Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2052 Save us!

Whether it is for the demigods, the demons, or the gods who have not shown up, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is a big world that can be encountered but not sought. Throughout the ages, it seems that such a big world as Nine Heavens and Ten Earths has not been recorded, and it seems that it has not been recorded. That is to say, it has not appeared before, and there is no world like Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the area they observed.

Although the big world they control is the same as the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, both of which are classified as top-level big worlds, it is essentially different. Like the prehistoric world controlled by Lingxiu, although a heavenly emperor was born, this big world is different in nature. The world can barely be ranked among the top big worlds.

The big world controlled by Ming Lu was better than the prehistoric world, but compared with the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it was very poor.

A world that has never appeared in the annals of history, a world with the highest level within the scope that has been explored. Even though he has become a Heavenly Emperor, Ming Lu still hopes that someone from his tribe can cultivate the Heavenly Emperor status in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. In this way, the strength of the demigods will undoubtedly improve qualitatively. It will no longer be as simple as just having one more Heavenly Emperor and one more big world in which they can survive.

It is for these reasons that she is unwilling to give up the attack on Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Even if she is willing, she knows that the other demigod emperors will not agree. It is also for these reasons that she does not want to believe Lin Nan is the emperor of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The main reason is because Jiutian Tendi is indeed not a big world with a master. They have been observing Jiutian Tendi and have never found anyone in Jiutian Tendi who has surrendered the nineteen heavenly spirits. They have never seen anyone in Jiutian Tendi. After cultivating the status of Heavenly Emperor in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the auspiciousness descended from the Avenue of Chaos, and Lin Nan suddenly appeared, saying that he was from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and that he was indeed a Heavenly Emperor. It was also because of these reasons that Ming Lu was so entangled.

"I want to test Lin Nan's strength to see if he is the real Emperor of Heaven. In a big world like Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, we have only discovered one in the past. If there is some treasure conceived in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it can conceal Qi. It is not impossible for us to give up the attack on Nine Heavens and Ten Earths because of this machine, which can convert the holder's Qi machine, so that outsiders will think that the other party is a Heavenly Emperor. The worst loss ever.”

Ming Lu finally calmed down, thought for a moment and then spoke.

"What the Emperor of Heaven said is absolutely true."

The Lord of Ten Thousand Stars City nodded in agreement. She really felt that what Ming Lu said was right and extremely reasonable.

The most important thing is that they are not afraid of the consequences of trial and error. Their demigod tribe does not only have one Heavenly Emperor, but Lin Nan is just an outsider. If it were the Heavenly Emperor in another big world, it would be enough to apologize and make peace afterwards. It would not be impossible to make peace. It's not a big deal. The fact that they, the demigods, are able to have the strength they have today and live in these big worlds today are not born with them, nor are they given to them by anyone who sees them as pitiful. They all rely on their own abilities. A little bit of typing.

"Report to the Emperor of Heaven, Lord Hongmi is here, and he has brought Emperor Tiantong and others with him."

A female fairy who was waiting at the palace gate came quickly and reported respectfully.

"Let them in."

Ming Lu frowned slightly, not dissatisfied with Hong Mi, but a little confused that Hong Mi came as soon as he came. This was not a big deal. After all, Hong Mi often came to see her on weekdays, but this was the first time he brought someone else here. In the past, Hong Mi would not be so careless. Now that he has brought it, something must have happened.

After a while, the five Tiantong Emperors followed Hong Mi and walked in.

Although Emperor Tiantong and others have seen Ming Lu, they have never been to this palace. The reason is the same. Only the Emperor of Heaven and the Great Emperor can enter this hall on weekdays. Even the Quasi-Emperor cannot enter, unless the Emperor of Heaven allows entry. But for countless years, except for the disciples of the Emperor of Heaven, or the descendants who are extremely valued by the Emperor of Heaven, no monk under the Great Emperor has been able to come in.

Walking into this hall for the first time, especially looking at Ming Lu sitting high on the throne, the five Tiantong emperors who usually call themselves "the emperor" felt their hearts pounding, especially now that they have become a true fairyland. The monks, if Min Lu and the Lord of Wanxing City hadn't noticed something was wrong in advance and restrained the pressure that naturally overflowed, the five of them would have turned into powder.



The five Tiantong Emperors knelt down without any airs at all. Even if they had not been knocked down, they would not dare to hold airs here. Moreover, now that Lin Nan had turned him into a True Immortal Realm monk, they naturally had no airs. Confident at all.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, please save us! Our cultivation was ruined by a guy who appeared out of nowhere!"

After kneeling down, the five people directly pressed their foreheads to the ground and said these words sadly.

They did not cry too much. Firstly, because Ming Lu was a woman, but she was not the kind of little woman with long hair and short knowledge. They were men, and after all, they were strong men at the quasi-emperor level before. If they cried, He will definitely be disliked by Ming Lu.

Now the only one who can save them is Ming Lu. The emperors of the other big worlds of the demigods will not pay much attention to them. This is very clear to them. Therefore, they would rather make fewer mistakes and fail to do something properly than I'm willing to take the risk of making Ming Lu hate them, otherwise they really have no hope.

"what happened?"

Ming Lu asked calmly.

She had guessed what was going on, but she still didn't want to believe it.

In the big world she controls, even if Emperor Tiantong and others provoke other emperors from the demigod clan, they will not be knocked down without her knowledge. At most, they will be escorted over to make her the leader. Disposal.

There is really one person in this big world who has this strength, this possibility, and does not take her too seriously, and it is undoubtedly Lin Nan.

But Ming Lu was a little puzzled as to why Lin Nan was able to knock down five quasi-emperors without him noticing. You must know that the cultivation of quasi-emperors is closely related to the big world. Who can usually With a small breakthrough, she knew clearly who had problems while practicing, but if the five Tiantong Emperors hadn't walked into the hall, she wouldn't have even known that their realm had been knocked down.

"I report it to the Emperor of Heaven. It was a young man in black who did it. He is an Emperor of Heaven and claims to be from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

Hong Mi had been a little absent-minded since he entered the hall. Now that Ming Lu asked, he came back to his senses, glanced at the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars City, and then looked at Ming Lu before telling him the situation.

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