Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2048 Who are you?

In fact, the five of them are not desperate. They know that Princess Hongwei has contacted an emperor, and that emperor will come soon. That emperor is Princess Hongwei's aunt, loves Princess Hongwei very much, and will never take it easy when the time comes. Lin Nan was spared, so they were not worried about their lives, and they did not believe that Lin Nan dared to kill them.

The reason why they are so angry, so afraid, and can't help but roar again and again is because Lin Nan, a guy who is in the same realm as them and seems to be at a lower level than them, actually relies on a treasure they have never seen before, making them Kneeling before him was a great humiliation for them, a humiliation they had never suffered in their endless years.

"You are a disrespectful person. If you really have the guts to kill us, don't talk nonsense here. You are just a waste relying on a treasure. What qualifications do you have to be arrogant to us?!"

"Yes, if you don't have the treasure, I can beat you into a ball of powder with one palm of my hand. Where would you have the chance to show off your power and show your arrogance here?"

"Hahahaha... I want to see if you really have the courage. If you don't have the courage to kill us, you'd better just surrender. Otherwise, you will regret it, and you won't be so arrogant. .”

After the five semi-god quasi-emperors calmed down a little, they all mocked Lin Nan. There was no doubt that they were still kneeling when they were kneeling. There was no possibility of getting up. If they didn't mock Lin Nan, even if others passed by, They looked confused, didn't understand what was going on, and didn't dare to judge them, but they themselves couldn't get over what they were feeling.

But they were quickly dumbfounded. Lin Nan did not kill them, nor did he say any murderous words, but just a calm word made their hair stand on end and their backs ran cold.

"If I don't kill you, it seems I can destroy your cultivation."

Lin Nan said calmly.

He doesn't want to really start a war with the demigods. After all, the demigods are no less powerful than the demons. Although he is now the fourth-class emperor, he doesn't seem to have much advantage to take advantage of. If the demigods and demons unite urgently, In the end, he will be the one who suffers.

But the city lord of Ten Thousand Stars City only told him not to kill the quasi-emperor level beings first, but he did not say that he could not abolish his cultivation. Although this was a bit unreasonable and was clearly taking advantage of a loophole, the city lord of Ten Thousand Stars City had nothing to say. After all, Lin Nan was indeed the quasi-emperor who did not kill the demigods, and it was these quasi-emperors who provoked Lin Nan first.

"Waste, waste, you...you waste, don't bluff me. I don't believe that you can destroy my cultivation. I don't believe that you, a waste, dare to destroy my cultivation!"

After hearing Lin Nan's words, Emperor Tiantong and the other five semi-god quasi-emperors were stunned at first, but quickly came to their senses.

Although they said this, they were already panicking in their hearts.

Lin Nan was too calm when he said this, without any murderous intention, but it made them feel extremely terrifying, just like when he was a child and had not yet become an immortal, he met a superior immortal and was watched calmly by him. Likewise, although he didn't say anything, he knew that the other party could easily kill him.

Now this is the feeling that Lin Nan brings to them. It makes them feel the fear that they only had when they were weak. Only now do they realize that they have lost a lot of awe since they became strong. , Lin Nan's extremely calm words actually made them feel that way again, knowing that they were not invincible. Even with the unparalleled cultivation of the late Quasi-Emperor, there were still many beings in this world that could be destroyed. Kill them.

"I never bluff people."

Lin Nan said calmly again.

After saying these words, Lin Nan's thoughts moved slightly. In an instant, the cultivation levels of Tiantong Emperor and the five others were completely knocked down.

Lin Nan did not completely knock down their cultivation, but left them with the cultivation of the early stage of the True Immortal Realm. With their attainments in the late stage of the Quasi-Emperor's cultivation, they must be invincible in the True Immortal Realm, even if they only have the True Immortal Realm. The cultivation level in the early stage of fairyland.

They also have the ability to live forever and will not suffer from birth, old age, illness or death. Only external forces can exterminate them, but there is no way to restore their realm. Even if another fourth-level Heavenly Emperor takes action, it will cost a huge price. The price spent can completely cultivate five new quasi-emperors. Therefore, these five quasi-emperors who have no hope of reaching the level of the great emperor can only rely on their spiritual experience to cultivate descendants for the demigods.

Lin Nan did this deliberately. Although he knocked down the realm, he still gave these five monks the ability to live forever, allowing them to concentrate on cultivating talented disciples for the demigods. This is not a loss to the demigods, but it can It is of great benefit to the entire ethnic group to allow many younger generations to go further. However, no one would directly knock down the realm of a quasi-emperor just to let the quasi-emperor concentrate on teaching the younger generations. No quasi-emperor would allow such a thing to happen, but now Lin Nan did it for them.

At the same time, these five monks will definitely be taken to see the Emperor here. By then, the Emperor will know that Lin Nan's strength is not as weak as they imagined. On the contrary, it is very strong, so strong that only their demigod ancestor can compare with it. A comparison.

"Why... why is this happening? You are clearly just a quasi-emperor, and your level is clearly lower than ours. Why... why can you knock down our realm directly!"

"Ouch...unfair! Unfair! Why is this happening? It shouldn't be like this. This kind of thing shouldn't happen no matter what. Why? Why is this happening? Who can tell me?!"

"This...this is not something that the Supreme Treasure can do. This is...this is your own cultivation. This is because you follow your words and follow your instructions, and the Avenue of Chaos obeys your orders. You...who are you?" Why...why do you want to attack us?!"

The five Tiantong Emperors are still kneeling on the ground. They no longer have the mind to think about how to stand up. They are now completely shocked by the fall of their realm. Their minds are almost blank. They can't believe this is true. They don't dare I believe that as quasi-emperors, they will actually become a true fairyland monk in the blink of an eye.

Lin Nan ignored them. The reason was obvious from beginning to end. He had no habit of repeating things that he already understood.

What's more, someone is here now, and the person is a woman, and she is also an emperor!

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