Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2037 Are you really a human monk?

For slave traders, today is a good harvest day. The principle that rare things are valuable is eternal, but the principle of value for money is more realistic. This is true in the mortal world, and it is even more obvious in the world of immortality. No monk would spend a hundred times more treasures of heaven and earth for something that is of no use to him. Even a dandy from an aristocratic family would not waste so much in private.

A holy weapon, even if it is only a low-grade holy weapon, is already more than a hundred times more valuable than those thirteen female cultivators, let alone a high-grade holy tool.

After catching the high-grade sacred artifact thrown by Lan Qin at will, the slave trader was once again dumbfounded. This sacred artifact was no trivial matter. It could definitely be auctioned as a top-grade sacred artifact in normal times, but now it was thrown out by Lan Qin at will. This made the slave trader feel... Feeling dizzy, when did such a noble clansman come to this holy land? Why didn't I hear any news?

"Why did you buy us?"

One of the thirteen female cultivators looked at Liu Ruqing and asked.

Although she didn't know what grade the sacred artifact Lan Qin threw and how precious it was, she could tell from the reaction of the slave trader that the magical artifact was of great importance. The value in the merchant's eyes is far higher than theirs.

She couldn't understand why Liu Ruqing, a so-called demigod who had nothing to do with them, would spend such a price to buy them. She didn't believe that Liu Ruqing was just a noblewoman with too much money and no place to spend it. There were many nobles with no brains in the world. A woman, but that kind of person will never appear among monks.

"Do I need to answer you?"

Liu Ruqing looked at the woman who asked the question. After saying this, she turned and left. She had no intention of saying anything more to the thirteen female cultivators here.

The slave trader had come back to his senses a little. When he saw this scene, he no longer felt it was too weird. He felt that Liu Ruqing simply thought that the thirteen female cultivators were new and bought them back to have a look. After a long time, they would definitely get tired of them. That would be it. The end of thirteen human female nuns.

After returning to his residence, Liu Ruqing brought the thirteen female cultivators to the main hall.

The thirteen female cultivators were not restless on the way here. They were calmed down by Ye Yu and Lan Qin a few times before they stopped making trouble and no longer dared to glare at Liu Ruqing.

"I know that you are monks from the ten places in the lower world, but I am very curious about how you entered the sky."

After setting up a barrier to prevent anyone from detecting the conversation, Liu Ruqing asked her doubts.

All living beings in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands are said to be dead, but there is a difference between the Ten Lands of the Lower Realm and the Nine Heavens. The monks who can ascend from the Ten Lands of the Lower Realm to the Nine Heavens are all geniuses without exception. The connection between the ten lands is very great. To be precise, it is not the territory of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. There are only a few sky layers connected. Even in the first heaven, there are not many star fields that can enter the sky.

Now a group of monks from the ten places in the lower world have come in. This is different from previous years. Usually when the sky curtain opens, although there are also young monks who have not yet become immortals, they all come in from Jiutian. Only some of them are at the entrance of the sky curtain. The restrictions are not as strong as the northern boundary of the Red Star Territory, so almost all monks can enter.

"You...why are you asking these questions?"

The ten girls were extremely nervous, and the three women could not hide their fear. They had indeed been frightened by Lan Qin and Ye Yu, and now they were in awe of Liu Ruqing. Even if they had resentment in their hearts, most of them were covered up by fear.

"Oh, it's not interesting. It's just that I also entered the Nine Heavens from the Ten Lands of the Lower Realm, and then entered the Tianmu from the Second Heaven. I know more about Tianmu than you do, so I'm very curious about you Ten Realms of the Lower Realm who have not yet become immortals. How did the earthly monk get in?"

Liu Ruqing said calmly.

This is not a secret to her, and she doesn't mind telling others about it. The monks who ascended from the ten places in the lower world will not be despised by the native people of Jiutian. As for those geniuses who look down on the monks who ascended from the ten places in the lower world, they At that time, it belonged to everyone and was looked down upon. It was not deliberately aimed at the monks who had ascended from the ten realms of the lower world.

Relatively speaking, in the first heaven, the monks who ascended from the ten places in the lower world to the first heaven are synonymous with geniuses and strong men. They can attract everyone's attention wherever they go. If you are talented, you will be attracted by all forces.

"We... we were in a Jedi training camp when we saw a space crack and were sucked into the crack by a force. Then we went to the world outside. When we were being chased by a group of ferocious beasts, we broke in again. Here, and got caught!”

The three women discussed with each other through telepathy, and they all felt that what Liu Ruqing said was very credible, so they explained in detail how they got here.

They were very cautious. Firstly, because they once suffered a change, from more than a hundred people at the beginning to thirteen people now, they were arrested and sold as slaves. This had a huge impact on them. Secondly, because Before it was bought by Liu Ruqing, they had already heard from the demigod monks that the reason they were stationed here was to directly attack the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the near future.

Although they are just monks from the Ten Lands of the Lower Realm and do not have extensive knowledge and experience, they have deep feelings for the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands in the big world where they live. Now that they have learned that there is a foreign race who wants to invade the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and sell them as slaves, Naturally, they would not have a good impression of the demigod monks, which was why they hated Liu Ruqing before.

After all, even the demi-gods in the Saint Ancestor Realm couldn't tell the fact that Liu Ruqing and others were from the human race and the demon race, let alone these little monks who had not yet become immortals.

"Are you really a human monk?"

One girl asked uncertainly.

"What do you think?"

Liu Ruqing asked with a smile.

The girl suddenly became speechless and felt very aggrieved. If she could see it, why would she ask?

"You just stay here, Lan Qin, you stay, while Hong Lin and I go out to take a look."

After asking about the specific process and which continent they were in among the ten lower realms, they stood up and gave instructions before leaving the palace with Hong Lin.

"Not only the demigods are making trouble, the demons may also march into many big worlds from here, but the space crack should not be caused by the demons, and it cannot be the demigods. After all, they already have this small world Make a turning point.”

Hongling said to Liu Ruqing.

"My husband said before that the demons are also plotting against the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and have already taken action. The space crack is most likely caused by the demons."

Liu Ruqing thought for a moment and then said.

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