Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2054 It seems to be very painful!

The monks near the Divine Pond saw Lin Momo and Ling'er inside the Divine Pond. At this time, the thunderclouds in the sky seemed to come alive. The pure white thunderclouds and the fiery red thunderclouds separated, and the same Each one has a Qi Yun falling down and connecting to the two little sisters.

The two little sisters originally did not absorb much of the Dao Qi Yun, but with this series of changes, the Dao Qi Yun in the Divine Pond began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even the existence of the Immortal Saint Realm did not exist for the two little sisters. Absorbing it quickly, everyone was dumbfounded by this scene. Whether it was the Supreme Immortal Saint, the Half-Step Immortal Saint, or the Immortal Realm monks watching from a distance, they were all completely dumbfounded now.

They couldn't understand why there were really Golden Fairy Realm monks here, and they were still bathing in the Dao Qi in the Divine Pond. If thunderclouds hadn't appeared and strange phenomena had occurred frequently, they wouldn't have been able to notice these two little girls. The presence!

Over there, the two little sisters no longer had any worries. When the two auras fell from the sky and connected the thunder calamity with them, they already knew that they were safe. At least the monks did not dare to attack them. of.

Their Immortal King Tribulation is no small matter. Even if the monks from the Dao Ancestor Realm come, they may not dare to take action against them. Compared with the effect they expected, it is many times stronger. If they had not really felt it now, they would even They all felt that this was completely impossible.

As for Xu Lang, when the two little sisters felt that they were about to survive the disaster, they had already asked Xu Liang to leave and find a place to hide in the distance.

Xu Lang's talent is not bad, but after the two little sisters taught him some profound magical powers and methods, Xu Lang's foundation became stronger and stronger. At the same time, they discovered that Xu Lang's plasticity was no worse than Princess Fuhan. In the Shenchi After taking a bath, Lin Momo had tried her best to suppress her realm until Ling'er was sure that she could overcome the tribulation and could no longer suppress it. However, Xu Lang already felt that he could continue to be pragmatic. If he overcame the tribulation now, the loss would be unspeakable, so he He had no choice but to let Xu Lang leave first.

"These two little girls... what's going on? How did they hide their Qi before? I didn't even dare to detect anything, and I never dared to test it. In the end, it turned out that these two little guys, this What kind of fuss is going on!"

"This... is too unbelievable. The Immortal King Tribulation of these two little girls is a bit too terrifying. It is comparable to the power of the Half-Step Immortal Saint Tribulation that I had back then, but it is even more mysterious. I am afraid that it is the power of the Saint Ancestor Realm." The killer is here. I dare not take action to stop these two little girls from going through the tribulation tonight. When did these two little monsters appear in the clan? How come we didn’t hear any news about them?"

"Well... I have met these two little girls before. They seemed to be at odds with Princess Hongwei, but Princess Hongwei did not take action outside the ruins. Even though Emperor Tiantong and others stood beside Princess Hongwei, they still It is really hard to understand that we are afraid of the young men in black beside these two little girls, but there is no doubt that these two little girls are not something we can afford to offend!"

"Hiss... Princess Hongwei is afraid of them. That is really not something we can provoke. But since these two little monsters are peerless geniuses that we have never heard of, it is naturally impossible for us to take action against them. This is the hope of our tribe. , if they grow fast enough, the controller of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths may be born among them in the future, this is the treasure of the ethnic group!"

All the Immortal Saint Supremes in the Divine Pond came back to their senses and started talking about it, but soon left the Divine Pond, leaving the two sisters to peacefully absorb the energy of the Great Dao in the Divine Pond, so that they could successfully spend this time that they had never experienced before. The Immortal King’s Tribulation I’ve seen.

Whether they are demigods or other ethnic groups, they are extremely protective of their own geniuses. They will only take action unless a genius is reckless and provokes them repeatedly.

The human race in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths does not seem to care much about the descendants of geniuses now, but even in this chaotic era, geniuses are the existence that all forces strive for. It is not that they really don't care about geniuses. The reason why they are still killing each other now is Because there is no Heavenly Emperor who can formulate rules and rule the entire human race in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Even without the appearance of the Emperor of Heaven, when a crisis comes, the human race will still be united as never before, and they will do their best to protect and cultivate their descendants, and there will no longer be any sectarianism. This was shown during the war between the monster race and the human race before the end of ancient times. Incisively and vividly.

As for these demigod monks in the realm of immortal saints, it is not only because they want to protect the geniuses of their descendants, but also because there are many strong people probing the world, which makes them dare not take action against the geniuses easily, otherwise they will Those who have been severely punished for innocently wiping out a talented junior are not something that immortal saints like them can bear. What's more, the two little sisters are absolute monsters and geniuses. Even Princess Hongwei is not as good as the little one. The two sisters, they thought they were even more afraid to take action!

"Sister, I feel like it's going to hurt a lot!"

Ling'er kept absorbing the Tao Qi in the divine pool, and at the same time looked at the red fire thunder clouds in the sky with some fear. Those golden lightnings swaying in the thunder clouds made the little girl feel creepy. This was not a little girl. Timid, but the inexplicable emotion that arose after seeing the thunder tribulation. You must know that this is a little thing that even the Immortal Saint Supreme does not pay attention to. How can he be afraid of the thunder tribulation that is only half a step of the Immortal Saint? Immortal King Tribulation.

"Don't be afraid, stabilize your mind. If you are afraid, it will be almost impossible to succeed in overcoming the tribulation. Father must be watching us, but he will definitely not intervene in our tribulation. Ling'er can't do it yet. If you fail when you are officially trying to overcome the tribulation, your father will be very disappointed."

Lin Momo comforted Ling'er, but she was also extremely frightened. Fortunately, she knew that when the Qi Yun descended, the tribulation had already begun. Being afraid was the first hurdle. After passing this level, you have to begin to truly withstand the tempering of thunder.

This was not the first time the two sisters had experienced a catastrophe, but it was the first time they had encountered such a different type of thunder tribulation. This made them feel caught off guard at first. Fortunately, they were not really panicked. At the last moment, they finally He calmed down and began to accept the baptism of thunder. He was injured bit by bit by thunder, and at the same time, he was reborn bit by bit.

The Dao Qi in the Divine Pond was also being consumed rapidly. The Qi that was originally enough for a dozen Immortal Saints to bathe disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and most of it was consumed soon after.

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