Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2067 Hongwei’s power

Half a month has passed. Lin Nan is very comfortable in Danxia Sect, always staying in the back mountain. No one knows why a strong man like him would fall in love with Danxia, ​​who is quiet and has no mysterious artistic conception at all. The main peak is behind the mountain.

On this day, Li Si'er, who had already adjusted her mentality and practiced swordsmanship with Xu Lang with her junior brothers and sisters, finally couldn't help but ask this question when she saw Ling'er again.

Li Guanyun, Li Guanfeng and others also immediately gathered around. With Xu Lang's cultivation and proficient magical powers, it would be easy to teach them to the Immortal Realm. What's more, they are just young monks who are worthy of entry. But no matter who they are, they always admire and are curious about the strong.

"When my mother is not around, everything is the same for my father. Everything is so boring. If my mother is around, my father won't just stay in one place."

Ling'er said these words without thinking.

Li Sirer and others were stunned for a long time. After all, they were monks without a Taoist partner, and they had never thought about having a Taoist partner. They seemed to be devoted to practicing Taoism, and were not attracted to any monks of the opposite sex. They could not figure it out for a while. The meaning behind Ling'er's words wasn't until he noticed Ling'er looking at them like fools that he came back to his senses and remembered the deeds of those immortal couples.

"I don't envy mandarin ducks or immortals. I have heard countless stories about the love affairs of various gods and immortals. I think that compared with the seniors and the mother of the little princess, those gods and immortals are not inferior at all. At least existences like seniors are actually... Because the little princess's mother is not around, she feels that time is the same scenery everywhere without any difference. This is something that those gods and couples cannot compare to!"

Li Sirer sighed.

"That's natural."

Ling'er said very proudly.

In the eyes of the little girl, her father and mother are the most loving couple in the world throughout the ages, and absolutely no one can match the love between her parents.

"Yesterday, I heard that there was a ruins six thousand miles away. Several nearby sects that were no weaker than the Danxia Sect have already sent people there. There are also countless small sects who want to pick up some benefits. The leader of the Danxia Sect has also sent people there. Bring someone there, we might as well go over and have a look.”

Lin Momo came over, took a look at Li Sirer and others, and said calmly, quite like Lin Nan.


Xu Lang nodded.

Now that Li Sirer has entered the Golden Core Realm, Li Guanyun and Li Guanfeng and other Qi Refining Stage monks have also entered the Foundation Establishment Stage. Some of the monks who have entered the Foundation Establishment Stage before have broken through to a small level, and some have achieved a breakthrough. Two small levels, this is the result of Xu Lang using good heavenly materials and earthly treasures to train their bodies. He has also taught them the swordsmanship suitable for practice at this stage, and it is time to practice it.

"Okay, okay, I'll call dad right now."

When Ling'er heard this, he immediately became energetic and immediately ran towards the back mountain of Danxia Peak.

"Ling'er, it's up to him to decide whether he goes or not. We are still in the process of training. You can't act recklessly just because your father is by your side."

Lin Momo stopped Ling'er and said seriously.

"I didn't say that I wanted my father to take action. They are just a group of young monks. They can solve it easily. There is no need for my father to take action. My sister really likes to make a fuss out of a molehill!"

Ling'er complained aggrievedly, but also walked back instead of running to call Lin Nan.


Hongwei is in a very good mood now. Even though her current spiritual sense can only detect a radius of a hundred miles, and the range she can detect is not as large as that of a young Golden Core monk, her combat power is there. Here, This small world is invincible.

The most important thing is that she didn't expect that when she was tracking the three little sisters, she could actually come to the small world where the remnants of the human race lived. The moment she entered here, she was still confused. This small world was so weird. She didn't know how to get out of it. When she saw members of the human race in the mountains, she realized that this was where the remnants of the human race lived.

She also realized that Lin Nan and the three little sisters were definitely the remnants of the human race who came out of this small world, and did not come from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths at all.

This can explain why Lin Nan and others appeared outside the ruins when they were opened. It can also explain why the two sisters were so bold inside the ruins and dared to break through the space instantly inside the ruins. shift.

As for why the two little sisters know about the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it is easy to understand. It is not a secret to attack the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Many demigods and immortal kings in the outside world know about it. Lin Nan can deal with Emperor Tiantong and others. As for her aunt, she must have mobilized the large formation in the ruins, but she must not be too weak. She must be a Dao Ancestor Realm monk as she thought when they first met.

Only the native human race of the big world will not be targeted by the spirits of the sky when walking outside. If they really come from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, even if they are the same human race, they will be picked out instantly. This also explains why Lin Nan Others are walking in the big world without being noticed.

When she came to this small world, Hongwei was worried that she would meet an overly powerful being, a remnant like Lin Nan, but after traveling hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, she realized that there were actually no successful people here. Most of the young immortal monks were under the Nascent Soul stage, so they posed no threat to her.

Now she has conquered thirteen sects and arrived in the territory of Danxia Sect. She did not go to Danxia Sect, but because she got news that there were ruins here.

Before entering the small world, she believed that the ruins were only left behind by a semi-god quasi-emperor. But now she has changed her mind. With her identity, she is naturally qualified to view the files of the aboriginal human race in the big world. She knows that only the human race of the past can be found today. The remains of the strongest man have not been found.

That is a being who has no time to surrender to the spirit of the sky, but is qualified to be called the Emperor of Heaven in any aspect. Although he does not have the combat power of the Emperor of Heaven, he is invincible under the Emperor of Heaven. If he can get his inheritance, the future of the Great Dao The road will definitely go further.

This is why after Hongwei heard that there were ancient ruins coming out, she hurriedly led her current subordinates to come in a hurry, for fear that this was the location of the inheritance left by the strongest man in the human race in the past.

If a group of small remnants were to take away the inheritance, then she would have no place to cry. After all, she could not determine whether the inheritance of the strongest human race in the big world in the past was passed down through physical things or consciousness.

"Huh? Why are they?"

As soon as she arrived at the place, Hongwei saw three guys who made her unhappy.

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