Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2064 There is an opportunity

"Oh, my respected little princess Ling'er, I didn't bully her, I was just trying to untie her knot."

Hearing Ling'er's roar, Xu Lang quickly removed the restraint and ran to the two sisters with a smile.

"Untie the knot? I'm warning you, don't be merciful here, otherwise my father will take back all the magic methods that my sister and I taught you, and he will no longer let your father teach you the magic skills. You can watch it yourself. manage."

When Ling'er heard this, he immediately remembered the scene when he first met Xu Lang, and couldn't help but squinting at Xu Lang and warning.

"This... how can my vision be... okay, I'll just listen to the little princess!"

Xu Lang originally wanted to say how could he have such bad taste? When he was in Fuchun City in the Xuanwu Star Region of the First Sky, all the local residents spread rumors and slander about him. He would never treat ordinary women. No woman who is not an immortal would be able to catch her eye. Although Li Sir's qualifications and appearance were not bad, she was still far from being able to attract him.

But he was worried that as soon as he said these words, he would be attacked by a group of Danxia Sect disciples, so he could only change his words quickly.

"Ling'er, just let Xu Lang teach Li Guanyun and Li Guanfeng. Stop messing around and practice Taoism with peace of mind. I can now explore the eleven-mile range."

Lin Momo, who had been meditating quietly, opened her eyes, glanced at Ling'er, and gave orders without any doubt.

"Princess Momo, I also want to practice Taoism with peace of mind and let Princess Ling'er play as she pleases."

Xu Lang became excited when he heard that the range that his spiritual mind could detect could actually be increased.

"You do whatever my sister asks you to do. You have no right to bargain. Do you want to be beaten?"

Ling'er immediately glared at Xu Lang. Although she really wanted to play, she still listened to what Lin Momo said.

What's more, Xu Lang dared to bargain with his sister. He really didn't know what was good or bad. If he was allowed to taste the sweetness, he would not be able to return to his dandy temperament in the Red Star Territory in the future?

In this way, the two little sisters meditated quietly, and Xu Lang explained the most basic principles of swordsmanship to Li Guanyun and Li Guanfeng.

At first, only Li Guanyun and Li Guanfeng took Xu Lang's sermon seriously and listened seriously. However, after Xu Lang had only spoken a few words, the other Danxia Sect disciples were already so shocked that they sat cross-legged and listened carefully to Xu Lang's sermon. sermon.

Even Li Sirer, who was originally in a complicated mood, was shocked when she heard Xu Lang talk about sword training. She quickly landed the flying magic weapon on a mountain. She also sat cross-legged and listened with the other junior brothers and sisters.

"Xu...Senior, can a monk like me who has reached the foundation-building stage still switch to swordsmanship?"

When Xu Lang paused and said that he had finished speaking and would stop here for the time being, Li Sirer hurriedly asked about the doubts in his heart.

The rest of the people also looked at Xu Lang nervously, even the monks in the Qi refining stage. After all, they did not practice swordsmanship from the beginning like Li Guanyun and Li Guanfeng. Now they met an outsider like Xu Lang. It was just the most basic introduction to cultivation, but it actually made them feel deeply mysterious, which made them all want to switch to swordsmanship.


Xu Lang responded succinctly.

Not to mention young monks changing laws, changing the way has been uncommon since ancient times. Although most of them failed, there were not a few who succeeded and became extremely powerful.

What's more, Li Si'er, the strongest young monks in the late stage of foundation building.

"Changing to swordsmanship is not something that can be solved in a day or two. Aren't you going to practice it? Solve it first, and then return to your sect. We will stay for a while and let Xu Lang teach you."

Lin Momo opened her eyes again. Now her mind could detect the situation within a radius of thirty miles, but it seemed that she had hit a barrier and could no longer expand outward for a while, so she stopped doing useless work.

After Xu Lang answered, Li Sirer and others, who had not had time to be happy, immediately responded after hearing Lin Momo's words.

Not long after, Ling'er also opened her eyes. Like Lin Momo, she was now able to detect the situation within a radius of thirty miles.

The group set off again and soon arrived outside a small town. This place was about 1,100 miles away from Sishui Town, but it was very different from Sishui Town. In addition to being more prosperous than Sishui Town, There is also a hall of the Demon Cult stationed there.

"The last target of the mission assigned to us by the elders this time is the Demon Cult branch in the town ahead. They have three monks in the foundation building stage, and the rest are in the Qi refining stage or some mortals."

After landing on a road, Li Sirer said to Lin Momo.

Along the way, she has learned that the one among the three who can make the decision is Lin Momo. Although Ling'er and Xu Lang can also give opinions, no matter what the situation, Ling'er will take Lin Momo as the standard. Xu Lang's opinion seemed to be of little use.

"Then you go over there. If you encounter an opponent that you can't solve, you can ask Ling'er to help you."

Lin Momo said.


Before Li Si'er could speak, Ling'er had already responded, and then ran towards the town happily.

"Ling'er, come back!"

Lin Momo shouted with a calm face.

"What's wrong!"

Ling'er came back with her little head drooped and asked sullenly.

"This is a task assigned to them by their sect, and it is also for them to hone their skills. You can join in the fun, but you cannot take over the task and solve it directly for them."

Lin Momo said.

"I know, Ling'er will just play some minor roles on the side. If something unexpected happens, just take action and solve it for them!"

Ling'er was still a little unhappy. It was clearly a group of small characters, and she could only play marginal characters. This was like using a magic sword to shoot ants, which was too boring.

Li Si'er and others ignored this, saluted Lin Momo and walked towards the town, regardless of whether Ling'er would follow or not.

"It's like beating them up!"

Seeing that the Danxia Sect disciples did not let her lead the group, Ling'er clenched her pink fists and waved. These little things were really rude.

Lin Momo just smiled and didn't say anything, while Ling'er also complained and walked towards the town.

Just after Ling'er and others entered the town, Lin Nan walked over.

"Father, are you here?"

Lin Momo felt something, and looked behind her. When she saw Lin Nan, she couldn't help but froze. Then she ran over with great joy, jumped directly into Lin Nan's arms, and rubbed her pink face like a clingy kitten. Lin Nan's cheek.

"The world here is not trivial. There is an opportunity. You and Ling'er don't need it, but you can guide the aborigines and let them try it."

Lin Nan said calmly.

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