Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2060 Something is not appropriate

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"Why did they fall from the sky? Are they the immortals from the immortal sect on the mountain?"

"It shouldn't be. How could a fairy fall from the sky? In my opinion, this young man who looks very wealthy at first glance must have gone to someone else's fairy gate to steal these two little fairies who are countless times more exquisite than porcelain dolls. , then he was chased and wounded, and then he fell from the sky."

"Isn't this still an immortal? It doesn't make any difference whether you said it or not!"

"It's different, absolutely different. This young man is a thief, and he specializes in stealing cute little fairies. How can such a person be considered a fairy? It can only be... it can only be..."

"What can it be? A fairy thief? Or a fairy thief?"

"This...this...I can't explain it clearly!"

In the fields, a group of villagers wearing coarse linen clothes gathered around the two little sisters and Xu Lang. They didn't point a finger, but they all looked at the three of them in surprise and whispered at the same time.

Lin Momo was in a bad mood. After passing through the water curtain, they actually appeared thousands of feet high in the sky. And because the suppression force of this small world was actually more terrifying than that of the big world, she was caught off guard and fell to the ground instantly. If they hadn't reacted quickly enough, the three of them must have fallen hundreds of feet into the ground. It would definitely not be like ordinary people falling two or three meters like they are now.

"Xu Lang, you are too heavy, it's time to lose weight."

Ling'er also felt very uncomfortable. She glanced at Xu Lang and said viciously, but no matter how she looked at her, she made people think she was fierce. Apart from being unlikable, she would not bring any practical experience to people. Sexual oppression.

"Okay, got it!"

Xu Lang wanted to defend, but didn't know how to speak. After all, although Ling'er was reasonable on weekdays, he was very messy and arrogant when he was unreasonable. He was far inferior to Ling'er in terms of cultivation and arrogance. Therefore it is better to say less.

"Oh, what are they talking about? I have never been there before, but I understand what they mean. Could it be that I have enlightened myself and have the legendary wisdom to become an immortal?"

"Young people just like to think wildly. Stop thinking nonsense. This is the language of the immortals. It can talk to all living things. Even if you are deaf, you can still hear what the immortals say."

"Hey? Didn't you notice? They actually know each other. The young man seems to be afraid of these two little fairies. He is obviously not a fairy thief!"

The villagers who were watching were all surprised after hearing the conversation between the three people. However, after confirming that the three people were fine, they all smiled and never left, but they did not dare to get too close to the three people.

"Where is this?"

Xu Lang stood up and looked at the surrounding villagers and asked.

"This is Sishui Village, and ten miles away is Sishui Town."

The villagers who were originally watching curiously took a few steps back when Xu Lang stood up, and their expressions became nervous. After all, the legendary immortals have great magical powers that can move mountains and fill seas. It would be very difficult to kill ordinary people like them. Just stare and that's it, only one old man said calmly.

"Okay, there's a reward."

Xu Lang smiled, then waved his hand and saw a pile of fairy crystals. But he quickly put the fairy crystals away and took out a pile of gold ingots, one in front of each person, and three in front of the old man who replied. .

"There's nothing to see anymore. Just take the gold and leave."

Xu Lang waved his hand.

The villagers stretched out their hands tremblingly and grabbed the gold ingot in their hands. After confirming that it was all genuine, they couldn't hide their joy. Then they thanked them repeatedly, covered the gold ingot tightly, and ran to the village in unison.

"Hey, didn't you see it? You know how to think about others when doing good deeds, instead of giving them fairy crystals that they can't protect and cannot use at all. But, you are such a big playboy. , why do you have such a useless thing like gold on you?"

After the two little sisters stood up, Linger looked at Xu Lang with a smile and said.

"The storage space is large, and occasionally I like to visit places where mortals live, so I put some gold and silver in the storage magic weapon in case of emergency."

Xu Lang smiled.

"I don't know if Hongwei has followed. Let's go to the Sishui Town first."

Lin Momo said.

Ling'er and Xu Lang have no objections. After all, Lin Momo has the strongest combat power among the three, and relatively speaking, she has more leadership qualities than Ling'er and Xu Lang.


Sishui Town has a river running through the town. There are also rivers at the north and south ends, and there is another river a little further away, hence the name.

Because the waterways are developed and the land routes are not bad, Sishui Town is extremely prosperous. More than 30,000 people live in the town for a long time. Counting the business travelers, the number always remains at around 50,000 to 60,000 people.

Lin Nan was sitting in the lobby of a restaurant, drinking while listening to the discussions of the diners.

He could have found out everything in this small world in one thought, but he didn't do that. Sometimes it would be boring if he knew everything.

A group of people walked in, and Lin Nan could tell at a glance that they were monks, but their level was not very high. Half of them were at the eighth or ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and the other half were in the Foundation Building Stage. There were men and women, a total of fifteen people.

"Brother, there is no empty table. Can you let us dine at the same table with you?"

Just when Lin Nan was about to look away, a woman came over with two teenagers. The woman was a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, and the two teenagers were both monks in the eighth level of Qi refining stage.

The woman was elegant and generous. She had obviously traveled all year round and had extensive experience. The two young men were very young. As monks, they were very nervous when facing Lin Nan, a mortal in their eyes.

Lin Nan smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

The woman saluted and thanked her, and then took the two young men to sit down.

"Sister, I feel that this... this senior is not an easy person. It seems a little inappropriate for us... to sit down like this!"

The two teenagers were on pins and needles after sitting down. One of them was a little uneasy and whispered to the woman, and the other nodded in agreement.

"You two... don't worry, this brother won't do anything to you!"

The woman felt helpless. She was the leader of the team. This time she was ordered to take these junior brothers and sisters down the mountain to practice. The other junior brothers and sisters were all very good. Six of them had even broken through to the foundation building stage. Only these two junior brothers beside her From the moment I came down the mountain, I always felt that everyone at the foot of the mountain was like a dragon, worrying wherever I went.

"Uncle Master said that you are addicted to the biographies of those strong men day by day. How can there be so many powerful men in the world who live in seclusion in the world? Don't read them anymore, lest you walk around the world with nothing but the shadow of a snake."

The woman said earnestly.

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