Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2049 Where are you from?

Hong Mi is a great emperor in this big world, and she is also the most prominent member of the Hong clan among the demigods in this world. She is not a disciple of the Emperor of Heaven in this big world, but she can often consult the Emperor with her brother. , except that she does not have the name of master and disciple, in fact she is no different from the emperor of heaven and master and disciple in this world.

She was not in a good mood, because the Lord of Wanxing City had met with her not long ago, and the two of them did not talk to each other, but they were both very angry. The Lord of Wanxing City was going to pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven, so he suppressed her. There was no need for her to suppress the unhappiness in her heart.

But there was one thing that allowed her to vent her dissatisfaction. Someone dared to make her precious niece unhappy in this big world. This was an unforgivable thing for her. She happened to be in a very bad mood right now. , so she came very quickly, not to mention that the other party was just a quasi-emperor, even a great emperor, she had to beat him to admit his mistake today.

Of course, it was Hong Mi who admitted her mistake, not the little girl Hong Wei. Although she loved Hong Wei, she also clearly distinguished the importance. It was absolutely impossible for a quasi-emperor to bow to an Immortal King Realm monk, even if Hongwei's talent and identity background are not simple. She is one of the best in this world and even the entire demigod clan, but she cannot break the rules.

Looking at the palaces in front and the countless monks coming and going, Hong Mi felt a little emotional.

After all, it is better to be young. At that time, any grievances and grudges were directly avenged. Now the realm is high and has reached the late emperor level. However, it is precisely because of this that one must pay attention to one's identity in many things and cannot deliberately cross the realm. Even if a lowly monk takes action, he cannot fight with monks of the same realm at will. After all, they are all demi-god monks. As an emperor, he needs to take the lead and set an example.

"Huh? What happened to that young man? Why did he come directly to me?"

When she saw a young man in black walking out of the Heavenly Palace, running in the opposite direction from the monks who were following him, and clearly coming directly towards her, Hong Mi couldn't help but become confused.

You know, she has hidden her figure. After all, as an emperor, she was born and raised in this big world. There are few monks who have become immortals who do not know her. Now those little monks are competing for opportunities. If her appearance disrupts the process, causing the monks who should get the opportunity to lose the opportunity, and the monks who should not get the opportunity to seize the opportunity, although it can be said that it is destined to be like this, it will have a great impact on her reputation. negative impact.

And the young man in black seemed to be able to see her, and walked freely among countless monks, walking straight towards her place. This really surprised her, and at the same time she couldn't help but think about who he was.

She didn't think of it. She was sure that she had never seen the young man in black. The young man in black had never appeared in the territory of the demigods, and now it seemed that he had appeared for the first time.

She thought it might be the monk who provoked Hongwei, but she quickly rejected it. The monk who provoked Hongwei was just a quasi-emperor, and although the blinding method she was using now was not a powerful magical power, it was It's not something that a quasi-emperor can see through. After all, she is a late-stage emperor, and her realm is too different.

"Don't think about it. Hongwei asked you to come here just to deal with me. I am the foreign quasi-emperor she calls me."

Lin Nan walked up to Hong Mi, stopped when he was about three feet away, and said these words calmly.

"Huh? Are you not a quasi-emperor?"

Hong Mi was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Lin Nan seriously. After realizing that he really couldn't see through Lin Nan's cultivation, he frowned and asked.

"What do you think?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile.

Lin Nan's rhetorical question made Hong Mi dumbfounded, but she did not give up, had no intention of retreating, and had no intention of giving up, because she had indeed never seen Lin Nan. If she was still a quasi-emperor, or If Lin Nan was just a quasi-emperor, she might not think too much about it.

But now it is obvious that Lin Nan is in the realm of the emperor just like her, and Lin Nan definitely has a treasure in his body. Otherwise, there is no reason why she cannot see through the depth of Lin Nan. If there is no treasure, even if Lin Nan controls Qi Ji No matter how well hidden she is, she should still be able to see some clues.

"I've never seen you. Tell me, where are you from?"

Hong Mi stared at Lin Nan for a moment. Whenever Lin Nan made any move, she would take action mercilessly, suppressing Lin Nan directly, or delaying it until other strong men from the demigods arrived.

She didn't believe Lin Nan, and Lin Nan had no reason for her to believe it, because all the demi-gods in the Great Emperor realm knew each other, and there were only so many in total, just over two thousand. For a mortal, this number It is difficult to think of the total number of people, but for the emperor, he can completely remember them in an instant, and they have known each other very well for countless years, but he has never met Lin Nan.

Hong Mi does not think that Lin Nan is a being who has just broken through to the Great Emperor realm. The reason is also very simple. Whenever an existence of the Great Emperor level appears, it is a great event for the demigods. The great emperors and quasi-emperors of all major worlds will be present at the grand celebration in the world, so Lin Nan is not included in this.

"Coming from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths."

Lin Nan responded calmly.

"Huh? What?"

Hong Mi was stunned. She was already prepared and determined that Lin Nan was most likely a foreigner. But when Lin Nan said that he came from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Hong Mi still couldn't help but get excited.

To say that the demons and gods, as well as the demons in the prehistoric world led by Lingxiu, with the blessing of the Emperor of Heaven and Taoism, will not be rejected when they come to this big world, and will not attract the attention of the spirit of the sky, this It won't have much of an impact on Hong Mi, but coming from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is outrageous. Without the Heavenly Emperor sitting in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it is completely impossible for even the most amazing and brilliant Emperor-level existence to be safe and sound. It’s the right thing to do in this big world.

"Hongwei is chasing the descendants I brought with me in the ruins. I don't want to interfere with their affairs. However, there are five quasi-emperors in your demigod race who are restless and beg me to kill them. I am Everything is fine, but my heart is a little soft, so I didn't kill them, I just knocked down their realm. If you are fine, take them away to prevent me from looking at them."

Before Hong Mi calmed down, Lin Nan spoke again, his tone still very calm.

He didn't prepare for the war, but he knew that Hong Mi would fight him, but he didn't care.

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