Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2053 Is this a joke?

Hong Mi was in a bad mood now. Lin Nan had mentioned the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars City twice before, but she thought that Lin Nan was talking nonsense and pretending to be a tiger.

Now she knows clearly that Lin Nan did not tell a lie, so Lin Nan naturally comes from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. On this point, she has different ideas from Ming Lu and the Lord of Wanxing City. She has had direct contact with Lin Nan , and it was not like a chat between Lin Nan and the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars City, but a head-on contact where Lin Nan would not hesitate to take her life if she was slightly unhappy.

In her opinion, Lin Nan is a person who doesn't talk much. Even when facing beings of the same level, he probably won't say much. People like Lin Nan must not bother to lie, so now she is convinced that Lin Nan He was a Heavenly Emperor, and he already believed that Lin Nan came from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The only puzzling thing is that like Ming Lu and the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars City, she is puzzled by the fact that there is no strange phenomenon in the nine heavens and ten earths, so how can a Heavenly Emperor suddenly appear? It is really unbelievable!


When Hong Mi explained the specific details, Ming Lu did not reveal too much dissatisfaction, but just this sentence and the change in tone scared the emperor Tiantong and others who were kneeling on the ground to sweat profusely.

She was not talking about Lin Nan, but about Emperor Tiantong and others.

"Get up."

Ming Lu said this calmly.

When Emperor Tiantong and others stood up tremblingly, she used her magical power to restore Emperor Tiantong and others to their realm.

She felt that Lin Nan only suppressed the realm of Tiantong Emperor and others, rather than really defeating them. What's more, even if they were really defeated, she controls the heavenly spirit of this big world and is superior to this big world. Above the world's Heavenly Dao, although the Quasi-Emperor has controlled the powerful Chaos Avenue, she is still limited to the Heavenly Dao after all. Therefore, she can completely restore the realm of Tiantong Emperor and others, even if Tiantong Emperor and others really Being knocked down is no exception.

But she soon discovered that things were not what she expected, and even far beyond her expectations. The first spell she cast failed to improve the realm of Emperor Tiantong and others at all. She couldn't help but frown, and immediately cast her magical power again. .


After the second use of magical powers, the realms of Emperor Tiantong and others still did not change. They were still in the early stage of the True Immortal Realm, and their Qi had not changed at all. This made Ming Lu surprised.

Ming Lu immediately stood up from the throne and used her magical power with all her strength, but the result was still the same as the previous two times. The realms of the five Tiantong Emperors still had not recovered. They were still in the early stage of the True Immortal Realm, and their Qi machine had not moved at all.

After frowning and pondering for a long time, Ming Lu sat back on the throne, waved his hand impatiently, and drove Emperor Tiantong and others out of the palace, whose faces were filled with fear and despair.

"Emperor of Heaven..."

Hong Mi was about to speak but stopped.

"Forget it, I am no match for him. Since he said he came from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, then I will believe him!"

Ming Lu felt helpless. Even the ancestors of the same clan were able to reverse their realm after the world under her control abolished the cultivation of the quasi-emperors under her command. Now Lin Nan only defeated the five Tiantong Emperors. However, her state has left her helpless. Even if she is unwilling to admit defeat, her reason tells her that she is indeed no match for the mysterious existence of Lin Nan.

She had no intention of going to Lin Nan now. After all, Hong Mi had just said that Lin Nan had said that after the situation in the ruins not far from Ten Thousand Stars City was calmed down, he would bring Hong Wei here. Then Just wait here so that she can calm down and avoid losing face in front of this mysterious guy Lin Nan.


Inside the ruins, Lin Momo, Ling'er and Xu Lang had already arrived not far from a sacred pool in concealment.

The Divine Pond is not spring water, but pure Tao Qi. Naturally, it is not the Qi of the Chaos Tao. It is just the Qi under the Dao of Heaven that has been nurtured by the laws of the Dao by most monks. However, even so, it can also make A half-step Immortal Saint or a monk in the Immortal Saint Realm is completely transformed. If a monk in the Immortal Lord Realm can endure it, he will also make a qualitative leap.

The situation here is very delicate. Several Immortal Saints are already bathing in the Divine Pond. The Half-Step Immortal Saints are fighting outside the Divine Pond, because the Qi Yun in the Divine Pond is obviously not enough after the Immortal Saints bathe. They have used it, so they have to fight for it to prevent no one from seizing this great opportunity in the end.

Not far away, there are dozens of Immortal Realm monks watching carefully. Immortal Realm monks who can truly enter the ruins are all geniuses among geniuses. They can naturally withstand the baptism of the Tao Qi in the Divine Pond. , but they are too weak in this ruins, so they can only watch in the same place, hoping to see if they will be lucky enough to be protected by some immortal saint, and can go over to bathe in the energy.

The three little sisters did not speak, nor did they converse through telepathy. Instead, they moved slowly and quietly, using sign language or eye contact when they needed to communicate.

In this way, the three little sisters entered the divine pool without any danger, bathed in the aura of the great road, and safely absorbed the aura to hone their physical and pragmatic foundations.

In fact, the Immortal Saints had already discovered the abnormality when the three of them entered the pool. However, after using their spiritual thoughts to explore, they found that nothing could be seen. They were extremely shocked and saw that the Qi Yun was not disappearing at the same speed. It was obviously speeding up, and the Qi in the Divine Pond was enough for them, so they didn't have to worry about anything. They chose to live in peace with each other and look for new opportunities after everything happened.


Suddenly, the situation changed. The sky was covered with thunderclouds, and golden lightning swayed in the clouds like a dragon.

"What's going on? How come everything is so good? No one is using magical powers. Is it possible that a treasure has been discovered?"

"No, look, new thunderclouds have appeared. The pure white thunderclouds appeared first, and now the red clouds appear again, but the clouds are full of golden lightning swaying. This... what's going on? !”

"This... seems to be a thunder tribulation! Who is this, actually going through the tribulation in the ruins, and... this is obviously the tribulation of the Immortal King. There are monks from the Golden Immortal Realm in this immortal palace? Is this a joke? ?!”

When they noticed the changes in the sky, all the monks were stunned. They couldn't figure out who would survive the tribulation in the ruins, and they couldn't understand why it was the Golden Immortal Realm monks who would survive the tribulation. This was so unbelievable that it seemed to be beyond their cognition. .

But they soon discovered something was wrong. The source turned out to be Shenchi. After someone shouted, everyone's eyes turned to Shenchi, trying to find out what was going on.

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