Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2038 Demon Emperor

Just as Liu Ruqing and Hong Lin thought, after they left the small world of the demigods and followed the route mentioned by the thirteen female cultivators, although they did not find the space crack, they captured the demon cultivator's body. breath.

Liu Ruqing's strength was not high and he could not capture the demon's qi, but the red light on the side not only clearly saw the qi that remained when the demons passed by, but also peeled the qi out of nothingness, allowing Liu Ruqing to see it too Be clear.

After confirming the location, Hongling began to use her magical power, and easily found this place and the layer of the ten places in the lower world that the thirteen female cultivators said had locked the Jedi in that continent. Then he directly used his magical power to connect the two places far apart in the starry sky, and in one step he and Liu Ruqing arrived at the ten places in the lower world, which was the continent where the thirteen female cultivators lived.

This is a Jedi land. Not only are there powerful monsters and ferocious beasts, but all terrains have strong strangulation power. Of course, even without Hong Lin by his side, Liu Ruqing will not encounter danger in this Jedi land. After all, She now has cultivation at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm, and her combat power is so powerful that she can kill Immortal Realm monks. All the Jedi in the ten places in the lower world are no threat to her.

"This continent has been pretty much beaten."

Hong Lin said.

"Is it a demon monk?"

Liu Ruqing asked.


Hong Lin nodded.

"Then kill them all."

Liu Ruqing said calmly.

Hong Lin left in response.

That is, after Honglun left, Liu Ruqing wandered around. Looking at the monsters and ferocious beasts in the Jedi who were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and trembled after seeing her, Liu Ruqing felt that everything was a little unreal. When she and Lin Nan were in the lower realms, they were often tormented by the so-called big evils and monsters. At that time, it seemed that they would lose their lives at any time, and they became desperate mandarin ducks.

Especially when Lin Nan went out alone, Liu Ruqing was always worried about him, fearing that he would never see Lin Nan again. Not many years had passed before he returned to the ten places in the lower world again, although he went to the place where he and Lin Nan lived. , but there is also a feeling of revisiting the old place, and things are different and people are different.

The contrast in identity made Liu Ruqing sigh with emotion. The fact was that it was so impermanent. The past seemed to be vivid in her mind, but it was indeed a passing cloud. After all, she was no longer the same person when she met the big demon in the ten places in the lower world. It is difficult for a young monk to protect himself. Lin Nan is no longer the young monk who needs her to care about and worry about when he goes out.

"Queen of Heaven, everything has been dealt with. I have also notified the demon monks in other realms that they can go back."

Hong Lin came back with a calm tone.

Although there are many demon monks, and they can almost capture this not-so-small continent in a short time, they are just some monks from the True Immortal Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm. For Hong Lin, she could have wiped them all out with a single thought. If she hadn't deceived her with a secret method to avoid the possibility that there was a powerful demon hiding among them, she would not have committed suicide herself.

"Have you not met a strong demon?"

Liu Ruqing calmed down, looked at Hong Lin, and asked with some confusion.

Hongling shook her head. She did not see any strong demons, at least no ones beyond the Immortal Realm. Those heavenly spirits also said that there were no strong demons. This was indeed a problem.

But both Hongling and Liu Ruqing knew that without the existence of the quasi-emperor level, it would be completely impossible for those demon monks to open a passage from the sky to the ten places in the lower world.

After a brief conversation, Liu Ruqing and Hong Lin returned to the sky, but they did not directly return to the small world created by the demigods.

"over there."

Hong Lin used her secret method and quickly discovered the demonic qi machines. These qi machines could be hidden and many of them were wiped out. If there were other peak-level quasi-emperors, the probability of discovering these qi machines was very low, that is, Only a peerless person like Hong Lin can directly capture these qi that have disappeared after being a little serious.

Following the qi machine, he flew through the sky for more than 30 million kilometers. During this period, he encountered many powerful ferocious beasts, but they were all easily dealt with by Hong Lin. Finally, he met a group of demon monks.

There were not many demon monks, but after seeing those demon monks, Hongling instantly took Liu Ruqing to hide her whereabouts and energy.

"Among them are two beings at the Great Emperor level, both at the mid-Emperor level, and six quasi-Emperor level beings. The rest are more than a hundred Dao Ancestor level beings, and a few Immortal Lord level minors. The character seems to be the descendant of those powerful demons, and his talents are not bad."

Hongling looked solemn. Six quasi-emperors were enough for her to fight for a while, and there were two mid-level emperors. She really didn't dare to fight such a terrifying team directly, not to mention Liu Ruqing was with her. , if something happened to Liu Ruqing, she would have no way to explain it to Lin Nan.

She did not put all her hopes on Lin Nan. After all, Lin Nan was now in a big world controlled by the demigods. Whether he could clearly sense the situation here was a problem. Moreover, he was too far away to tell Lin Nan clearly. After Nan knew the situation here, how long would it take to get here.

"Call Lan Qin over and ask her to bring the thirteen female cultivators and then send them back to the ten places in the lower world."

Liu Ruqing said.

She was very surprised by the enemy situation reported by Hong Lin, but she knew that no matter how surprised she was, it would be useless, so she simply didn't think much about it.

Hong Lin and Lan Qin join forces, she thinks there is a chance of winning.

Lin Nan said that Hong Lin and Lan Qin's talents and talents are not much worse than those of the Snow God and the Water God. Hong Lin has always been learning from the Snow God and the Water God to lay the foundation. Otherwise, she would have already achieved the status of the Supreme Emperor. As for Lan Qin, probably because he didn't have a good guide, took the wrong path before meeting Lin Nan and went astray, which is why he has reached the late stage of quasi-emperor cultivation.

Two beings who are no worse than the Snow God and the Water God in terms of talent and talents must be able to suppress the two demon emperors. After all, in the great battle before the end of ancient times, the Snow God, who was at the peak level of the quasi-emperor, He once had a neck-and-neck fight with the supreme emperor of the human race.

"Queen of Heaven, I have sent those thirteen women back to the ten realms of the lower world. Seeing that they are quite pitiful, their families were destroyed inexplicably, and they were almost left in the demi-god clan forever, so I taught them some small skills. As long as they are slaves, there is no problem at all in cultivating to the Immortal Realm."

Lan Qin and the others came and said these words to Liu Ruqing as soon as they arrived.


Liu Ruqing smiled and nodded.

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