Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2035 Monks like them

For a moment, all the chasing monks were stunned. They did not enter the water directly before because they were not at a high level. After all, monks with too high levels would not come to chase the three little sisters. It is precisely for this reason that when they see the little sisters now The three of them got into the bottom of the sea, which was a huge blow to them.

If the three little sisters were caught normally, some injuries might be caused by accident, but they would definitely not be too much. After all, this is not a real chase. Behind the three little sisters, there is a person suspected of being a quasi-emperor. How could they do something extreme to the three little sisters just for the sake of Princess Hongwei's reward, right under the nose of the suspected quasi-emperor?

But now the situation has changed, and it has become something they didn't expect. They were just three little guys from the Golden Immortal Realm. Now they went directly to the bottom of the sea where even the Immortal Realm monks could not survive for long. This accident came too suddenly. , leaving them unprepared!

All the monks who participated in the pursuit were now confused. Regardless of their appearance, they shouted loudly in the hope that the three little sisters could come out. There were also monks with slightly higher realms who endured fear and got into the bottom of the sea. I want to call the three little sisters up.

But everything did not achieve a good result. No matter how they shouted, the few half-step immortal saints who knew they could not help but come back, and the three little sisters showed no signs of showing up. For a while, everyone felt that the end was coming. , turned his head and looked in the direction of Lin Nan.

They knew that at this time, Princess Hongwei could not help them. Whether they lived or died was only decided by Lin Nan.

They all felt very aggrieved. It was obviously a not bad job, and they might be rewarded, and they could pursue the proud man without any scruples. However, they thought of too many consequences, but they did not think of the final outcome. This would be like this, this is simply playing with your life. Sure enough, there is nothing in this world that is truly risk-free!

"Just leave if you are sure that you have no way to enter the ruins. There is no use staying here. There may be a large-scale battle later, and you may not know how you died by then."

Lin Nan walked over and did not embarrass the demigod monks. The three little sisters were not dead and could not die. He was now negotiating with the senior demigods. Before the results were fully announced, there was still room for relaxation. , so he didn’t really go on a killing spree.

"Senior...senior! They...they haven't come out yet!"

Although they heard Lin Nan tell them to leave, no one dared to move. They were all extremely nervous and their hearts seemed to be in their throats.

"They are fine. They have entered the ruins. The entrance is at the bottom of the lake. If you can endure it and dive down 30,000 feet, you can also enter the ruins."

Lin Nan said calmly, and after saying this, he disappeared without any trace.

The more than 200,000 people still didn't come to their senses, but it was no longer because they were still afraid, but because they couldn't believe that Lin Nan didn't punish them.

It is even more unbelievable that the three little sisters, who are only in the Golden Fairy Realm, can survive in this stagnant water unharmed.

But when they came back to their senses, all the half-step immortal saints got into the seabed. The monks who were originally looking for them all got into the sea directly. Even among the immortal monks, there were many people. Go to the bottom of the sea, hoping that you can dive to a depth of 30,000 feet and find the entrance to enter the fairy palace.

"Those three little things really entered the Immortal Palace by virtue of their own abilities?"

In the distance, Princess Hongwei asked about the existence of the five quasi-emperor levels around her.

"The young man in black didn't take action just now. It was indeed the three little guys who relied on their own strength to dive to a depth of 30,000 feet and find the entrance to the fairy palace."

Emperor Tiantong responded.

"It's really incredible. There is no reason for monks like them to have no reputation. Even we don't know about it. I just asked my aunt, and even she didn't know where these people came from. It's really weird. !”

Princess Hongwei frowned.

But it only happened in a moment. The two little sisters were geniuses, monsters even more genius than her, but she was also one of the best among contemporary princesses. Even in the end, Lin Nan's origins were scary, but they couldn't be scared. Live her.

You must know that she is not just a princess, there are three emperor-level beings in the Hong family, and her father is a disciple of the emperor of this world. Even if Lin Nan is another emperor of the demigod clan, it is impossible for him to be the emperor because of the relationship between the younger generations. The fight took action against her.

"Go in and take a look. I didn't take action just now because I wanted to see if those two little girls were worth taking action myself. Now it seems that although their combat power is not as good as mine, but in any case, their magical powers are extremely mysterious, even There are so many magical powers that are vaguely on the same level as my strongest ones, so I want to see what their capital is that dares to ignore this princess."

Princess Hongwei seemed to be talking to herself or to the quasi-emperors around her, but after saying these words, she went directly into the seabed without asking Emperor Tiantong and others to help. , but he is diving.


In the sky, in the holy land established by the demigods, which was the Jedi marked by the Nineteenth Holy Sect of the Red Star Region, and in the city where Lin Nan and the others entered at the beginning, Liu Ruqing's inner wall was not very good.

Liu Ruqing knew that Lin Nan took the two sisters and Xu Lang to the big world controlled by the demigods, but he was not in a bad mood because of this reason, but because of the group of human monks in front of him.

There is no slave trading market here, but human monks are selling them now, and they were just caught.

"Madam, don't look at these slaves who are very arrogant and disobedient to discipline now, but as long as you choose them, after we use secret techniques to cast spells, no matter how powerful they were before, they will become obedient and unable to do anything. A slave who disobeys his master.”

A slave merchant kept selling to Liu Ruqing.

Even though he could see that Liu Ruqing's level was not high, he could also see that Liu Ruqing was not an ordinary person and definitely had a rich family background, so he didn't feel like he was wasting his time.

"Where did you catch these human monks from?"

Liu Ruqing raised her hand to signal the slave trader to shut up, and then asked as calmly as possible.

"Pass, there are many passes in the Holy Land. After lucky human maggots break into the Holy Land, they will settle in those passes that will not kill foreign creatures, thinking that they have become our prey."

The slave trader said enthusiastically.

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