Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2042 Do you want oil on the soles of your feet?

On the surface, the two demon emperors were unable to completely target Hong Lin and Lan Qin because the two human emperors were watching eagerly. This was indeed a major factor, but not the main factor. The reason why they lost to Hong Lin was Lin and Lan Qin are simply not as powerful as the two girls.

Although they could fight Hong Lin and Lan Qin for a while without the two human emperors, they could not avoid defeat in the end.

They also knew this in their hearts. The reason why they were so angry and clamoring was because they were unwilling and could not believe that the two majestic demon emperors would actually be defeated by two demon quasi-emperors. Let's look at that posture. He is about to be killed here.

Falling in the hands of a monk with a lower level of cultivation than oneself is a scene that no monk wants to encounter. If there is a chance of death, most people hope to die in the hands of a monk with a higher level than themselves. He is proud to be in the hands of a monk whose level is lower than his own, even if the other party is a rare one, or even a peerless genius who is rarely seen in ancient times.

The reason is the same. Death in the hands of monks who are lower than oneself will undoubtedly become a stepping stone for the other party to become famous. If the deeds spread, even if the world knows that the other party is a peerless genius, when talking about these powerful people who fell in the hands of the genius, When talking to others, without exception, they will think that they are incompetent, that they have no eyes and no brains.

They were also unparalleled geniuses at the beginning, so they knew the key to it. That's why they are so rude now, and they choose to hide their true knowledge in their hearts, looking for a reason for themselves, in order to make themselves feel more at ease, hoping that through this move, they can make people feel more at ease. I feel that my death was not too cowardly.

"For a dying person, there is too much nonsense."

Lan Qin knew the thoughts of the two demon emperors, but she did not agree with this method. Just like when she was strangled by Lin Nan, although she was shocked and surprised, she did not make excuses for her weakness.

The strong are always strong. These two demon emperors have been invincible in their own world for too long. They no longer have the invincible mentality that they had when they climbed to the top of the road through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Even if they don't die in their hands today, If there really is a war between the demons and humans in the future, these two demon emperors may not survive long when faced with beings of the same realm.



The two magical attacks were performed by Hong Lin and Lan Qin. They were still phoenixes surrounded by Tao fire, and attacks filled with the aura of mortal world.

The speed of these two magical attacks was faster. The two demon emperors could not resist it before. Now when Hong Lin and Lan Qin exerted their full strength, they naturally had no time to react, not to mention the two of them now They were all seriously injured, and they could only watch helplessly as the two women's magical attacks collided with them in an instant, before they had time to blink.



Two soft sounds were made by the two demon emperors after they were hit by Hong Lin and Lan Qin's magical attacks. What followed were the sounds made by the two demon emperors after their magical attacks dissipated. , turned into powder, drifting away into the distance with the not strong breeze.

"The Emperor and the others... were defeated like this!"

"This... how is this possible? The emperor is invincible. The two emperors have shocked the existence of an era. Now... how can it be so easy to be killed by two demon quasi-emperors? This is really... ...My eyes must be dazzled, yes, my eyes must be dazzled, none of this is real, everything is just an illusion!"

"It's so unbelievable... Where did these two demon clan quasi-emperors come from? Why are they so powerful? It makes no sense at all. How could they... how could they kill our emperor, our demon clan and the demon clan?" The relationship between the clan is not bad at all!”

The two demon emperors were dead, and the six demon quasi-emperors were dumbfounded. They were in a daze and murmured to themselves. No one wanted to believe that what they saw was true.

All of this happened so fast that even beings at the quasi-emperor level felt it was unreal and felt like they were just temporarily hallucinating.

But their two great emperors have indeed disappeared and will never come back. Even their souls have been completely annihilated by the two attacks that seemed to be the power of the complete avenue. They don't even have the chance to enter reincarnation and be a new human being. No more, this is really magical. They never imagined that such a situation would happen before they came. Such a scene would be played out in front of them. It was so fast that they had no time to react before they even thought about taking action. It was all over, which made them unable to maintain their normalcy any longer, and each one of them couldn't help but be in a trance.

"You guys get on your way too."

Hong Lin turned her eyes and looked at the six quasi-emperors and more than a hundred Dao Ancestor Realm monks. Without giving them a chance to speak, she directly used her magical attack to kill them all in an instant.

Six quasi-emperors and more than a hundred Dao Ancestor Realm monks, such a force cannot be underestimated even if it travels across the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. No matter where it goes, it will be received with high standards, but now it is instantly popular. Lin was killed.

You must know that Hong Lin is only a quasi-emperor. She and Lan Qin just joined forces to kill two demon emperors. Now, without using their full strength, they easily killed six quasi-emperors and more than a hundred Taoist ancestors. Existence, this is really terrifying, this level of strength is truly heaven-defying.

"This... should we apply oil on the soles of our feet?!"

The two human emperors looked at each other, and one of them asked in a daze.

"It's better... don't run. You may not be able to outrun if you run!"

answered another.

They really wanted to leave here quickly, but they really didn't dare to run away directly. The strength shown by Hong Lin and Lan Qin was too strong, which shocked them who didn't take the two demon emperors seriously. .

For endless years, the two human emperors who thought they were fearless finally realized that they were sometimes afraid, and they were so scared that they did not dare to run away easily. This really subverted the concepts of the two emperors.

Liu Ruqing walked forward with Yue Shi and others, took a look at the demon geniuses, then looked at the two human emperors, and smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I am indeed a human monk, and Hong Lin and Lan Qin are indeed my husband's followers. If you feel uncomfortable, you can leave now, and you will not be plotted against."

Liu Ruqing said calmly, but she felt a little funny in her heart. Sure enough, one thing brought down another.

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