Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2045 This is a matter between children

After concealing their energy and body shape, and after Lin Momo confirmed that there was no danger at the exit of the corridor, the three of them tiptoed out.

The situation outside was a bit special, and the three of them couldn't help but be stunned. When they came back to their senses, they looked at the few monks at the half-step Immortal Saint level who were fighting with the heroic spirits, and then looked at the few nearby who had been deprived of energy. Only then did the three monks understand the previous situation.

When they were still in the corridor, there were indeed monks here. The figures the two sisters saw at first were indeed monks, but those monks had been killed by the nearby heroic spirits before they walked out of the corridor. This is also why after Xu Lang was able to see clearly the exit of the corridor, the three of them confirmed that the figure at the exit was a heroic spirit and not a living monk.

Those heroic spirits are very powerful. Although they are just a wisp of remnant souls and are no longer as powerful as before, judging from the fact that they can suppress seven half-step immortal saints and have killed a group of monks before, they were before they fell. Extremely powerful.

The three of them did not talk, and there was no spiritual sound transmission, because they were not sure whether those monks would intercept the sound of their spiritual thoughts. After all, the magic weapon in Lin Momo's hand could conceal the energy and body. However, it has no effect of concealing spiritual thoughts. Although as long as the spiritual thoughts are not detected outside the scope of the magic weapon, they will hardly be noticed by others, but the three of them now have to be more cautious.

They are all geniuses. Even Xu Lang, who cannot compare with the two little sisters, is a genuine genius in the world of immortality. As long as he has the same cultivation methods and magical powers, he is no worse than Princess Hongwei who is chasing them. , but it cannot be resisted that they now only have the cultivation level of the peak level of Golden Fairy Realm. If their whereabouts are exposed now, no matter whether they face those monks or those heroic spirits, they will only die in the end.

After watching for a while and confirming that they could not find an opportunity to take advantage, the three of them began to retreat elsewhere.

"I want to find a place to break through to the Immortal King Realm, and then kill them!"

After confirming that they had reached a relatively safe place, Ling'er couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said.

"You still have to hone your skills. If you rush to make a breakthrough now, your father will take you out and spank you."

Lin Momo glanced at Ling'er and said helplessly.

"Then I can't break through. Although in the past Red Star Territory, my current foundation has been able to break through, because it can no longer be built stronger, but if I break through directly now, I am afraid that the seniors will not teach me anymore. I have gained my magic door and supernatural powers.”

Xu Lang thought for a while and said helplessly that their current strength was too weak. Even if they met a group of monks at the Immortal Realm, they would not dare to take action because they were afraid of attracting high-level monks.

"It's okay. Ling'er and I can teach you some techniques. You can practice some induction first. Since father allows us to practice here, it means that this is not a barren land. If we find a good blessed land, you and Ling'er can After we have established a solid foundation, we can break through together, but now I have to..."

Lin Momo wanted to say that she had to break through now to improve the safety of the three of them, but the little girl couldn't speak. She suddenly realized that if she broke through again, she would be at the Immortal King Realm. This breakthrough was not expected to be able to suppress the vision alone in the past.

She was sure that whether it was her, Liu Ruqing, or Ling'er around her, when they broke through to the Immortal King Realm, the visions would definitely be much stronger than when ordinary people broke through to the Immortal Lord Realm. Such visions would appear in the outside world. There is no danger in the world, but here, countless monks will definitely be attracted, because visions and treasures are linked. When people see extremely gorgeous visions, they will definitely think that there is a treasure in the place where the visions arise. come out.

By then, with the strength of the three little sisters, the sky will not respond and the earth will not work!

"Forget it, let's just walk like this first, and then choose to break through after we find a place with opportunities, otherwise it will be too dangerous!"

Lin Momo said with a depressed face.

Ling'er smiled when she saw this, which made Lin Momo want to beat the little thing hard.

As Xu Lang had no objection to Lin Momo's proposal, the three of them continued to hide and wander around. They would never be soft-hearted when they met someone who could knock the sap off.

On the other side, Princess Hongwei was not in a good mood.

It had been such a long time, but she still hadn't received any information from the two little sisters and Xu Lang, which made her very helpless. However, Lin Nan was still following her, which made her feel restrained unconsciously.

"Are you afraid that I will kill the three of them?"

Hongwei finally couldn't help it anymore, looked at Lin Nan, and asked angrily.

Not far away, Lin Nan just glanced at Hongwei and said nothing. He was here solely to prevent Hongwei from letting the five quasi-emperors take action.

He could also block the exploration of the five quasi-emperors elsewhere, but that would be too shocking. Now the five quasi-emperors are already breaking out in cold sweat and dare not look directly at him. If he is far away, they will directly block him. With their probing abilities, I don’t know how scared they will be.

Now it was a test for the two little sisters and Xu Lang, but at the same time, he also wanted to find some fun for himself. It was good to have a little monk like Hongwei, who was a princess and also had princess disease, to cause trouble for the three little sisters. Moreover, Hongwei's background is obviously not simple. The aunt of the great emperor who is about to arrive is a good role to kill the boredom. Otherwise, it would be very boring to watch the three little sisters hiding here and there without daring to breathe.

"Fellow Taoist, this is a matter between children. It's better for us not to get involved. We should just retreat and let the children experience it on their own!"

Emperor Tiantong finally couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to persuade Lin Nan to leave, but he knew it was unreasonable. At the same time, he was also afraid that if Lin Nan was angered, this man who could stay unnoticed would combine him with four other accurate people. The existence that is covered by the emperor's detection ability will directly attack Princess Hongwei. At that time, in such a short distance, the five quasi-emperors may not be able to stop Lin Nan.

Although he was confused as to why such a terrifying existence suddenly appeared in the tribe, he still sailed the ten thousand year ship carefully. His own life was very important, and the life of Princess Hongwei was equally important, and there was no room for mistakes.

He really didn't know what Lin Nan's bottom line was for a terrifying existence like Lin Nan who had never shown up before. If Princess Hongwei accidentally touched it, it would be too late to say anything by then, so if now If you can persuade Lin Nan to leave, that is definitely the best choice.

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