Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2034 What are they doing?

"What's going on? Isn't that Princess Hongwei? Someone has provoked her. Who is this person? He is too brave!"

"Look, there are five quasi-emperors around Princess Hongwei. None of those quasi-emperors took action. Those three...two little girls? One is only a thousand years old? Are they all monks at the peak level of the Golden Fairy Realm? Oh my god , those two little girls are only seven or eight years old, their talents are simply incredible!"

"Indeed, in the past, those people who thought that beings like Princess Hongwei were already extremely talented, now only after meeting these two little girls do they know what true heaven-defying talent is! By the way, before, the Immortal Palace had When it was not turned on, didn't someone say that a group of monks made a mistake and were punished? These two little girls should be the geniuses who were mistaken for pretenders in the mistake, right? Who dares to take action! "

"Don't worry, don't worry, have you seen that young man in black? He is the strong man who protects those two little girls and can make Emperor Tiantong retreat three points. He does not show any displeasure now, and those two The little girl ran away with the young man in white. It was obvious that the young man in black regarded this matter as a test for the three juniors. If we take action, nothing will happen, as long as we don't get hurt by those three little guys. Just fight back, if you take down those three little guys, you can also get a reward from Princess Hongwei, which is a good thing!"

"Don't say it, this is really what happened, hahahaha... I probably can't find the entrance to the real fairy palace today, but if I can catch those three little guys, it won't be in vain. , if you don’t take action, I’ll go first!”

Hundreds of thousands of monks all turned their gazes over. In an instant, there were already more than 200,000 monks. The monks who had already had a premonition that they might not be able to enter the Immortal Palace today were tempted. In an instant, more than 200,000 monks swarmed in from all directions. Come.

Of course, the more than ninety people who had dealt with Lin Nan and the four of them before Lin Nan removed the palace barrier were now very calm and did not follow them to join in the fun.

They knew very well that Lin Nan was a fierce man who did not pay much attention to Emperor Tiantong and Princess Hongwei. If they rushed over now and injured the two little sisters and Xu Lang, they felt that their lives would be lost. I am afraid that I will go straight to the end and sleep forever in the gate of this fairy palace.

More than half of the monks did not join in. First, because there were only three of them, Xu Lang, and more than 200,000 people had already rushed over. The probability of them getting rewards if they went again was too low. Second, because among them Most people in the country don't care about Princess Hongwei's reward. They also have confidence that they can enter the Immortal Palace. Compared with the chance of entering the Immortal Palace, Princess Hongwei's reward is really not worth mentioning.

"This is so unfair. If these guys abide by the rules, I will scatter fairy crystals and magic weapons like crazy to make them turn their guns against that old woman named Hong!"

Ling'er was very angry, but she had no choice but to follow Lin Momo and Xu Lang while running and looking for the entrance.

For Ling'er, problems that can be solved with money are indeed not a problem. If it were a real fight for wealth, a hundred Princess Hongwei would not be able to compare with her, but she never likes to waste money, and there are so many monks chasing after her. Even a fool knows that it is impossible to reward them all, and there may be situations where the people are not enough and the snake swallows the elephant, so they pick up the magic weapon while chasing them.

"This is my father asking us to strengthen ourselves. We must treat it as if our father is not here, and we have to rely on ourselves for everything. Even if the magic weapons and fairy crystals really work, we can't do that. After all, the danger will never really disappear. Money will be spent extremely quickly if it is not controlled, and no matter how deep a family fortune is, it may be ruined. Everything must still rely on one's own strength."

Lin Momo said seriously.

Compared with Ling'er, Lin Momo and Xu Lang were much more realistic and did not think about using heaven, materials and earthly treasures to solve the problem. After all, when they really went out to explore, they entered secret realms and Jedi for the sake of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. When you are under siege, you should use heavenly materials and earthly treasures to clear the way. After all, if you do that, you will die faster in most cases.

Lin Momo held Ling'er's little hand, and she and Xu Lang were flying rapidly on the sea, using various blind eyes to confuse the chasing monks, and at the same time they were also eager to find the entrance.

"Damn it, it's already been a cup of tea, why is it still missing? If we can't find it again, we will be caught!"

Xu Lang was anxious, because not only did they not find the entrance, but no one found the entrance elsewhere. Even though hundreds of thousands of people were looking for the entrance, no one found it. This situation was really special, and it made People are very helpless, but some can only be anxious, especially monks like them who are being hunted will undoubtedly become ants on the hot pot.

"No, isn't there someone who went into the water before? It seems that no one has come out yet. I don't know if there is really any big danger under the water, or if the entrance is on the bottom of the sea, and the monks who went into the water have already entered the palace."

Lin Momo had also begun to become anxious. She raised her little hand and patted Ling'er who was restless, then she frowned and said.

"No matter what, go into the water. Even if you don't go into the water, you will be caught soon, so why not go into the water and give it a try!"

Xu Lang said decisively.

For them, there is really no other way now but to go into the water and try. Maybe they can find an entrance to enter the main area of ​​the fairy palace directly and get rid of the monks who come from all directions to cast various spells.

Xu Lang felt that he was decisive enough, but when he discovered that the two little sisters had already dived directly into the bottom of the sea just after he finished speaking, he realized that he sometimes seemed to be a bit of a mother-in-law.

"You can't treat these two little ancestors as normal children of the same age. One of them is more cruel than the other. It's because of my negligence!"

Xu Lang sighed with emotion, and then hurriedly followed him into the bottom of the sea, quickly catching up with the progress of the two little sisters.

"This... what are they doing? This seawater is not ordinary seawater. Although the small world here has a poor suppression effect on monks, this vast seawater is not simple. It is all stagnant water. Even the Immortal Realm monks If you go in, you may lose all your cultivation within half an hour, why did they rush in so recklessly?"

"Yes, many people have gone in before, and they haven't come out yet. Why did they take the initiative to run in? We are not going to kill them. Are we so desperate?!"

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