is to deal with Lin Nan. After all, the things in a quasi-emperor ruins are not good for her. It's not that rare.

But when she looked at where Lin Nan and others were, there was no sign of Lin Nan, the two sisters, and Xu Lang. This made the second half of the sentence she was about to say suddenly silenced.

She originally wanted to say that as long as Lin Nan was still outside the ruins, she could wait slowly, but as soon as Lin Nan entered the ruins, she would follow directly to prevent Lin Nan, a guy who dared not look at her, from escaping.

"Where are they?"

After regaining consciousness, Hongwei looked at Emperor Tiantong.

"It seems...the moment the princess turned her head, they entered the ruins instantly!"

Emperor Tiantong himself was confused, because Lin Nan's speed was so fast that even he could only vaguely see the afterimage.

"Let's go into the ruins!"

Princess Hongwei was so angry that she had itching teeth, but she had no choice but to lose her temper with Emperor Tiantong and others. After all, the five people around her were all quasi-emperors. Even though there were five emperors in her family, her father was even more so. The disciple of the Emperor of Heaven, but now she is only a monk in the Immortal King Realm. She still cannot be too willful when facing the supreme being at the Quasi-Emperor level.


Tiantong Emperor and the other five were stunned for a moment, but seeing Princess Hongwei's resolute attitude, they stopped saying anything.

It was just a ruin left by quasi-emperor monks. With the five quasi-emperors around, nothing in the ruins could hurt Princess Hongwei, which made them feel relieved.

But they were worried that Lin Nan was an anomaly. After all, judging from the previous events, Lin Nan did not take Princess Hongwei seriously, that is to say, he did not take Princess Hongwei's family background seriously. It could even be said that he did not regard the Emperor of Heaven as the emperor of this world. No matter whether such people really have the capital to stand out from the crowd, they are definitely not easy to mess with!

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