Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2059 What a magical place

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Normal people, even extremely powerful monks and Taoist level experts, would not choose Shattering Void to escape in this ruins unless absolutely necessary. Even if they choose Shattering Void to escape as a last resort, they would still hesitate. For a moment, they definitely would not leave directly like the two little sisters. It was too straightforward, as if they had already made plans to leave through the Shattering Void.

The fact is just as Hongwei thought. After leaving the Broken Space, the little sisters Lin Momo and Ling'er did not teleport into the killing array, nor did they enter the Jedi. Instead, they came to the place where Xu Lang was. .

"The two little princesses are really heroic. They are indeed heroines. They are worthy of being the precious daughters of the senior and the queen. If it were me, I would never dare to do this."

After seeing the two little sisters, Xu Lang was not surprised, but flattered them with a playful smile.

Long before the two little sisters were about to overcome the tribulation, when he left the Divine Pond, the two of you, miss, were worried that they would be suppressed by a kind of semi-god monk after successfully overcoming the tribulation, so in addition to letting him bless the invisible treasure, you also He was given a small medium magic weapon, and the two sisters controlled the flying magic weapon and came directly to him through the induction of the small medium magic weapon.

This is not a clever method. Any monk who has a similar magic weapon will use it when encountering dangerous situations. Naturally, the three of them will not be stupid enough to think of this method.

As for the half-god monks, they were confused. They didn't know what happened. They couldn't figure out why the two sisters broke through the space in the ruins and escaped. It was just because they didn't know the situation of the two little sisters, and they didn't think about the little sisters. There is just such a treasure.

"Go quickly, go quickly. That old woman Hongwei will definitely think of this. After all, she has not seen you and is very close to my sister and me. After the initial surprise, she will definitely see that my sister and I have already made love." She's ready, she might be coming here now, she has the best holy weapon on her, we can't beat her!"

Ling'er had no intention of listening to Xu Lang's flattery now. Her little heart was beating extremely violently. She was really close to death just now.

To be honest, although she and Lin Momo knew that Hongwei would definitely take out the treasure, they never thought that Hongwei actually had a top-grade holy weapon. It was obvious that the top-grade holy tool was not simple, and it could be activated even if it was not a thought. To unleash all its power, it definitely won’t require too much mental blessing.

Lin Momo didn't say anything, but after putting away the flying magic weapon, she pulled Ba La Ba La and kept talking, but she didn't see Ling'er rushing forward. At the same time, she took out a magic weapon to wrap up Xu Lang and avoid it. Xu Lang, who has not yet overcome the tribulation, and even after the tribulation, cannot keep up with her, is left behind.

"I really guessed it. These two little sisters are not simple. Even if they have strange magic weapons, it is not something ordinary people can do to dare to break through the space teleportation in this ruins."

Hongwei soon arrived at the place where the three of them were just now, and saw the remaining Qi of the three of them, and couldn't help but sigh.

She has seen too many talented people, but it is rare to see talented people like the two little sisters. Especially since the two little sisters are obviously only seven or eight years old, they can already do this. It is really incredible. It's very simple, but it will be absolutely terrifying if it grows up.

"Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is such a magical place, but I wonder if your father is really the Emperor of Heaven and Ten Earths."

While chasing the little sister and Xu Lang in the direction they left, Hongwei kept thinking about the problem in her mind.

She yearns for Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, not because of the human monks in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but because of the great world of the Nine Heavens and the Ten Earths itself. It is a great world full of all kinds of fantasy colors. Nineteen heavenly spirits, this It's a bigger world than ever before.

She knew that no Heavenly Emperor had appeared in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths so far, and the nineteen Heavenly Spirits were still ownerless things. If Lin Nan was really the Heavenly Emperor who emerged from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it would be very interesting, indicating that he was not the only one who controlled the world. Only in this way can she become the Emperor of Heaven. In this way, even if she cannot control a big world in the future, she can still find another way to achieve the status of Emperor of Heaven.

"Huh? That is?"

After chasing for more than two hours, the figures of the three little sisters could be seen clearly, and the distance was gradually getting closer. However, when they saw Lin Momo leading Ling'er and Xu Lang into a curtain of water, , Hongwei couldn't help but be stunned.

Quickly rushing to the water curtain, Hongwei discovered that this was an entrance. The back of the water curtain may be connected to a secret realm, or it may be connected to a Jedi place, but the three little sisters have already entered, and she is here to chase and kill them. With three people here, there was no reason to back down.

Hongwei didn't hesitate for long. After only two or three breaths, she also crossed the water curtain, and then came to a world with beautiful mountains and clear waters. This made her stunned and didn't understand what was going on.

But just when she was about to use her spiritual sense to observe the surrounding situation, she was surprised to find that her divine sense could only explore a ten-mile radius.

"Is this...could this be the core of the entire ruins, where is the inheritance of the quasi-emperor?"

Looking at the birds and beasts around him, and then looking behind him, he saw that the water curtain when he came in had already disappeared. In addition, his spiritual thoughts were imprisoned, and his cultivation was also suppressed. He could only perform the functions equivalent to those of an ordinary true fairyland monk. The combat power, all these factors had to make her think that this was the core of the ruins.

After thinking for a moment, Hongwei walked forward. Judging from the disappearance of the entrance and exit after entering, it seemed that although she and the three sisters all came in through the water curtain, they were teleported to different locations.

Now that her spiritual thoughts are suppressed, she cannot instantly know the situation within a radius of 10,000 to 20,000 miles, so she can only slowly explore, hoping to find the three little sisters.

As for the inheritance of the quasi-emperor, she didn't care. After all, she knew more than one Taoist method at the quasi-emperor level. She even knew the Taoist methods at the Great Emperor level and the Taoist method at the Heavenly Emperor level. Naturally, she looked down on a quasi-emperor who was left behind. The ruins below.

Hongwei didn't know that after she and her three sisters entered this small world, Lin Nan also followed.

Lin Nan is also not interested in the inheritance in this ruins, but he knows that the inheritance in this ruins is not left by a quasi-emperor, but the world in this world at the last moment when it was captured by the demigods. Left behind by the most powerful Supreme Emperor.

The later so-called quasi-emperor only retreated in a palace outside, and did not really take over the ruins.

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