Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2065 Senior please include

Lin Nan took a look at the small town in front of him. There was an ambush there. Li Sirer and others had been informed by the Demon Cult members along the way, and they already knew that many of them had entered the foundation building stage, so they transferred here. A large number of masters aimed to kill these talented disciples of Danxia Sect, especially Li Sirer, in this small town.

But now that Ling'er has accompanied Li Sirer and his party into the town, the Demon Sect will naturally not succeed again. After all, although Ling'er's combat power has been suppressed now, he still has the combat power of an ordinary late-stage true fairyland. Even if the Demon Sect comes, He killed more than a dozen monks in the foundation building stage and one monk in the alchemy stage, but his death was just in vain. Ling'er was not so depressed that he could not deal with the monks who had not become immortals.

Xu Lang came to Lin Nan and just saluted without saying anything and stood quietly aside.

Lin Momo remained the same as before, not because after many experiences, she lost her attachment to Lin Nan and was still the clingy little one.

Not long after, Ling'er led Li Si'er and others out of the town. When he saw Lin Nan, Ling'er was stunned for a moment, then used his body skills to run over, and jumped directly into the forest like Lin Momo. In Lin Nan's arms, she rubbed her pink little face against Lin Nan's cheek like a kitten.

Over there, Li Sirer and others were stunned. Although they had been mentally prepared, when they saw Lin Nan again, they couldn't help but become cautious, especially since Ling'er had easily killed two people in the small town just now. The Golden Core Realm monks were killed, and several Foundation Establishment Stage monks were killed as well. This made it so that although some of their group were injured, no one died, which deeply shocked them.

Now that they see Lin Nan again, they can no longer associate Lin Nan with the ordinary people in the restaurant in Sishui Town. They really can't imagine what kind of person Lin Nan is who can teach a daughter like Ling'er. , how terrifying it is!

"Greetings, senior!"

After a long time, Li Sirer and others came to their senses. Under the leadership of Li Sirer, the Danxia Sect monks walked up to Lin Nan and saluted Lin Nan respectfully.

"No need to be polite, you can go as you please, I'm just watching from the side, don't worry about me."

Lin Nan, who was holding the two little girls in his arms, put the two little sisters down after saying this, regardless of whether they wanted to or not, and asked them to continue traveling along the pre-agreed route. He was just Watch from the sidelines.

The two little sisters were a little unhappy, but Lin Nan had already spoken, so they could only do as Lin Nan wanted. They looked at Lin Nan sadly, then talked with Li Sirer, and soon decided to return directly. Danxia Sect.

The Danxia Sect is more than 7,000 miles away from here, and is the first sect within a radius of 10,000 miles. There are strong men in the Nascent Soul Stage in the sect, but now that Li Si'er and others have seen Ling'er's strength, they feel that they are young After the sisters and others went to Danxia Sect, they would definitely not think that Danxia Sect was so great, not to mention that in addition to the three of them, there was also an unfathomable Lin Nan. This put a lot of pressure on Li Sirer. While the magic weapon flew everyone towards Danxia Sect, he notified the headmaster of Danxia Sect of everything that happened today.

Danxia Sect is located in a mountain range. It is an area with rich spiritual energy within a radius of thousands of miles. There are also many natural treasures and rare animals, which are not comparable to those of the surrounding small sects.

There are more than 100,000 disciples in the sect, but almost all of them are monks in the Qi Refining Stage. There are only more than a thousand monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage. From this, it can be seen that Li Sirer's group of disciples is indeed a talented team of Danxia Sect. It is no wonder that Demon In order to ambush Li Sirer and others, the teaching dispatched more than ten monks in the foundation-building stage, and also sent two golden elixir realm monks to suppress the formation.

When Lin Nan and his party arrived at Danxia Sect, the headmaster of Danxia Sect had already led people to wait in front of the mountain gate. A seven or eight-year-old girl could easily kill two demon sect golden elixir realm monks, which was enough for them to respect them. We are here as guests, not to mention not just one little girl, but two, and a young man who has never taken action and is destined to be not simple. Especially the father of the two little girls is also here. This makes Danxia Sect Master Don't dare to show any slightness.

The Danxia Sect is the absolute overlord within a radius of 10,000 miles, and is also the first echelon sect within a radius of 100,000 miles. However, this world is too vast, and a Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse cannot walk through it all in his life. It is endless. It is not that no strong men from other places have passed through this area over the years. The Danxia Sect was not the overlord within a radius of ten thousand miles a hundred thousand years ago. They only developed after a passing strong man destroyed the previous generation of overlords. Therefore, The leaders of the Danxia Sect in the past generations have been very cautious, fearing that they would provoke beings that they should not provoke like the previous generation of overlords.

When they saw the four Lin Nan people, the headmaster of the Danxia Sect and all the elders couldn't help but be stunned. If it weren't for the extraordinary appearance of the four Lin Nan people, they would never have believed that they were monks, because they had no energy at all. The secrets did not leak out, but were just like ordinary people, but it was precisely because of this that the headmaster of the Danxia Sect and the elders were more cautious. The four of them could not see the existence of cultivation at all. This was definitely not their Danxia Sect. A strong man who can afford to be offended.

For a moment, all the people in power in the Danxia Sect couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. They were both afraid and thankful for a while. If Li Sirer and others had not made friends with the four Lin Nan people, but provoked these four absolute strong men, then what would have happened a hundred thousand years ago? The scene that happened to a generation of overlords might happen to their Danxia Sect!

"Senior, we have prepared a place to stay. Danxia Sect is a small sect, so it will inevitably be a little shabby. Senior, please accommodate us."

The headmaster of Danxia Sect led a group of elders to greet him, bowed respectfully to Lin Nan, and spoke respectfully and somewhat reservedly.

The disciples who were guarding the door in the distance and those who were out or returning couldn't help but be shocked when they saw this scene. They didn't understand how powerful Lin Nan and his group were, and they actually made the headmaster and all the elders in the sect so embarrassed. It was really unbelievable to be greeted like this. They had never seen such a scene.

Li Si'er and others were not surprised at all. After all, they had all heard Xu Lang's sermons and had seen Ling'er slap a demon sect's Golden Core cultivator. It was understandable that the leader and the elders were so polite. After all, who He didn't know how terrifying and powerful Lin Nan was, who could teach a daughter like Ling'er. The best choice was to receive her carefully and respectfully.

“There’s no need to be particular about where you live, as long as it’s a quiet place.”

Lin Nan said calmly, and then motioned to the headmaster of Danxia Sect to lead the way.

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