Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2043 You are completely finished

Although he has never seen an existence at the level of an emperor, Liu Ruqing is still very clear about what a strong man would look like on a daily basis, and he has met two human emperors before who did not take existence at the same level and with the same combat power seriously. After seeing Hong Lin and Lan Qin take action, they immediately changed their posture, completely like frightened old children, which was really interesting.

Fortunately, Liu Ruqing is not that little girl like Linger, and has no intention of teasing the two human emperors. In any case, all the human emperors are here because of the human race. If they had not appeared, then these two human emperors would have fought to the death. The demon monks strive to gain some advantages for the human race in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Are you also human monks from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths?"

The two human emperors obviously believed in Liu Ruqing, but driven by curiosity, they did not choose to leave directly.

"Well, my husband and I have two children who came from the Ten Grounds of the Lower Realm. These people around me are monks from the first and second heavens above the Nine Heavens. Some of them also ascended from the Ten Grounds of the Lower Realm. Hong Lin and Lan Qin were brought back by my husband after he went to the ancient world not long ago."

Liu Ruqing replied calmly.

She didn't hide anything, and she didn't think there was anything to hide. After all, the people around her were very strong. The two human emperors had nothing to do with Hong Lin and Lan Qin. As for the two human emperors spreading the news after they returned, that was There is nothing bad. It is good to make the monks of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths feel at ease with this news. As for any trouble that may arise, after Lin Nan comes back, no matter how big the trouble is, there will be no threat at all.

"Then... let's go. If we reach the eighth heaven, we can go to Beidou Territory for some fun. The two of us will definitely arrange everything for you fellow Taoists."

The two human emperors looked at each other and felt that the cold looks of Hong Lin and Lan Qin were really creepy to them, so it would be better to leave here as soon as possible.

After the two human emperors left, Liu Ruqing turned his attention to the demon monks.

Everything had been discussed before, so without saying anything now, Liu Ruqing took Princess Fuhan, Han Yue, Qing Yue and the Seven Girls Lingxiao and directly launched an attack on the demon geniuses.

"You bitches are despicable and shameless. If you have the ability to fight alone, how can a dozen of you beat eight of us?"

"Ouch... you bunch of lowly human ants, you'd better not let me leave alive, otherwise the end will come to you, roar..."

"You are finished, completely finished. Do you think that after killing the emperor and the others, you can sit back and relax? Hahahaha... This is simply a foolish dream. Just wait, wait, what will greet you will be the raging anger of our demon clan. , even if a few of you escape to other big worlds, you will still be found and killed by the strong men of our demon clan!"

"Anyone who offends our demon clan will be punished no matter how far away they are. Even if you escape to the edge of the universe, you will not escape death. Hahaha... Aren't you geniuses? Today you kill us demon geniuses. In the future, our demon clan will The strong ones will kill you human geniuses. How can you lowly humans fight against our incomparably powerful demons with countless strong ones?"

Among the demon geniuses, there are some who are extremely angry, and some who are extremely angry and laugh, but none of them are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Genius is indeed a genius, and can be regarded as a genius in the entire clan. It is really not something that some small sect geniuses can match. At least his blood is not bad. If the two previous demon emperors can still maintain this level Blood Qi will not lose so quickly.

But they are destined to perish here today and become the whetstone for Liu Ruqing and others.

Even though they are powerful, even though they have extraordinary talents and amazing talents, they are not human race after all, nor are they like the monster race in the ancient world. They once lived with the human race in the nine heavens and ten places. Not to mention that Liu Ruqing has no intention of accepting followers. , even if Lin Nan is here, he will definitely not accept these demon geniuses as followers.

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and all eight demon geniuses died. Princess Fuhan and the seventh girl Lingxiao also suffered minor injuries. Even Liu Ruqing, Han Yue and Qing Yue who were not injured had to admit that Although the eight demon geniuses are higher in realm than them, they are definitely the first-class ones. If they were not superior in numbers, with their current realm, there would really be nothing they could do against those eight demon geniuses.

"I'm going to meditate for a while, and then go straight through the tribulation. You guys should recover from your injuries nearby, and don't go too far to avoid the appearance of powerful demons again, leaving Hong Lin and Lan Qin without enough time to rescue them."

Liu Ruqing left these words, and after everyone nodded, she flew to the distant mountain alone. The place had been cleaned by Hong Lin and Lan Qin. No living creatures would disturb her practice, and various large formations had been set up. , when Liu Ruqing overcomes the disaster, he can assist her, reducing the risk, but the benefits will not be less.

Princess Fuhan and the Seventh Lady Lingxiao found a place to heal their wounds quietly. Han Yue and Qing Yue also found a place to reflect on what they had learned from the battle. Yue Shi and Ye Yu stood together with Hong Lin and Lan Qin, looking at Liu Ruqing quietly. The giant mountain where it is located.

Liu Ruqing's foundation is too deep. This is a foundation they have never seen before. They are curious about the thunder disaster caused by such a foundation. At the same time, they are also worried about Liu Ruqing. After all, although a deep foundation is a good thing, it is difficult to overcome it. The risks you have to bear when breaking through the calamity will be much higher than ordinary monks.

Ordinary monks will fail nine times out of ten when trying to overcome the tribulation, and many of them will even be directly killed by the thunder tribulation, let alone a being like Liu Ruqing.

"What should we do if something happens?"

Yue Shi frowned slightly and asked in a solemn tone.

"It doesn't matter, the queen's level is not high after all. If something unexpected happens, Lan Qin and I are sure to put an end to the thunder catastrophe."

Hong Lin said.

Two quasi-emperors with the power of great emperors can stop even the catastrophes that exist in the Dao Ancestor Realm, not to mention Liu Ruqing, who has entered the Immortal King Realm from the Golden Immortal Realm. Although Liu Ruqing's thunder tribulation will definitely be different from ordinary thunder tribulations. The calamity was different, but it didn't leave the two girls with nothing to do.

"Then I'll feel at ease."

Yue Shi nodded.

If Hong Lin and Lan Qin were not sure, she might not be able to help but stop Liu Ruqing and ask Liu Ruqing to wait for Lin Nan to come back before overcoming the disaster.

Among the four, she was the first to follow Lin Nan, and her relationship with Liu Ruqing was also good. More importantly, Lin Nan's kindness to her and Guanghan Palace was not ordinary. If Liu Ruqing had an accident while crossing the tribulation, She really didn't know how to explain it to Lin Nan. At that time, she was afraid that she would have no choice but to repay the favor with death.

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