Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2055 It seems like I was biased once

"Oh my god, it's incredible. The speed at which they can absorb the energy of the Great Dao is actually faster than that of more than 20 supreme beings. This is too unbelievable. This is really a fairyland. Guys, are you really going through the Immortal King Tribulation?!"

"It's really unbelievable. It's really unbelievable. How could there be such a heaven-defying existence in this world? Princess Hongwei is already very defiant. She was taught the magical powers of the clan by the Heavenly Dao at a young age. How could these two little girls? She looks even more evil than Princess Hongwei, is this going to change?!"

"Hmm... isn't the clan planning to invade the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the near future? Could it be that these two little girls went to the Chaos Avenue to give the clan a generous gift. The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will definitely fall into the hands of our demigods, and the Heavenly Emperor of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Appearing among these two little girls?"

"Don't say it, it is really possible. Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is a big world that has never appeared before. Among the big worlds controlled by the ethnic group now, there is no big world that can compare with half of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Now the ethnic group has such a big world. These two heaven-defying little monsters are definitely a sign of prosperity, the Avenue of Chaos is really blessing our demigods!"

A group of demigod monks were shocked, and after regaining consciousness for a while, they were pleasantly surprised.

But they don’t know what their expressions will be like when they know that the two little sisters are not demigod monks, but human monks from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Princess Hongwei is here.

She has been searching for a long time and finally found this place. During this period, she sent a message to Emperor Tiantong, but found that it could not be sent out. This made her a little depressed, but she was not worried about anything. She did not feel that the young man in black What can be done to Emperor Tiantong and others? After all, they are all demi-god monks, and Emperor Tiantong and others are quasi-emperor level beings. Even the emperor will not punish Emperor Tiantong and others easily, let alone Lin Nan, who is also a quasi-emperor. Beings at the quasi-emperor level don't have the strength even if they want to punish.

Moreover, her aunt Hong Mi has already arrived. This is the conclusion she came to based on calculations. Although it is not clear why her aunt did not give her legal news after arriving, one thing is certain. In this big world, Except for the Emperor Ming Lu, no one can punish her aunt Hong Mi. Even the ancestors of the demigods have to show some respect to Ming Lu. Therefore, Hong Wei will not even think about the possibility that Hong Mi will be scared away by Lin Nan. To her, this was complete nonsense.

"It is indeed these two little girls, but...the Immortal King Tribulation of these two little things is too terrifying!"

When she came here and saw the two little sisters clearly in the divine pool, Hongwei breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she no longer had to look around. But it was only after she got close that she realized that the thunder tribulation of the two little sisters was really terrifying. Well, her Immortal King Tribulation back then was nothing compared to that of the two little sisters!

Princess Hongwei did not move, because she knew that once she made a move, she would be struck to death by lightning.

Monks kept coming. When they saw the condition of the two little sisters, they kept exclaiming and talking. They felt that the world was about to change, and there were two little monsters who defied the will of heaven.

Of course, no one ignores Princess Hongwei. Since Princess Hongwei arrived, no one uses Princess Hongwei to compare the two sisters. After all, Princess Hongwei is a true pride of heaven and a being chosen by heaven. She is equally extremely It's not simple, and it's not something they can compare to. Although they are all at a higher level than Princess Hongwei, they all know that they are not qualified to evaluate Princess Hongwei's talent.


The lightning and thunder finally fell down, and the two little sisters had already absorbed all the energy of the great path in the divine pool, and now they have separated far away to avoid problems caused by the entanglement of the thunder.


Lin Momo groaned after resisting the first thunderbolt. It hurt, but it was still not unbearable.

Just looking at the sky, she couldn't help but feel a little distressed. The first thunderbolt just now was struck by three lightning bolts. They all fell on her with almost no waste. The following ones would definitely be stronger than this. She I couldn't help but feel that I might not be able to survive the thunderstorm safely.


On the other side, Ling'er was also hit by three lightning bolts, and he couldn't help but scream.

Looking at Lin Momo, Ling'er, who originally wanted to seek comfort, obediently closed her mouth to prevent herself from disturbing Lin Momo's tribulation, which would be a big mistake.

In this way, the little sisters came to survive their own disasters. When they got to the back, even Lin Momo couldn't help but scream when the thunder struck down. Fortunately, there was no danger every time. Although the pain was extremely painful, the little sister couldn't help but scream. Both sisters resisted.

"Oh my god! With this power, even if a half-step immortal saint is hit, he will still be seriously injured. These two little girls actually... This is too unbelievable. If they really survive the Immortal King Tribulation , don’t they have to have the combat power of a half-step Immortal Saint level?!”

"Damn, this is indeed... too outrageous. There has never been a monk in the world who was not weaker than a half-step immortal saint when he was in the Immortal King Realm. But these two little girls... no matter how you look at them, they look like... ...As long as they enter the Immortal King Realm, they have the strength to compete with the Half-Step Immortal Saint in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm. If they are allowed to practice to the peak level of the Immortal King Realm, they can easily kill the Half-step Immortal. Holy!"

"Exactly... what kind of existence can cultivate two little girls like this? This pressure is too terrifying. Wouldn't it be even more outrageous to train these two little girls to exist?!"

As time went by, the monks who came here and watched gradually began to be dumbfounded again. All this gave them a dream-like feeling. It was so unreal, but it happened to be real. The things that happened made their thinking extremely confusing, and they felt that their brains were no longer used.

They are all strong people, powerful enough to carve out a small world in the chaos. Obviously, their brains will never be truly insufficient, but now they really feel that they are not enough. The situation of the two little sisters is the worst they have ever experienced in their lives. See, I have never seen it in the annals of history, and even unofficial histories and some strange stories did not dare to write it like this. It really subverted their cognition!

"This...if these two little girls really have the combat power of a half-step immortal saint, I really can't do anything to them!"

Princess Hongwei frowned. To her, she didn't want to kill the two sisters, she just wanted to teach the two sisters a lesson. But now it seems that Tiandao, who has always been on her side, seems to have been biased. !

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