Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2047 Despicable guy

The five quasi-emperors saw that Lin Nan still didn't take it seriously, as if their anger was just a joke in Lin Nan's eyes. They couldn't help but couldn't bear it, and directly used magical attacks.

They did not show mercy, but directly used their strongest magical attacks for the same reason: the emperor cannot be insulted!

In the first level of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the Immortal King is the most frequently moved person in the world. The Immortal Realm master rarely goes out, so there is a saying that the king must not be insulted.

In a world like the prehistoric world, which is the demigod world where Lin Nan is now, a top-level world that does not distinguish between earth and sky, or a slightly more ordinary world, there will be no such thing. To put it bluntly, the powerful ones at the Immortal King Realm are just little monks, and the ones at the quasi-emperor level are the ones who really cannot be insulted.

Of course, no one dares to provoke the Great Emperor or the Heavenly Emperor, but there is only one Heavenly Emperor in each big world, and there are not many great emperors. The most powerful ones who move around relatively frequently on weekdays are quasi-emperors. This is why there is no emperor. It's an insult. The word "emperor" in this sentence refers only to the quasi-emperor. After all, the Emperor of Heaven and the Great Emperor are entities that no one dares to offend.

The magical attacks of the five quasi-emperors were so powerful that they even destroyed all the nearby barriers and prohibitions. If they hadn't killed at least half the geniuses of the gods for no reason in order to avoid spreading too widely, this ruin would have been reduced to nothing in an instant. , after all, the owner of this ruins is a quasi-emperor, but now there are five quasi-emperors exerting their magical powers with all their strength.

Lin Nan didn't fight back, he just said two words calmly.

"Kneel down."

These two words have been experienced by many people in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, especially in the evil domain in the Xuanwu Star Domain of the first heaven. Countless powerful men of the evil spirit clan are in these two words of Lin Nan. Doubt that life has turned into nothing.

Emperor Tiantong and the other five people couldn't help but laugh after seeing Lin Nan standing still.

In their opinion, they had overestimated Lin Nan before. Lin Nan was just a loser who didn't even have time to fight back after they launched their attack.

At the same time, they couldn't help but sigh that a waste like Lin Nan had frightened them before, which was undoubtedly their great shame.

Now, Lin Nan is a pure idiot in their eyes. The reason why they were able to cause misjudgments in the past was all because of the treasures Lin Nan had, and the treasures were definitely not one or two. This made them sigh in their hearts, The treasure fell into the hands of Lin Nan, a good-for-nothing, and it was like a pearl covered in dust!

Especially when they heard Lin Nan say the word "kneel down", they couldn't help but laugh out loud.

They had seen fools, but never as stupid as Lin Nan. They were curious about how a weirdo like Lin Nan could cultivate to the quasi-emperor realm.


Before their whispers could be fully heard, their smiles froze, their faces instantly froze, and their minds went blank, because... they knelt down uncontrollably!

Their extremely fierce and powerful magical attacks disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared!

"This is... what is going on? Why is this happening? It shouldn't be like this, it absolutely shouldn't be like this. He is just a waste. How could he make us kneel down with just one word? There has never been anyone in this world who just said a word. Just let me kneel down unable to resist, this is not true, none of this is true, it can never be true!"

"Why...why is this happening? What kind of magic did he cast? Is it because of the treasure on his body? But...but he didn't take out the treasure. Even if the treasure is against the sky, it is impossible to use just one sentence. It can be activated, not to mention how can there be such a terrifying treasure in this world?!"

"Ah... damn... what on earth is going on?! I can't get up, I can't make any resistance, and all my immortal power is blocked. How did he do it? Who is he? , why is it so powerful!"

"Trash! You despicable and shameless trash, you have the ability to make me stand up and have a fair and just fight with me. See how I will beat you until you are full of teeth. Kneel down in front of me and beg for mercy!"

Emperor Tiantong and the other five quasi-emperors were extremely angry. After they recovered from the shock, they were so angry that they almost lost their minds.

They took action because Lin Nan didn't give them face. They didn't expect that the attack would be unfavorable. This was just the beginning. The attacks from both sides had not yet collided with each other. They actually knelt down inexplicably. This was an unprecedented shame and humiliation for them. , I wish I could just slap this shameless bastard Lin Nan to death!

"You are so cursing, which makes me very embarrassed, but I also agreed to the request of the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars City. Before your Heavenly Emperor replies, I will not kill anyone above the quasi-emperor, including the quasi-emperor, in the territory of your demigods. Monk, you are making it very difficult for me to do this, and I don’t even know whether I should kill you or not.”

Lin Nan looked at Emperor Tiantong and others kneeling on the ground and said with some embarrassment.

He really didn't bother to pay attention to these people at first. If Princess Hongwei didn't want to target the two little sisters, he also thought that this would allow the two little sisters and Xu Lang to have a good experience. He would definitely be too lazy to pay attention to Emperor Tiantong and others, but He didn't expect that Emperor Tiantong and others would find trouble again and again, and even take the initiative to attack him, which put him in trouble.

In the past, except for monks like Lan Qin, whom he was very optimistic about, anyone who dared to take the initiative to attack him, no matter whether they were good or bad, would die completely. Now Emperor Tiantong and others took the initiative after he repeatedly refused to pay attention. He took action against him, but he didn't have a good impression of the demigods, and he didn't think Emperor Tiantong and others could catch his eye.

But he also promised the female city lord of Ten Thousand Stars City that before she brought back the decisions of the demigods' heavenly emperors, he would not kill the monks above and above the quasi-emperor, including quasi-emperors, in the big world controlled by the demigods. , but now he really wants to kill Emperor Tiantong and others directly. This is really a dilemma for him!

"What... you... you are not a member of our demigod clan?!"

Emperor Tiantong and others were surprised, especially Lin Nan's promise to the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars City to wait for the replies from their demigod emperors. This damn amount of information was too much for her grandmother!

But soon, Emperor Tiantong and others suddenly understood, and looked at Lin Nan with even more contempt.

"Hahahaha... You despicable and shameless guy, you used the treasure to plot against us, and now you don't even recognize your ancestors. You, a scum who forgets his ancestors, will die sooner or later without a burial place!"

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