Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2068 Please approve the alliance leader!

Although Hongwei is strong, she no longer has a suppressive advantage after the two little sisters overcome the tribulation. The two little sisters are completely able to compete with her. But now there are no strong demigods around her, only a group of the strongest The young monks in the Nascent Soul Stage had no way of interfering in the battle between her and the two sisters.

Even if these newly conquered men are allowed to compete for opportunities, there is Xu Lang on the two sisters' side, and they can easily deal with her men.

The current situation is very unfavorable for Hongwei. She originally hoped that this ruins would be the inheritance left by the strongest person in the human race. However, Hongwei now hopes that this is just the ruins left by a young monk. Only then can she truly to ensure her interests.

Afterwards, find a way to leave the small world and bring in a group of powerful demigods. Then you don’t have to be afraid when you meet the two little sisters. Even if you meet Lin Nan, as long as she brings in a few Dao Ancestor realm beings, you don’t have to worry at all. What, you can even kill Lin Nan's family directly here.

In an instant, Hongwei thought a lot, and finally came to the conclusion that she would hide temporarily and not conflict with the two sisters. If this ruins were just ordinary ruins, she would not argue anymore and go out directly to bring in reinforcements. If that was the case, A place of inheritance left by a strong man, she secretly took action at the critical moment.

But unfortunately, before she could change her appearance and energy, the two little sisters had already discovered her.

The two little sisters only discovered Hongwei the moment after Hongling discovered them. Now Hongwei's dress has changed drastically, and she doesn't show off her anger, but they can't help Hongwei being too prominent among the stars.

"Hongwei, you little bitch, let me see if I can't kill you today!"

After Ling'er came back to her senses, her eyes suddenly flashed with light, and she shouted and was about to rush towards Hongwei. Fortunately, she was pulled by Lin Momo beside her, so she didn't rush over directly.

But the little girl was still extremely excited, because she knew that she would definitely have a fight with Hongwei today. Her sister pulled her just to prevent Hongwei, who had arrived here earlier than them, from setting up a forbidden killing array.

"How could this little thing dare to be so rude to the leader of the alliance? How brave he is!"

"How presumptuous!"

"I'm definitely looking for death when I'm tired of living!"

The monks surrounding Hongwei immediately became angry after hearing Ling'er's words.

Although they were surprised that the two little sisters grew up so delicately and lovely, Hongwei beside them was not bad either. She was definitely the most beautiful in the world, and no one could match her in ancient times. The two little sisters might be even more beautiful than Hongwei when they grow up. Fascinating, but obviously not possible these days.

What's more, their subordinates know very well how powerful Hongwei is. Three days ago, a powerful man in the transformation stage passed by. He was so aloof and arrogant that he didn't take Hongwei seriously and even wanted to be lucky. Hongwei, she was crushed to death by Hongwei with just one finger. This level of fighting power was really terrifying. They were far from being able to provoke them, let alone two little girls who looked like they had not yet been weaned. .

"Hongwei, Princess Ling'er of the Lin clan's imperial clan is not talking about you. Your requirements are too low. Before entering the ruins, you had a group of quasi-emperors who were your lackeys anyway. How did you end up here? Then, you found such trash as your lackeys?"

Ling'er clicked her tongue in surprise.

"Wow...you are so brave, you little evildoer. You are so daring. You dare to belittle us like this, and you dare to despise the leader of the alliance. You simply don't know how to live or die!"

"His grandma's, whose doll is running out of here? Look, Grandpa, I will kill this little pup who can't spit out ivory from his mouth today!"

"Isn't that Li Sirer from Danxia Sect? The others are also disciples of Danxia Sect. This Danxia Sect is so bold that he allows his disciples to provoke the leader. Do you think the leader is a paper tiger?"

"Hahaha... It's not surprising that it's the Danxia Sect. They really don't have long memories. Their predecessor was completely wiped out because he offended a passing strongman in the transformation stage. The Danxia Sect now actually wants to Following the old path, the more you live, the more you go back. You must know that the leader of the alliance could crush a strong man in the God Transformation stage with just one finger three days ago. Do the old people of Danxia Sect think that I am tricking them?"

Hearing Ling'er's words again, the monks became even more angry. The first time they were talking about Hongwei, they still wanted to stay out of the matter, but now they were brought in directly. How could they not be angry?

Especially after someone recognized Li Sirer and others, they became even more unscrupulous. None of these sects were afraid of the Danxia Sect in a one-on-one fight, not to mention that now they are in the same spirit, and they have a leader like Hongwei. Sitting in charge, the Little Danxia Sect is simply a joke in their eyes.

"What can we do!"

The headmaster of Danxia Sect and a group of elders and disciples were very anxious not far away, but they did not dare to come forward to talk.

They knew that the two little sisters were powerful, and they also knew that Lin Nan was unfathomable, but Ling'er had only killed the Jindan realm monks. He himself might only have the cultivation level of Nascent Soul stage, but Hongwei crushed one to death with just one finger. There is absolutely no comparison between the two who are powerful in the transformation stage.

Although they felt that Lin Nan might not be weaker than Hongwei, or even stronger, Lin Nan was not here now. If something went wrong between the two little sisters, even if Lin Nan rushed over, it would be too late. Finally, they pointed out that Maybe it’s their Danxia Sect that suffers the most!

"You little thing are really interesting. I will fight with you today to see how much you weigh."

Hongwei's face didn't look good. She originally didn't want to directly conflict with the two sisters, but now she had to take action. After all, the ruins had not been fully opened, and it was determined that it was not an ordinary ruin. She was not sure whether it was the one who It is the inheritance place of the strong, so it is absolutely impossible to retreat now.

"Alliance leader, they are just two unweaned cubs. Just let your subordinates go to fight. I will kill them both with one strike to save the alliance leader!"

"My subordinates also request to go to war and kill these two annoying little brats for the alliance leader. I also ask for the alliance leader's approval!"


All of a sudden, people kept asking Hongwei to fight.

In their opinion, the two little sisters are really little babies who have not yet been weaned. They can kill the two little sisters with just a wave of their hands. There is no need for the leader of the alliance to take action personally. In that case, it will be too cheap for those two ignorant people. Little cub.

"A bunch of losers, if you can kill them both with one palm, I have already been killed by you, so why should you surrender to me?"

Hongwei glanced at the nearby men impatiently, feeling annoyed in her heart. These guys are so useless!

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