Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2046 Get rid of Lin Nan

"Just let him leave. What are you doing if you leave?"

Princess Hongwei couldn't help but frowned after hearing Emperor Tiantong's words.

She didn't know that Lin Nan had suppressed the five quasi-emperors around him, making them unable to extend their spiritual thoughts, so she was very puzzled as to why Emperor Tiantong would say such a thing. After all, compared to other quasi-emperors, Emperor Tiantong, although He is easy to talk to, but he will never give in when faced with problems.

"This... the princess is much higher than those three little guys. If we are allowed to follow you any longer, it will look like bullying. Why don't we all retreat and let the princess and those three little guys get along well?" It’s a fun game, and no matter what the final result is, it won’t hurt the harmony. After all, we are all of the same race, so it’s better to be amicable.”

Emperor Tiantong said awkwardly.

He wanted to tell the actual situation, but it was difficult for him to do so. He and the other four quasi-emperors did not have spiritual communication. It was only apparent from the aggrieved expressions of the other parties that the other four were suppressed by Lin Nan just like him. Divine thoughts.

They are all quasi-emperors, and they all have a good face. Although Princess Hongwei's status is unusual, she is still a junior, and an extraordinary junior. Naturally, they don't want to lose face in front of Princess Hongwei. If he tells the truth now It turns out that being ugly is not a big problem. The other four strong men at the same level have dull faces, but it is difficult to deal with them.

"Then let's go."

Princess Hongwei didn't think much after hearing this, and waved her hand casually. At first, she just wanted to teach the two sisters a lesson, but now that it has developed to this point, she really wants to see what kind of abilities the two sisters have. Being able to avoid him for so long in this ruins.

After saying that, Princess Hongwei walked forward on her own, and soon passed through a barrier and disappeared without a trace.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to suppress our detection ability anymore, right?!"

As soon as Princess Hongwei left, Emperor Tiantong couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Nan helplessly.

The other four people were no exception. They were shocked from the beginning and couldn't figure out what kind of person he was who dared to go against Princess Hongwei. Knowing that Lin Nan came to them an hour ago, he calmly Their spiritual thoughts were suppressed, and only then did they understand what kind of existence Lin Nan was.

They knew that even though Lin Nan was at the quasi-emperor level like them, the treasures he carried were certainly not comparable to theirs, and his one-on-one combat power was definitely stronger than theirs. Otherwise, they would not have dared to do this. If a fight breaks out, even if the five of them join forces, they may not be able to get an advantage from Lin Nan, who possesses a treasure.

"If you dare to reveal the location of the three little guys to that little girl, I will not kill that little girl, but first destroy your bodies, and then seal your souls into the soul refining lamp, and let you suffer all After all the suffering in the world, he finally lost his soul."

Lin Nan put away his little magic skills and spoke to the five quasi-emperors in a neutral tone.

"Be bold!"


"We gave you face, but you slandered us and didn't take us seriously. It's really arrogant. Do you really think that you are the Emperor of Heaven and invincible in the world?"

"Even if you are the Emperor of Heaven, you have to behave yourself in our world. We, the Emperor of Heaven, will not tolerate your arrogance!"

After hearing Lin Nan's words, both Emperor Tiantong and the four quasi-emperors became angry instantly.

They had given Lin Nan a lot of face, but Lin Nan didn't take them seriously. They were all monks at the quasi-emperor level. Why should a guy who had never appeared in front of the world treat them who had been famous for endless years? Being so arrogant?

Lin Nan's words angered them. If Lin Nan doesn't apologize, they don't mind taking action. Even if they feel that they can't get any advantage from Lin Nan who has the most precious treasure, they will never give in. Besides, they just can't get too much advantage. It's just that it's not that he has no confidence in taking down Lin Nan.

Being at the quasi-emperor level, even if Lin Nan holds a treasure and is more powerful than them, how powerful can he be? You must know that there are five of them, and all five of them are quasi-emperors. More importantly, without exception, they are all supreme beings in the later stages of quasi-emperors. Unless Lin Nan is a great emperor, otherwise he will be defeated by them today. in hand.

Lin Nan remained motionless and ignored the intentions of Emperor Tiantong and others. He naturally knew that Emperor Tiantong and others were waiting for him to apologize, but he was too lazy to pay attention. Since he started practicing, except for his wife Liu Ruqing, Lin Nan He has never apologized to anyone. A mere five cultivators at the quasi-emperor level want him to make an exception and apologize. This is undoubtedly a big joke. If the heavenly spirits of the nine heavens and ten earths know about it, they will undoubtedly I can't help but give a thumbs up to Emperor Tiantong and others, and praise them for their talent!

"Huh? You really just want to have a fight with us, right?"

Seeing that Lin Nan still didn't take them seriously, Emperor Tiantong and others finally couldn't help it anymore. They could already clearly feel their anger, and the raging flames that were enough to change the color of the world were about to turn into volcanoes. Like an eruption, it gushes out mercilessly.

"How old are you? I have never provoked you. You are just too selfish. How come you still rely on me?"

Lin Nan felt that Tiantong Emperor and the five others had the urge to take action. He couldn't help but look back at the five people and asked helplessly.

"Damn it!"

"You've got a bargain but you still act like a good boy. This makes me so angry. You kid should die!"

"I would like to see how capable you are. How dare you ignore us again and again. If you don't have any ability, I would not mind killing you, a arrogant thing like you today!"

Emperor Tiantong and others completely exploded.

Now that Princess Hongwei is not here, they don't need to worry about Princess Hongwei's safety. They can free up their hands and feet and have a big fight with Lin Nan.

They did not think that Lin Nan could suppress them. In their opinion, Lin Nan suppressed their spiritual thoughts before, all because he was carrying a treasure, but that treasure could only suppress their spiritual thoughts, making the gods Their spiritual thoughts cannot be detected too far. Now that they are really fighting, even if Lin Nan can suppress their spiritual thoughts, it will not affect their combat power. Suppressing or even killing Lin Nan is not that difficult in their opinion. It's just a little troublesome at most.

In the eyes of Emperor Tiantong and others, although Lin Nan was a quasi-emperor level being and a strong man in the same realm as them, he was undoubtedly a ungrateful fool.

In this ruins, the six of them are undoubtedly the strongest. Now five of them are about to take action against the other. Even if the gods come, they cannot stop these five quasi-emperors from finishing Lin Nan.

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