Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2033 It’s up to you three

Lin Nan did not directly take the two sisters and Xu Lang to the place where the treasure was hidden in the ruins. Instead, after bringing the three people in, he let the three of them choose, while he watched from the sidelines. This is a test for three people.

For those monks who are scrambling, what magic weapon or even inheritance they can get in this ruins is absolutely related to their life. Whether they can prosper or not depends on whether they can gain something from this ruins and keep what they gain alive. take it out.

But for the two little sisters, and now Xu Lang, all this is just an experience. As long as they gain knowledge and insights here, it will be a great gain for them. As for the method, They don't care much about inheritance and natural treasures.

Just after entering the Immortal Palace, everyone arrived at an endless sea. This was a small world that formed a world of its own. Among the monks who came in now, only Lin Nan could clearly see the nature of this small world.

The small world is very big, not much smaller than the Red Star Territory, but when you step into the Red Star Territory above the Great Avenue Suppression, the two little sisters can make the space tremble by exerting some power at will. However, in the Red Star Territory, they need to use their great supernatural powers to do so. , it can be seen that although this small world is big, it cannot be compared with the world of the big world outside.

But this is just the entrance to the Immortal Palace. Just the entrance to the Immortal Palace is destined to strip away more than half of the monks. Among the many palaces behind, I don’t know how many monks will be buried in them.

This was destined to be full of dangers, but no one took the initiative to quit. Instead, they were still scrambling to find the door, hoping to truly enter the Immortal Palace.

People die for wealth and birds die for food. For monks, when death is not inevitable, the allure of opportunities that can change their destiny is extremely huge, just like the attraction of immortality to a mortal, but it is just that they become immortals. Finally, after gaining more knowledge, naturally you will not be satisfied with something as simple as immortality.

"That bitch has come in. She is stronger than us. Let's avoid her first, lest we be eliminated because of this inexplicable guy before we actually enter the fairy palace."

Xu Lang noticed Hongwei, and he didn't have a good sense of Hongwei. This was a natural feeling, even if Hongwei hadn't really done anything bad to them.

At the same time, Xu Lang also understood that what kind of skills and magical powers he could learn from Lin Nan were closely related to his performance in this ruins, so he needed to be cautious. Even if the two little sisters were restless, he He also has to be steady, after all, he and the little sisters are different.

Even if the two little sisters are punished by Lin Nan and will no longer teach magical powers in the future, the two little sisters have already learned the incomparable mysterious methods and magical powers from Lin Nan. In the future, even if they no longer practice other magical powers, they can definitely become a party. The most powerful person, but he is different. He has never learned magical powers from Lin Nan. If he performs too poorly here, it will be tantamount to throwing away his future with his own hands.

"You are destined to have no hope of entering the inner fairy palace. Now we will attack those two little girls and that boy. When it is over, I will reward you with heavenly materials and earthly treasures."

Princess Hongwei also discovered Lin Nan and his party at the first moment, and directly shouted these words with her magical power, so that hundreds of thousands of people could hear her words clearly.

She did not directly target Lin Nan. Even if there were five quasi-emperors behind her, she did not really not take Lin Nan's attention into consideration. He seemed to be more powerful than any of the five quasi-emperors behind her. A much more powerful being, she would not completely break up with Lin Nan before her aunt at the emperor level arrived.

"Fellow Taoist, we won't get involved in matters between children, right?"

Emperor Tiantong sent a message to Lin Nan’s spiritual thoughts.

Although Lin Nan had not completely given him face before, Emperor Tiantong himself was not so angry as to be an enemy of Lin Nan, and indeed he did not want to really fight with Lin Nan. After all, he had never heard of Lin Nan, let alone seen him. The existence of someone who has surpassed the quasi-emperor level, and his methods were so clever that he was unable to see his realm clearly. At first, he even mistakenly thought that Lin Nan was a Dao Ancestor Realm monk.

Especially Lin Nan was accompanied by two little girls who were obviously more talented than Princess Hongwei, and Xu Lang, who was enough to be crowned king. This made him feel that Lin Nan's background was definitely not simple, and he was not a demigod in this big world. The monk is very likely to be a powerful demigod from the other three big worlds, and it is not impossible to even say that he is a close disciple of a certain demigod emperor.

But the arrogant Princess Hongwei wanted to regain her position. After all, he was a monk in this big world and a quasi-emperor in the Hongwei family. When Hongwei was unhappy, he would naturally find a way to make her happy, so he just Can watch Hongwei target the two little sisters and Xu Lang.

In the view of Emperor Tiantong, Princess Hongwei has grown a lot in recent years. At least she is no longer arrogant towards the quasi-emperors of other families or forces. Now she is very polite to Lin Nan and no longer wants to be as indifferent as before. Regardless, he immediately started targeting the quasi-emperor.

Princess Hongwei causes a lot of trouble every year, and Emperor Tiantong can solve it in most cases, but this is not the first time that a situation like today has occurred. He even directly contacted his aunt because of Princess Hongwei, and at the same time he did not directly Provoking Lin Nan, she felt that Princess Hongwei had grown up and became much more sensible.

"Momo, Ling'er, Xu Lang, it's up to you three. If you can avoid being caught by Hongwei in this ruins, I will prepare your own gifts for you afterwards."

Lin Nan smiled and did not respond to Emperor Tiantong, but he didn't mind Hongwei's trouble with the two sisters. After all, when he was growing up, he was surrounded by trouble every day, and he was the enemy of everyone in the world. This is not the case.

As his daughters, if the two little sisters never experience that feeling, they will definitely lack a lot of excitement in their growth.


The two little sisters nodded at the same time, and then ran in the same direction at the same time, but they did not forget Xu Lang. After all, Lin Nan was talking about the three of them. The two little sisters knew very well that if they did not take Xu Lang with them, they would definitely be troubled afterwards. No reward will be given.

All around, countless monks stopped fighting after entering this small world. Instead, they dispersed, looking for the entrance to the fairy palace.

When there were no interests to compete for, they could live in peace. But after hearing Princess Hongwei's words, everyone turned their attention and quickly focused on Xu Lang and the little sisters.

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